henchmen - tenga (mostly cause I loved that song they played)
Female vill - Elsa
Zords/Mega zord - Zord: Mega Voyager, Dragonzord
Final ep - Countdown or End of Time
Hideout: Lightspeed Base
Opening Theme: MMPR, SPD, Space, Zeo, Time force
Super form: SWAT mode
Join: time force
Henchman- The grinders from RPM, they collected some Ws and weren't as easy to beat down unmorphed. It also made sense that Venjix could mass produced them.
Female Villain- Tenaya 7. Pawgset proud
Zord: Red Lion from wild force. It was its own person. Iconic. Megazord: Delta Command Zord. HQ transforming into a megazord is a cool concept.
Final Episode: Mystic Force. It's just the nostalgia for me. Back against the wall, stripped of their powers, all hope is lost. Ranger red gives up but the team steers him back. Ended up with the citizens thanking the rangers for the protection for the past few months and gives them their magic. Ending with a team Kamehameha to a beautiful soundtrack

Hideout: Delta Command from SPD. Mobile and doubles as a megazord
Opening Theme: Controversial, but either Operation Overdrive or Mystic Force. Sonically superior to the rest
SuperForm: Samurai. They look like shogun
Join: Time Force for obvious reason