feminism screwed women over, notice so many women r single and miserble

The Maverick

Rookie and the vet.
Jun 22, 2014
What's the correlation. I make...a decent amount of money. Doesn't mean I want too spend it on food excursions and drinks at the bar.

You kidding me with this?
Y'all really think these same dudes that aren't even generous or caring enough to treat a woman out or get her a gift will sudden change into people generous and caring enough to pay for a woman's entire lifestyle?

If so, then I have a bridge to sell you. :francis:

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
:mindblown: So if a man includes his wife on decisions that affects the household that she contributes to just as much as him and doesn't feel the need to ignore her and act as if she's less important, that means he ain't shyt and doesn't take care of his household?

So, to you, it is completely impossible for two to talk to each other and come to an agreement when it comes to dealing with things that will affect them both? :snoop:

How did we get to this extreme?

Breh, if something is effecting our household, our finances, our children, we better be in lock step like a Marine corp drill team. Would never exclude someone that important to my life from my decision making process.

Playa With Tha Passport

Mr International
Nov 8, 2014
University City
There aren't very many modern societies where blacks lead with no input from whites does that mean that blacks shouldn't lead? Men like you are much like the average racist white. You individually are an imbecile, but it gives you great confidence to think that there is an entire gender out there that is beneath you.

Oh, I don't know how about having the second highest unemployment rate in this country, having a disproportionate involvement in thecriminal just system, being the poorest group in the nation, having low access to qualiy healthcare, and etc? But you can continue to erroneously state that a large portion of black women are on welfare to try to make your idiotic point.

Being poor=not going or finishing school
No school =no job

No job=because ur on ur ass with 3 kids at home living off the government and child support


Bytch Off The Bando
Jun 22, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
bytch please. I'm secure in the fact that ill be able to make enough for my family without my wife needing to work while our kids are raised by The Help. Marriage rates have been declining fit decades because more men refuse to be cuckolded by you broads, so exactly who is going to have the hard time adjusting?

You're projecting breh, you're not even in the top bracket to support a woman and you're talking mad shyt like you know something about manhood and marital life, like i said most of the coli brehs are just trolling, most of you are too immature who can't even support themselves financially. Real men don't waste time talking on how feminists are doing this or that, only losers do that. Y'all mad cause women don't want to give their p*ssy free anymore and be your slaves. I can't take no coli brehs seriously on topics like that cause i know i'm talking to prepubertal boys.

Kid McNamara

'97 Mike Bibby
Jan 24, 2013
Freshman Year
The cause of the difference in rate for those things has to do with the fact that men committ more crime, so they will be accused (in these cases mostly falsely) of it more. Black women were jailed and beaten just as much as black women during the Civil Rights era even though they were denied leadership positions.
:dead: Black women helped forge every one of those genres except perhaps hip hop. You think black men came up with AAVE alone?


Like my man Trinidad James say:
Might need a witness, these bytches crazy
Let me say it again (these bytches crazy)

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
I think men make head strong decision, and women make emotional ones. Both make stupid choices and irrational choices however. I know way more women that are smarter than men both book smart and common sense wise. Yet...they make the most emotional choices randomly.

With that said there needs to be headship in everything we do. I work with a woman who is over me and she is through, direct, smart, very strong and confident. But I had to train with her a couple weeks ago and she couldn't even do it because she was so emotional with all that was going on with her. She was training me and just busted out crying, and was like promise you'll never tell anyone you've seen me like this. All kind of stuff

I'm not saying that can't and doesn't happen with men, but I've worked with alot of men... and I've never seen one break down and cry. While this is my 3 female boss or bosses boss that has broken down in tears to me.

I love seeing strong women, I think men and women naturally look at things differently and that's why i love to see men be men and women be women and people not step all in each other lanes. There's nothing like a strong women to me. But I was raised around that, so I look for that in my women. At the same time all those strong women I was raised with are very submissive to the men as far as headship goes. Even if that meant letting the fools be fools. They'll warn em, and give there opinion and the ride to the wheels fall off....

I hate women like that. Letting a man run everything into the ground because you're too submissive to stop him. Just dumb. (no offense to the women in your family)

As for the rest of your post, :yeshrug: I still don't agree with letting a man make all the decisions. If a guy wants a doormat that will let him do whatever and treat her like she's less importan or too stupid and emotional to have a say in anything, then he better go somewhere else.


All Star
Nov 19, 2014
How exactly does she escape the violence if she doesn't comply with his demands, does she tell him not to physically harm her because it's "her body" and she doesn't want it abused?


You said the man was ready to fukk without a condom. Did he rape these women while raw dogging them? Is it not as much on woman, if not more, to protect herself? You cnat make anyone do anything bro. Furthermore, most women are quick to call the boys if things get physical. Your logic is stupid af. Most cats in that situation, if they don't want a kid, will just chuck the deuce and be on to the next broad. What is the point of risking charges when u can just shake? Dumb ass coli logic


Nov 25, 2014
lmao. We're still out here moving the world forward while women are complaining about irrelevant things :mjlol: