feminism screwed women over, notice so many women r single and miserble

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
that's the point im making the dudes in here are saying women are incapable of making good decisions and that men absolutely have to be the head of the household. I disagree with that. I think both people should do it. Men shouldn't get the final say or the weightier vote or anything like that. It should be equal.

Everything should be equal that I agree on, however there has do be a head, there are going to be things that as a couple you are going to totally disagree on. What happens then? Do you or him just do what you want at that point? If there is a understood headship, then there is no see sawing of guessing "Well if I seem upset enough, he or she might do this or that this time" There needs to be headship in everything we as humans do, but it needs to be fair.

If you find a husband that is like "hey, look you be the head" then that's find too, but over all men tend to be better leaders than followers and women tend to want a leader and not a follower.

Its just like a parent and a kid (a good relationship between the two), you can be as grown as you want. But what your mom and dad wants or needs weighs heavier than what anyone else needs if they ask for something you dont have to do it but out of respect of the headship you have for them you probably will and in return you know they will look out for you love and care for you always and forever.


Nov 25, 2014
How is someone running when they would rather work and put food on the table? The point is that men are hard wired to be breadwinners. This isn't to say women aren't just as capable but your statement that there's a rising number of stay at home dads is useless without a bit of depth and perspective. The majority of these men aren't choosing to stay home. On the contrary, the majority of women who are in the same position chose to stay at home....
I would love to see this data examining the choices of male stay at home parents.

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Everything should be equal that I agree on, however there has do be a head, there are going to be things that as a couple you are going to totally disagree on. What happens then? Do you or him just do what you want at that point? If there is a understood headship, then there is no see sawing of guessing "Well if I seem upset enough, he or she might do this or that this time" There needs to be headship in everything we as humans do, but it needs to be fair.

If you find a husband that is like "hey, look you be the head" then that's find too, but over all men tend to be better leaders than followers and women tend to want a leader and not a follower.

Its just like a parent and a kid (a good relationship between the two), you can be as grown as you want. But what your mom and dad wants or needs weighs heavier than what anyone else needs if they ask for something you dont have to do it but out of respect of the headship you have for them you probably will and in return you know they will look out for you love and care for you always and forever.

We're just going to have to disagree because this sounds horrible.


All Star
Nov 19, 2014
I would love to see this data examining the choices of male stay at home parents.

I'm not @Matt504. I actually have statistics to solidify my claims.

While most stay-at-home parents are mothers, fathers represent a growing share of all at-home parents – 16% in 2012, up from 10% in 1989. Roughly a quarter of these stay-at-home fathers (23%) report that they are home mainly because they cannot find a job. Nearly as many (21%) say the main reason they are home is to care for their home or family. This represents a fourfold increase from 1989, when only 5% of stay-at-home fathers said they were home primarily to care for family.

Still, the largest share of stay-at-home fathers (35%) is at home due to illness or disability. This is in sharp contrast to stay-at-home mothers, most of whom (73%) report that they are home specifically to care for their home or family4; just 11% are home due to their own illness or disability.

Growing Number of Dads Home with the Kids

check it out. I'm here posted :sas2:

Playa With Tha Passport

Mr International
Nov 8, 2014
University City
The fukk are you arguing about black men go through more bull shyt then ANYONE. Which I said in my last post.

You said black women have no obstacles and troubles which is bull shyt.

And you taking about fukking another dudes gf but you another nikka with multiple baby mommas that's bitter about women :russ:. The jokes write themselves.

There my bms not gfs or my wifeys breh.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
the dudes on this site want me to fail soooo badly :wow:

It's actually getting sad.

You admittedly sold out considering you're marrying an exotical but I don't have any ill will towards you.
Be sure to post photos of the wedding to make 'em mad.


Nov 25, 2014
I'm not @Matt504. I actually have statistics to solidify my claims.

While most stay-at-home parents are mothers, fathers represent a growing share of all at-home parents – 16% in 2012, up from 10% in 1989. Roughly a quarter of these stay-at-home fathers (23%) report that they are home mainly because they cannot find a job. Nearly as many (21%) say the main reason they are home is to care for their home or family. This represents a fourfold increase from 1989, when only 5% of stay-at-home fathers said they were home primarily to care for family.

Still, the largest share of stay-at-home fathers (35%) is at home due to illness or disability. This is in sharp contrast to stay-at-home mothers, most of whom (73%) report that they are home specifically to care for their home or family4; just 11% are home due to their own illness or disability.

Growing Number of Dads Home with the Kids

check it out. I'm here posted :sas2:
Your assertion of why they are staying at home aligns with this data, but that wasn't the original argument. The original argument was that women wouldn't like for their partners to stay at home.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
lol I don't understood how anyone desires the antiquated, oppressive, religion based doctrine of women being housewifes and men being the provider....

You realize thats what caused so many of the underlying issues between men and women in terms of relationships, marriage, sex, etc.....Though both genders are to blame, as well as general factors like the conception of society and civilization. I rarely feel sympathy for proponents of that system....Do men not see this is why there is such a high demand (percieved as well as actual) on finance and security as qualifiers for a relationship? This is what WE created. And do women not see that engaging in that is the same thing that made them reliant on such a system? Any steps towards progression is positive, barring extremities.

Mac Casper

@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Jul 24, 2012
A man who needs a woman to wake up his ambition is not a man worth being with. Get your shyt together my nikka.

Yall nikkas got matriarchy and patriarchy confused. U want a woman to build u up and financially support u..... aint that what a traditional MAN is supposed to do for a WOMAN?

You putting words in my mouth . . nobody's saying anything about financial support. Nor does this apply to me, I got mine. If you can't UPLIFT your man . . bytch . . what the fukk do you have to offer then? He isn't gaining anything from you spiritually or mentally from you . . you just a lay down hoe? . . only good for your p*ssy and what he can do for you? Play your damn part, nobody's saying you need to get shyt

Here . . you'd be flopping on the floor for a man who's already got his but you ain't worth shyt enough to build with. Who the fukk is gonna build a kingdom with you?

You ever play chess bytch? - what's the strongest piece.

There's many woman in a kingdom, there's one queen. Walt Disney got all you woman with confused with little girl princess complexes thinking you're all princesses. How can that be when there's one queen? I can already see you don't have the self-esteem in you. You're too worried about your insecurity with your own place in the world to be someone that someone can BUILD with. You're a weak link in the foundation . . so ya, settle with some man who's a "victim to circumstance" and you can be that to . . cause you can't be an actual woman and make something of yourselves together

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