Extreme cases of Mudbutt


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Well since all the cool kids are talking about shyttin' themselves.........:francis:

I kinda got this thing I do when I go to Concerts/Festivals that I know I'm gonna be front row at, where I don't eat/drink anything from mid day before the event, shyt/piss all I can so when I hit the front of the stage, I ain't got to leave to go use the bathroom. shyt works fine but I never really had to be away from the bathroom for like a day and change like that time I was in Connecticut and I went to go see Mastodon/RedFang over in New York.

Wake up in the morning, ain't eat or drink shyt. Hit the Taxi to the bus station and decided to take the chance on an Iced Coffee from Dunkin Donuts and really enjoyed the shyt (no pun intended).

Hit New York. Eat this Kind Bar I got in my pocket for Energy and make my way towards the venue. At the Venue, I reach early enough to get in so I hit the bar and get to do sort of a meet and greet with the dudes from Red Fang who were at the bar, so we get to drinking.

I must have drank a gallon of beer with them fools but I know I'm gonna sweat it out or if push comes to shove, I'ma piss in a bottle, put the cap on it and deposit it in the nearest bin or alteast get it out of the way and what's not.

Concert goes off without a hitch. I'm drunk, happy and just tired from being at a metal concert and dealing with all the bullshyt. I piss at the venue, eat my last energy bar, now I got to deal with the long ass trip from New York back to Conn on them Greyhounds. Now all I really been having is liquid. Beer and water. What you don't piss out, goes to your colon..and you know how that goes.

So I'm on the bus, eating some street vendor hot dog for sustenance, glad I'm going home. Hit Conn after like 3 hours, having been out and up for approx 24 hours, but home is less than 20 minutes away, so what my stupid ass do? Grab another Iced Coffee thinking I'm safe.:snoop:

I was fine before that last Iced Coffee, but it's like the minute I took the first major gulp of that shyt, looking out the window just wanting to get home so I could sleep, I feel my stomach start to bubble. Then I HEAR it start to fukking bubble.:merchant: A breh goes into ass clench with the kung fu grip sphincter action, but ain't no solid shyt in my system, breh. Just a bunch of liquid waste that got exacerbated by that second Iced Coffee that decided to bust out on the scene whether I wanted it too or not.:ufdup:

Didn't help that this old Ohio Players looking, motherfukker done got all comfortable after he asked if he could light up a square in the cab and we got to talking a bit and he going on about how the fukk he lived down the street from Joe Jackson and saw Michael outside doing the moon walk (:duck:) as a young kid.

I'm rocking from buttcheek to buttcheek, feeling my intestines slowly puff out on this shyt:sadcam: praying I make it home in time then...


Now I done had a close call with a shyt slip back in Highschool when I trusted a fart and a lubricated (pause) nugget hit the gate (double pause) but nah, this was full on carburetor action with all the sounds to boot.

All I could do was just sit in that shyt, literally while breh rattled on about his band or whatever the fukk looking like.

Barganing with the Universe, Science and Allah about either erasing me from the face of the earth or making this all be just one bad dream.....

There's something almost cathartic about shytting yourself, as a grown man with no disability, restriction or injury after trying to hold it in for so long, brehs. I almost felt at peace 'cause now I knew all I had to do was open that door, pay my fee and introduce as much distance as I could from myself and that cab to the nearest place to get cleaned up.

Left a twenty sticking out of the seat belt holder, told breh to drop me off at a house about a block or so away, hobbled my ass off to the nearest backyard and had to wipe my ass with my socks in some dude's medieval ass looking shed.:scust: Made my way to my partner's house, grabbed a trash bag, dumped my underwear and dikkies into that shyt, disposed and prolly slept the entire day not knowing how less of a man I should feel for that bullshyt.:beli:


All Star
May 30, 2012
One my old home boys comes to my job for andinterview and stops by my department before he leaves to says what's up.

As he walks away a kid we worked with turns to us starts grinning and says you guys know "sh*tter ?" We like who!? :wtb:.

Dude says yeah I went to high school with and bust out laughing :heh:. So we like why the called him $hitter ? :mindblown:

Apparently they were playing ball in the gym and and my boy went up for a layup poops himself on the court in front of the whole class :wtf:. Dropped it like it was hot . Dude didn't go to school for a week :deadrose:.

Buckeye Fever

May 1, 2012
Hip-Hop Since '79
My cousin's house got broken into and whoever did it, took about $4,000 worth of stuff and also took a shyt in the toilet and didnt flush.

My cousin told the police that he always flushes the toilet after he uses the bathroom. They took a sample, got a DNA profile and found out his uncle was the one who broke in his crib.


Dancehall ah mi everyting
Oct 31, 2015
Damn why y'all do him like that? :dead::dead::dead:

That's just how we behave as kids :lolbron:

But he brought it on himself...... You know better than to let anyone know your shyting. :russ:They will tease you for months :mjlol: We tease you extra hard just cause you KNEW the potential embarrassment if your caught; and you still did it! :pachaha:That means it must of been a mean shyt.:whoo: I'm talking cold sweats, tense muscles, if i don't do this now then my brief is going to become a pampers kind of shyt. :wow:

Breh shat himself in the middle of the bathroom:wow:. When you went in there you saw a pool of shyt on the floor, with foot steps leading to the corner, where breh was contemplating his escape.

His first instinct should of been to Run. Don't make any eye contact..... just run :wow:

Some of the females were running up to him and laughing down in his ear :wow:Breh knew the consequences :wow:

Grind -N- Bone

ᒪᕮGᕮᑎᗪᗩᖇY ᔕᑌᑭᕮᖇ TᕼᑌG
Aug 7, 2014
Tᕼᗩ ᔕKᖇᕮᕮTᔕ
The worst I ever seen was this kid at my school that shyt himself..... He just happened to shyt himself right before school finished too. :wow:

As Jamaicans we know not to let people find out your shytting in the school bathroom, or your going to have people teasing you, and throwing garbage and water on you:russ: But breh shyt himself in the bathroom!! and someone found out :pachaha:In 5 minutes the entire school was outside the bathroom waiting on breh to make his appearance :wow: Males going in the bathroom Just to see if its true :ohhh: Then coming out there laughing like crazy :heh: Now the tension building like crazy. People stockpiling outside the bathroom. Bout 30 minutes past and still breh wouldn't budge. :russ:

The nurse had to come give him the confidence to come out thre :russ:
When he finally came out to face his judgement :wow::wow:

When People in the crowd started laughing....You could hear the laughter echoing through the school :wow:

Some people were


Some people were

The girls were the most savage. They were staring in his eyes with the utmost contempt


All the p*ssy that breh could of got was GONE!!!...... GONEEEEE!!!

Even the teachers were out there throwing stares at him

People in the front biting their lips trying not to laugh in this niqqas face:mjlol:, people in the back running away in laughter:pachaha:And to top it off...the nurse herself don't even want to touch this niqqa. She guiding him but keeping her hand 5 inches from his body. You could see her pretending not to be disgusted...:russ:

But every time she looks down on this niqqa it was

That shyt must of been demonic brehs. Cause his pants didn't look like he shyt himself. :mjlol: It looked like some freak accident where he barely made it out alive :bryan:There was nothing held back brehs:bryan:Pants soaked all the way down, front and back :bryan:He got chunks of shyt in his shoes :bryan:

Breh lost all his friends, all his girls, his teachers don't respect him no more. :russ: All of this from one loose bowl :russ:

Breh had to go into witness protection. Cause that was the last day I ever saw him. I know he's in another country right now, Cause this typa story spreads in Jamaica..... Nowhere is safe :wow:

If you're reading this young breh. I just have to say..... "Hate it had to be you":wow:
