Nah, you good.only saw a couple eps of samurai
Might need to check it out more
Samurai is

Nah, you good.only saw a couple eps of samurai
Might need to check it out more
Sentai footage will always be cheaper to use, but it’s restrictive from a storytelling perspective. Hasbro and Netflix seem to be willing to spend the money hence the rumors of a full on reboot being one of the shows they’re working on.Has it gotten counter cost productive to use sentai footage? Or is Hasbro willing to actually spend money on original footage?
King-Ohger is dope, but it's more so the sentai that comes before it like Donbrothers and Kikai and their wacky costumes that's the issue
A simple edit makes them look a thousand times better
This is the first time that they are using new original suits that are non-sentai, so I’m willing to give some sort of leeway. Although that I will say that the new ranger suit that Zayto was wearing at the end of Dino Fury did look cheap and like shyt as wellEh, they still don't look very good. I don't think the design is the issue because they looked decent in the promo art.
Whatever material they made these suits out of doesn't look like the typical PR/Sentai material. It looks cheaper and dull, and it makes the rangers look boxy and not proportionate. The colors don't pop either, and the PR suits always had brighter colors than the Sentai versions (the Sentai suits were shinier).
Whatever the hell is going on with their chests is.
damn this really makes me feelMines has got to be between SPD and Mystic Force. Dino Thunder and Ninja Storm are honorable mention. Don't know jack about the others.
You really want to feeldamn this really makes me feel
you watched/grew up on the disney seasons...whereas I grew up w/ the OG saban seasons