Second half of season two of Dino Fury just dropped. Finished it this morning.
Overall, it was pretty decent. I still had a few issues with it (Ollie is a grade-A dikkhead), but I actually really liked it.
I was disappointed in how they handled Lord Zedd because he's defeated in the most anticlimactic way possible, but he was only there to set up his role as the main villain in Cosmic Fury.
I also like how the main villains Void Knight and Void Queen learn that the pink ranger is their long-lost daughter, then the show flash forwards to six months later and Void Queen is six months pregnant.They must have started fukking immediately after the final battle.
I still give Beast Morphers a slight edge because of the Venjix reveal, but the Hasbro seasons have been very solid, and much better than any of the Kalish or Neo-Saban eras' seasons.
I also like how the Hasbro era has been unafraid to play with Power Rangers lore, which I guess is the advantage of the Boom comics being around for eight years and 100 issues. In years prior, we got very lazy and surface-level callbacks like Thrax, or Mystic Mother, or Lord Drayven, or the entirety of Super Megaforce.
The actress was pregnant during those last two episodes, but they still could have found a better storyline way to explain it