feminism screwed women over, notice so many women r single and miserble

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
There is a natural essence in all people and things. The things that need to be done are best done a certain way. Your concept of what you think the structure should be are actually detrimental UNLESS you are spending time matching your framework to the natural and mathematic essence of the people and of the work.

For instance: children are healthier with both parents who are content with living all together forever and all full siblings. Not that other arrangements can't work, but we should recognize the facts and encouraging the "right" behavior. "Right" being defined strictly scientifically. "Right" meaning "healthiest" "most efficient" "most comfortable" shyt like that.

The problem with all ideologies is that they apply some singular principle to all aspects of life. The rules for making a great Thanksgiving are different from the rules for having a great vacation (one requires alot of top down management, sleep deprivation, and constant work, the other is almost the opposite).

Ism-ism is always wack. It's too narrow. Practice Everythingism.


EscoBeard Season Has Returned
May 1, 2012
#CertLife #ITGang
Dont talk about the "natural order of things" and leave out the gaping hole of men not playing their role. These women wouldn't be out breadwinning if nikkas were doing their jobs as men and being providers worthy of "submission". Instead u wanna come up with every excuse under the sun for why women should sumbit to men who cant lead. There is a deficit of manhood women have been forced to fill

Look at u exemplifying this generation's bytchassness. You make my stomach turn. Someone hits u with some truth u cant handle and u wanna start running around negging nikkas. Dawg thats not what men do :swagscust:

Man kick rocks, Caitlyn; stay putting words on people's keyboards to support your moist garbage, been noticed that about you. First, I didn't say anything about a woman submitting to a man who can't lead. I don't support layabouts. Men are supposed to support the family. Luckily, there are still a few women out there who still subscribe to this and havent been brainwashed by the likes of you and the rest of these harlots.

Secondly, you're an African, who married a white woman, who still has the nerve to spew tripe concerning the dynamic of the AA community, and you're calling ME disgusting? You? WHAT? Oh hell nah. I guess we should all be "real men" like you, turn tail and abandon our culture.

Matter of fact, if you see my posts in the gym, don't quote me no more. I'm tired of ya shyt
Jun 6, 2015
Dont talk about the "natural order of things" and leave out the gaping hole of men not playing their role. These women wouldn't be out breadwinning if nikkas were doing their jobs as men and being providers worthy of "submission". Instead u wanna come up with every excuse under the sun for why women should sumbit to men who cant lead. There is a deficit of manhood women have been forced to fill

Look at u exemplifying this generation's bytchassness. You make my stomach turn. Someone hits u with some truth u cant handle and u wanna start running around negging nikkas. Dawg thats not what men do :swagscust:

Are you fukking serious? So basically you're saying men should do everything for themselves AND women, and women don't have to do shyt?

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
But they can make men stronger...

The glory and grace the woman of today has lost...

There is a natural essence in all people and things. The things that need to be done are best done a certain way. Your concept of what you think the structure should be are actually detrimental UNLESS you are spending time matching your framework to the natural and mathematic essence of the people and of the work.

For instance: children are healthier with both parents who are content with living all together forever and all full siblings. Not that other arrangements can't work, but we should recognize the facts and encouraging the "right" behavior. "Right" being defined strictly scientifically. "Right" meaning "healthiest" "most efficient" "most comfortable" shyt like that.

The problem with all ideologies is that they apply some singular principle to all aspects of life. The rules for making a great Thanksgiving are different from the rules for having a great vacation (one requires alot of top down management, sleep deprivation, and constant work, the other is almost the opposite).

Ism-ism is always wack. It's too narrow. Practice Everythingism.
Jun 6, 2015
Thank you for going ahead and proving that college has no real effect on knowledge.
We (black women) have been working behind the scenes for just as long as men have or did you forget that men and women arrived on the same slave ships with the same exact work load. Now that we finally have a voice to make the CHOICE to either stay home and be a dutiful wife and mother or a career driven money monster. You're scared that one day these women will surpass you in all ways. SHeed we don't even need yall to make babies anymore. We CAN have it all. In fact thanks to feminism we can have a man just like you mr. degree stay home and care for the home and the children while we bring that bacon to the table.

