Extreme cases of Mudbutt

Entropy Fan

Jul 27, 2013
I was in high school and hooping at a junior high next to my house. Usually I know to shyt before I ball because all the water you'll drink will go thru your body and turn your shyt liquid. I felt fine when I left the house, I'm like "I don't need to shyt :yeshrug:

I hoop on my own for a bit get into some fierce games of 21 with lesser talent which you know means its
overly physical. It summer too so I drank a ton of water from the fountain.

There was ZERO warning:francis:

I got extremely powerful bubble guts. and I was struggling mightly to hold it in. I was CRAMPING from the effort. I was also half a mile from the house, probably would take me 25 minutes to get home at the speed I could currently move at.

I'm trying to think fast while focusing VERY hard on not shytting my pants in front of everyone or blowing my small intestines which is under enormous pressure.

I absolutely abhor public bathrooms :scusthov:
But I made my way to the boy's bathroom

When I finally got there the door was locked. LOCKED!!:damn::damn::damn:
It was Saturday and the campus was all locked up. I have
2 close calls where I was within the tiniest margins from shytting myself

I look around frantically and find some lockers in a corner that's sealed off from 3 sides.
I pull my pants down, squat like a poor hindu, and it came out in one quick powerful blast.
Like squeezing all the ketchup out the bottle in one squeeze. I thought I tore something:lupe:

I'm a clean freak semi germaphobe and I just spray shytted on concrete. :sadbron:

I quickly take my boxers off and use It to fully wipe myself. I see an open locker and decide to make light of my situation for shyts and giggles and throw my shytty draws in there :smugdraper:

I go back like nothing happened. I felt so relieved and light on my feet I probably could've dunked from the free throw line if I tried. I went home like I just ducked the death penalty with an amnesty from the governor:lawd:
Some kids gonna come to school and see a grown man's shyt all over the floor next to their locker

Well over a decade and that's one shyt I never mentioned to anyone


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
I dont understand how grown men can shyt themselves. :mjlol:

No matter how bad i have to go i couldnt even if I tried unless I'm on the toilet :yeshrug:

step ya bowel game up bruh

greedy mothafukkas that dont know to eat right.

mothafukkas wake up at 9, eat cereal...the chinese store open at 11, they getting chicken wings with hot sauce and ketchup, grabbing some drinks from somewhere after that, sitting in someones house drinking theb they go eat some grandmoms old ass plate of fried chicken mac n cheese and old greens. smoking and eating dipsy doodles and snickers after that.

then they wonder how come they stomach says :ufdup: and they sit there and think they cant shyt in noone crib and think "granny hpuse is the closest". So they speedwalk there and just when they get to granny front steps they stomach goes :umad: then *splat*


Do You Believe...
May 9, 2012
The worst I ever seen was this kid at my school that shyt himself..... He just happened to shyt himself right before school finished too. :wow:

As Jamaicans we know not to let people find out your shytting in the school bathroom, or your going to have people teasing you, and throwing garbage and water on you:russ: But breh shyt himself in the bathroom!! and someone found out :pachaha:In 5 minutes the entire school was outside the bathroom waiting on breh to make his appearance :wow: Males going in the bathroom Just to see if its true :ohhh: Then coming out there laughing like crazy :heh: Now the tension building like crazy. People stockpiling outside the bathroom. Bout 30 minutes past and still breh wouldn't budge. :russ:

The nurse had to come give him the confidence to come out thre :russ:
When he finally came out to face his judgement :wow::wow:

When People in the crowd started laughing....You could hear the laughter echoing through the school :wow:

Some people were


Some people were

The girls were the most savage. They were staring in his eyes with the utmost contempt


All the p*ssy that breh could of got was GONE!!!...... GONEEEEE!!!

Even the teachers were out there throwing stares at him

People in the front biting their lips trying not to laugh in this niqqas face:mjlol:, people in the back running away in laughter:pachaha:And to top it off...the nurse herself don't even want to touch this niqqa. She guiding him but keeping her hand 5 inches from his body. You could see her pretending not to be disgusted...:russ:

But every time she looks down on this niqqa it was

That shyt must of been demonic brehs. Cause his pants didn't look like he shyt himself. :mjlol: It looked like some freak accident where he barely made it out alive :bryan:There was nothing held back brehs:bryan:Pants soaked all the way down, front and back :bryan:He got chunks of shyt in his shoes :bryan:

Breh lost all his friends, all his girls, his teachers don't respect him no more. :russ: All of this from one loose bowl :russ:

Breh had to go into witness protection. Cause that was the last day I ever saw him. I know he's in another country right now, Cause this typa story spreads in Jamaica..... Nowhere is safe :wow:

If you're reading this young breh. I just have to say..... "Hate it had to be you":wow:


