Dave meltzer ratings aren’t a barometer of quality. Their matches are not as good as most uso ppv matches. No amount of spots, finisher spam, stars, comedy, or chants will change that.
edit: and without all in theres no aew,..and nobody gives a shyt about that show without kenny, okada, kota, and everyone else on that card. If i’m lying tell me why pwg or roh never blew with the bucks at the top for YEARS
Who main evented that show?

Who was promoted as top acts in the lead-up to the show?

Have Roman's cousins ever main evented any PPV ever?

To answer your other question.. ROH never dreamed big enough. That's partially why ROH ended up the way they ended up. All In was the show ROH could have aspired to do. Supercard of Honor with the Hardys/Bucks on top (another match better than anything the Usos have ever done) was their biggest house ever and could have filled a MUCH bigger arena than it did with the right push/promotion behind it. But ROH just didn't move with that kind of foresight.
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