Welcome to 2015 honey.

Lol you don't need men to make babies? Unless women can grow dikks now and create sperm, yes you do. That insemination shyt takes a man's sperm.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
You putting words in my mouth . . nobody's saying anything about financial support. Nor does this apply to me, I got mine. If you can't UPLIFT your man . . bytch . . what the fukk do you have to offer then? He isn't gaining anything from you spiritually or mentally from you . . you just a lay down hoe? . . only good for your p*ssy and what he can do for you? Play your damn part, nobody's saying you need to get shyt
Lol. Im a dude breh. Dont assume because I aint on that woe is me bullshyt Im a broad.

And like I said.... if a man needs a woman to make him want to be more than he is..... hes not a man IMO. He might want to be better for her in part, but thats something that has to come OUT OF HIM.... not something he has to be TOLD TO DO.
Here . . you'd be flopping on the floor for a man who's already got his but you ain't worth shyt enough to build with. Who the fukk is gonna build a kingdom with you?
You are making the mistake of assuming every dude with nothing is building towards something greater. A lot of these nikkas crying are just losers :mjlol:

You ever play chess bytch? - what's the strongest piece.
The queen :dead:

There's many woman in a kingdom, there's one queen. Walt Disney got all you woman with confused with little girl princess complexes thinking you're all princesses. How can that be when there's one queen? I can already see you don't have the self-esteem in you. You're too worried about your insecurity with your own place in the world to be someone that someone can BUILD with. You're a weak link in the foundation . . so ya, settle with some man who's a "victim to circumstance" and you can be that to . . cause you can't be an actual woman and make something of yourselves together


The fact that u cant tell a man who is tired of watching his brehs self victimize and make excuses for not handling business from a "thirsty bytch" speaks to the quality of your knowledge. Do u tho :mido:

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
Lol. Im a dude breh. Dont assume because I aint on that woe is me bullshyt Im a broad.

And like I said.... if a man needs a woman to make him want to be more than he is..... hes not a man IMO. He might want to be better for her in part, but thats something that has to come OUT OF HIM.... not something he has to be TOLD TO DO.

You are making the mistake of assuming every dude with nothing is building towards something greater. A lot of these nikkas crying are just losers :mjlol:

The queen :dead:

The fact that u cant tell a man who is tired of watching his brehs self victimize and make excuses for not handling business from a "thirsty bytch" speaks to the quality of your knowledge. Do u tho :mido:

Oh . .

well that's from your point of view then . . I also can't understand what kind of sorry dude needs someone else to uplift him his spirit and inspire him to make something of himself . . but that's my standard for a quality woman

Ya . . the queen dummy :stopitslime: . . because behind every great man is a great woman .. you think high quality men of value are settling for chump bytches? :mjpls: and here you are acting like you have no standard for the woman you get close with?

. . but hey man . . if those are your standards, you keep those fall down bytches in your life :youngsabo: wife them up . . bytch ain't good for nothing more than a gas station job and will never amount to more, literally doesn't have the capacity . . and you gonna build your kingdom with her :mjlol:
Jul 5, 2015
US of A
Women were happy? :mjlol:

You mean the men were.
three things

1) I didn't say capitalism was bad, I specified saying that america's was at fault here.

2) just because most country's use it doesn't mean it's the best. Most American's are fat, does that mean being fat is the best body shape?

3) The reason most countries use it is because its we simply never really tried any other economic system. You can point to the Soviet Union/Chine but neither of those countries were anything close to actual Communism.
Yes we have. The simple trade system our ancestors used where I give you something and you give me something. An agricultural based system. A system where the king has complete power and governs most of the money. A slave based system that the Romans used. We didn't just come up with Capitalism out of our ass. It works and that's why you and me aren't poor as fukk slaving away for a king. It gives an incentive for competition and that's why we have so much technology today.

Just out of curiosity, could you tell me another economic system you think is better?

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
brehs . . Wally Russell shuts down another thread


unparalleled knowledge, unbridled insight :obama: