Famine...STARVATION...Delusion...RACIST: A Chicago Bulls Story (2014 Offseason Thread)


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
The best part about that interview is him confirming what a lot of us have been saying, which is his supporting cast hasn't allowed him to be a "true point guard".
Also pointed out that when he was just trying to be a pass first player how everybody from his coaches to the fans pushed for him to score more. I know I was screaming it from the top.

Now he adjusts did what it took to produce wins and that's score more he gets killed for being a ball hog but no one can legitamately point out who was his other scoring options. Especially after Ben Gordon salmons brad miller etc were taken from the team.


Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
You don't have to make a trade dollar for dollar

I think they have to be within 5 mill dollars

So taj and a late pick or something like that would work in a deal

I say we only move taj if we plan on starting pau. Would balance the squad out more. As currently constructed taj needs to start cause defense and rebounding is pretty much our 2nd star on the team next to rose. Taking taj / more defense out the starting line up means it has to be compensated by more scoring.

And it does look like Phoenix willing to part with either Gordon or dragic and since Gordon is looking for max he might just be the one shipped out. Bulls should jump right on that but they won't cause of his asking price

given the abundance of PF's we have, I wouldn't mind a deal that moves a PF to bring in gordon. especially since gordon only has 2 years on his deal, so it's not like we are stuck with him forever if dude turned out to be a bust.


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year

dougie fresh

maybe marion and another wing for vet min? who knows

that is a team that locks up the east even with love going to cleveland imo


May 6, 2012



Drose slappin shyt :leon:


We Ready
May 1, 2012
LAS VEGAS — This wasn’t going to end well.

Not for the Bulls and not for Derrick Rose.

It still possibly won’t.

But for the first time in his career, the star point guard from Englewood who has three years left on his contract seems ready to accept the responsibility of making sure the rocky relationship improves.

“I know it’s been there,’’ Rose told the Sun-Times, acknowledging there has been growing tension between the organization and the Rose camp. “I heard there were some upset people.

“I’m happy I didn’t personally see it. I don’t want to see that. I kind of wonder where it was coming from because it seemed like whenever I was around, everything was all right. It bothered me because when I wasn’t around, I would hear from certain people that everything wasn’t all right.’’

That’s because things often weren’t all right.

Multiple sources in the organization say tension was mounting because Rose allowed his own camp to take shots at the franchise. Gradually, there seemed to be less communication between the Bulls and their biggest star. And tensions hit a peak when Rose, who has a five-year, $94.8 million contract, seemed to blatantly resist helping build the roster in a new NBA where stars increasingly double as recruiters.

The latest example was the Bulls’ pursuit of free agent Carmelo Anthony.

Looking back, it’s clear Rose wasn’t all that interested in teaming with Anthony, who chose to return to the New York Knicks. Rose was much more aggressive in the Bulls’ pursuit of free agent Pau Gasol, not only asking for the veteran’s phone number, but giving a hard sell to the big man on joining the Bulls.

So why Gasol and not Anthony?

“That’s someone that I knew I could play with,’’ Rose said of Gasol. “You think about Pau, him now being in the East, what he’ll be able to achieve with the way we play, the way we dump the ball in the post a lot. It could be great.’’

As far as tensions with his own organization, Rose didn’t point fingers at one side or the other. At 25 and two knee surgeries reminding him he’s mortal, it’s time to stop pointing fingers.

“This is a new beginning,’’ Rose said multiple times. “It really is.’’

Final straw

On July 1, the Bulls opened the city for their Anthony recruitment. The sales pitch would culminate with a dinner that night. Rose was requested to attend.

It was a perfect plan. Except for all of the confusion that ensued.

That entire day seemed like an exercise in defiance. Despite an ESPN report that indicated Rose had no knowledge that Anthony was even coming that day, Rose said he did know, and had his workout moved from the Berto Center in Deerfield to the United Center.

The team wanted Rose’s workout to be a “big production’’ for Anthony, even having the court put down so the Knicks star could see Rose’s knees were alive and well.

Rose would put on the show, but he wasn’t exactly a willing participant.

“[Rose] wanted nothing to do with it,’’ a source said last week. “They had to beg him just to talk to Anthony after [the workout].’’

Then there was the dinner for Anthony. Expected to attend: key members of the Bulls front office, plus players Joakim Noah and Taj Gibson. The expectation was Rose would attend. He supposedly informed them he wouldn’t attend, but that was evidently lost in the communication ladder.

“They were irate he wasn’t there,’’ a team source said.

Three days later, ESPN reported Rose was an innocent bystander to the entire Anthony visit.

“We knew where that story came from,’’ a Bulls source said.

The assumption was that Rose’s camp knew how angry the organization was over Rose’s lack of involvement during the Anthony visit, so it went on the offensive before the Bulls could.

This wasn’t the first time the Bulls have had internal questions about the Rose camp and its agenda.

The ‘Camp’

Rose has always lived by the motto “Everybody Eats.’’

As one former teammate pointed out recently, “Everybody’s eating, but there’s only one guy out there busting his ass.’’

The two most obvious faces in the Rose Camp are his brother/manager, Reggie, and his agent, B.J. Armstrong.

Reggie obviously did little to help his brother’s cause on Feb. 21, 2013, blasting the organization on the night of the trade deadline for its lack of movement. Never mind that Derrick Rose was still nursing a torn left anterior cruciate ligament, despite team doctors clearing him to return.

It wasn’t the last time the organization would have problems with Reggie expressing his opinion.

Then there’s Armstrong.

The former Bulls guard and title winner worked for the organization under former general manager Jerry Krause. But when vice president of basketball operations John Paxson came in, Armstrong was demoted from his assistant GM post into a scouting position.

Armstrong was completely out by 2005, reportedly unhappy with Paxson and the Bulls. The fact that Armstrong, who works for the Wasserman Media Group in Los Angeles, became Rose’s agent was an obvious concern for the Bulls.

Armstrong doesn’t do interviews about Rose. Just ask him.

“I don’t do interviews, and what does that word ‘camp’ even mean?’’ Armstrong said when asked about the Rose camp and its relationship with the Bulls.

Asked if there was one spokesmen for Rose, Armstrong said: “No one does interviews. No one talks. Derrick speaks to you [media] guys and that’s it. There’s nothing to discuss. If there is something going on, there’s two people: You can get it from [chairman] Jerry Reinsdorf or you can get it from Derrick Rose. There’s nothing else to talk about.’’

Armstrong was informed of growing concerns by members of the organization concerning Rose and the advice he might be receiving from those around him.

“You’re talking about rumors,” Armstrong said. “I see Jerry 50 times a year. If I ask Jerry Reinsdorf right now how the relationship is that’s all I care about.’’

‘Icon’ status

Call it maturity, call it watching what LeBron James has done for his hometown team this summer, but Rose now seems poised to take control of his own brand.

During this week of USA Basketball tryouts in Las Vegas, all Rose has spoken about is now being a leader — not only for Team USA, which plays its first real intrasquad game Friday, but for the Bulls.

He was admittedly in “a dark place’’ rehabbing from his first knee surgery entering last season, and that’s all behind him. Rose keeps reiterating about “wanting to be an icon.’’

Icons don’t allow the group to lead. Icons lead the group — on and off the court. Rose is finally embracing that concept.

“It seems like everybody has one goal, from the front office all the way down now,’’ Rose said. “It seems like everyone is finally communicating with each other. That’s all we need. You think about all the championship teams, they say that communication and one goal is usually the recipe. You take away all the other [stuff] and just make it simple.

“This is a new beginning for everybody. We’ve got a new practice facility, a new year where I’m coming back, and we have some great talent. It’s time to turn the page and move in a positive direction.’’


We Ready
May 1, 2012
Basically that they spoke over the phone and it was obvious that there is still tension between he and the Bulls. Thinks he's just a major obstacle for Derrick and doesn't see a point for him to even be involved with Derrick at this stage in his career.


May 1, 2012
Basically that they spoke over the phone and it was obvious that there is still tension between he and the Bulls. Thinks he's just a major obstacle for Derrick and doesn't see a point for him to even be involved with Derrick at this stage in his career.

So the "he" Cowley is speaking of is B.J.?


We Ready
May 1, 2012
summary of comments from realgm
It was a BJ Armstrong bash. He apparently talked to him and left the interview amazed that BJ Armstrong is even a real agent. He talked about how he doesn't handle the numbers (money) he doesn't handle the legal work to draw up a contract, and he did a horrible job of selling his client (drose). BJ Armstrong refuses to talk to GarPax. Will only speak to Reinsdorf.

Honestly all these "sources" that talk about bad blood between "Derrick Rose's Camp" and the Bulls organization seem to really just stem from BJ. In the article he kind of cherry picked quotes to create a story but I think the real story here is BJ Armstrongs relationship with everyone in the Bulls organization (except JR).

Cowley said he has spoken to numerous agents and has never heard an agent talk and act like BJ. He said he will probably burn any bridge he had with Armstrong after this story but he went on a couple minute rant of how he should be fired and how Rose needs to step up and start making some decisions for himself. (Starting with cutting ties with BJ)

As for any tension with Derrick Rose and the bulls...I thought it was pretty clear that none exist. He is working his butt off and his agent and maybe some of BJs friends are having a pissing contest.