Sep 24, 2015
I remember the one time i had food poisoning
I was in graduate school and we had this huge test the next day. So me and my boy decide to get some food around 11pm. for the late night studying. I was in nashville at the time and we head over to jack in the box (first L) :mjcry:
He gets some fries and i decide to get the breakfast burrito. He was like :usure: u know them shyts been sitting there all day. I was like i eat these all the time and preceeded to :eat:
I was all good rest of the night. I woke up the next day feeling uneasy. :ld: I brushed it off thinking im just nervous for the test:manny:
Halfway through the test that uneasy feeling in my stomach is getting worse and i start sweating profusely :lupe:
By this time i was like fukk this and i quickly finished and bounced.
As im going home im starting to get dizzy, and i can feel my stomach expanding by the min :merchant:
By the time i get home(dont even remember how i got there) i get to the bathroom and im expelling everything from both ends :scust:
After thats done i try to go to bed, and i felt the most painful stomach cramp :sadcam:and ran back. After the third time i just layed on the bathroom floor :mjcry:
Lost like 10 pounds that day

To this day havent had jack in the box ever again :pacspit:

I had a similiar experience with some chicken.
Was last year in december, was working out in the evening, when I came home from the gym I was about to make me some fine ass chicken covered in bacon with some good ass salad. When I prepared the food I didnt notice anything but after takin a couple bites from the chicken I realized it tasted kinda off :patrice:with a weird consistence, but as stupid as I was I kinda brushed it off like :yeshrug: because I was seriously hungry af and been anticipatin fine ass chicken the whole day so I ate it anyway. :mjcry: After that I went upstairs to my room to just relax the night and play some Grand Theft Auto 5 online (Thank god I didnt go out this evening it wouldve been :sadbron:). After about 30 minutes my stomach started makin weird ass noises and the cramps started comin in :merchant:. I thought maybe I just have to fart but you know when you can feel from the pressure on your stomach that this isnt gonna be no damn fart :to:. Soon I started sweatin & shyt and ran to the bathroom where I seemingly shyt my whole inside out, I could still see some fukkin salad leaves in there :scust:. Thats kinda how my night continued 11pm-5am was constant shytting time :mjcry:
So let me give y'all a good advice: If something tastes really weird/off dont brush it off, shyt might have your stomach beggin for mercy :mjcry::sadcam:


Invokana Trump
Aug 23, 2015
I've had this happen. It was 10 yrs ago we drove from Dallas to Houston for a family reunion. We got there early it was held at a state park. We had breakfast at the park they scrambled eggs n errythang. Later on its time for the BBQ bring it on. We ate we ate good. All types of family bringing out BBQ. I like ribs n brisket. :francis: I pacc a plate of BBQ (brisket)to go bacc to Dallas with. Things wind down. We hit 45 bacc to Dallas we maybe a 2 hrs into the drive my stomach gets to bubbling then drops. I'm n the baccseat farting like e MF. They letting windows down cuz the stench was unbearable. I tried to hold it in as long as I possibly could but I was about to shyt on myself. My Moma pulls over at a gas station omg it had to be the dirtiest gas station on 45 but I couldn't be piccy. I barely made it to the toilet before my ass exploded. I was relieved for a moment. I thought I had got it all out but 30 mins up 45 it hit again. We kept stopping along 45 so I could shyt. Then my granny pumped me so full of immodium ad I didn't shyt for 2 weeks.
I saw your avi and thought of the thread title and just hit the:mjlol:ahead of time

You the best tho:hug:


Aug 5, 2015


May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse
i remember one time...me and my boys hit the club..we got there stupid early for some reason..i couldn't remember why..anyways it was pretty dead so we were in there chillin..drinking..taking shots and whatnot...all of a sudden my stomach started going crazy....i was like dammit :francis:..now the reason why is before we got in the club, we had pizza for dinner....extra cheese :dame:...i have a little problem handling dairy..so i knew this was not something i can hold in for very long....so i kinda brisk walked downstairs to the bathrooms...now typically club bathrooms are the nastiest things in the world...i go in there and the place is damn near spotless..i reason its because we were there early before it got poppin...went in a stall and proceeded to shyt my brains out...straight mud slide like 10 mins straight..no breaks....the toilet paper wasn't tough enough for me when i went to wipe my ass...it slid too much :dame:..as i was trying to think on how i can get to the paper towel outside..my boy came in..and was like "gotdamn" :damn:..i told him quick tear like 10 sheets off that paper towel rack and throw it over the stall door..which he did laughing his ass off..i used all 10 and i still felt disgusting..i got up and looked back :huhldup:...just a mixture of liquid shyt, clumpy shyt, and paper..went to flush...nothing...it was clogged....so im like i gotta get the fukk out of here :dame:...washed my hands with the quickness and i was out...thankfully no one saw me as i left the bathroom
I always grab 3-4 pape4 towels, wet them up in the sink and take them to my stall to avoid that situation