Ex-Singaporean leader (smartest country in the world) explains why US empire will crumble if it continues with its current Playbook


Aug 6, 2012
I dont think we want that NOW. Maybe a decade ago, but I don't think yall realize just how "accelerationism" and fascism is entranched in STEm right now. Especially among CACs and Asians. What if we get a Vivek who is a physicist? What then?
right techno libertarian :mjpls:
According to billionaire tech investor Marc Andreessen, AI is good, fascists are saints, and anyone who stops rich people like him from funding, deploying, and doing whatever they want with tech is a literal murderer.

In a new 5,200 word "techno-optimist manifesto,” Andreessen, the man behind prominent venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (a16z)—which has invested in Facebook, Airbnb, Lyft, Skype, and many more well-known firms—argues that the only solution to the various structural problems created by capitalism is to do more capitalism—with uninhibited AI development at the forefront. He does so by invoking an obscure online ideology that has taken hold in some tech circles, but may be totally incomprehensible to the masses of people who ultimately use the products that a16z helps bring to market: “effective accelerationism,” or “e/acc.”

“We believe any deceleration of AI will cost lives,” Andreessen writes in the sprawling blog post, which reads like the ramblings of a college student who just finished his first reading of Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead. “Deaths that were preventable by the AI that was prevented from existing is a form of murder.”

He then goes on to list a number of “enemies,” which are “not bad people, but rather bad ideas”—including sustainability, tech ethics, and risk management. Andreessen doesn’t explain why he thinks any of these ideas are bad, instead describing them as being part of a “mass demoralization campaign” that is “against technology and against life.”

To Andreessen, the researchers who have repeatedly shown the dangers and real-life harms of unchecked AI are just a bunch of Negative Nancys. “We are being lied to,” he begins in the lengthy rant, before dismissively listing a bunch of things that research shows unrestrained technology is actually doing, such as increasing inequality, enabling discrimination, and harming the environment.
The English critical theorist turned far-right cult thinker Nick Land is usefully representative of this intellectual tendency. Although he has never identified as a transhumanist, his ideas are infused with the movement’s delirious faith in the coming merger of humans and machines. His current political vision, which he has given the flamboyantly portentous title the Dark Enlightenment, is one in which the programmer elite and their ingenious technologies rule the world. “Increasingly,” he wrote in 2014, “there are only two basic human types populating this planet. There are autistic nerds, who alone are capable of participating effectively in the advanced technological processes that characterize the emerging economy, and there is everybody else.” Many transhumanists would be inclined to reject the political implications of Land’s futurism, but his vision is only really a darker, more explicitly fascistic rendering of the kind of thinking you find in the work of the futurist Ray Kurzweil, or for that matter Wired founder Kevin Kelly, who believes that we humans are “the reproductive organs of technology”.

For Dark Transhumanists, as for the neo-reactionaries from whom they take their cues, egalitarianism is inherently incompatible with any posthuman future. Take Peter Thiel, the Facebook investor who in a 2009 essay for the libertarian journal Cato Unbound announced, “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” Asked in a 2011 New Yorker profile whether the kinds of life extension technologies he was investing in might exacerbate already grotesque levels of social inequality, Thiel’s response offered a glimpse into the ethical simple-mindedness of his techno-libertarianism: “Probably the most extreme form of inequality,” he said, “is between people who are alive and people who are dead.”

Or there’s Michael Anissimov, a former media director at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute — a think tank in Berkeley devoted to preventing superhuman AI from destroying humanity — who has in recent years basically cornered the white-supremacy–Singularity crossover market.

Anissimov, with his weird synthesis of 19th-century racist pseudoscience and fantastical futurism, is a Dark Transhumanist par excellence. In a 2013 interview, he outlined how the cultural ingraining of the notion that we’re all created equal left us unprepared for “a future of technologically enhanced beings.” There are, he insists, already significant disparities in intelligence between existing races. Transhuman technologies, he says, would mean situations in which “people could be lording over one another in a way that was never possible before in history.” It’s pretty clear that Anissimov sees nothing to fear in such a future, confident as he is that it will be people like him doing the lording. Despite being approvingly quoted in Kurzweil’s The Singularity Is Near, Anissimov is these days something of a pariah from the transhumanist movement. But it is worth asking whether his specific mutation of transhumanist thinking is troubling not just because of its extremist right-wing implications, but because it magnifies illiberal, radically elitist tendencies that are inherent in transhumanism itself. Although its intellectual and spiritual roots can be traced back as far as the gnostics, transhumanism is a fever dream of contemporary technocapitalism, and it is naïve to suppose that the technological enhancements it conjures would do anything but exacerbate already existing social inequalities.


President, BYNKRadio.com (Retired)
Oct 4, 2015
Black Empowerment
Can you tell me which African countries China has conquered, committed genocide, created mass enslavement, imposed their religion by force, created Apartheid - like European powers in the 19th and 20th centuries?

Do not compare the Chinese to the cacs

China doesn't want the PR that comes with enslavement and genocide. It puts a spotlight on them and turns the world against them in a way that doesn't help their bottom line. If they could get away with it they would the same way they'd invade Taiwan if they could.

But make no mistake the following countries are overleveraged on loans with bad terms from China and have used their country's resources as collateral

Cote d’Ivoire

These countries collectively owe a principal of $140 Billion with terrible interest rates. Most of those countries are a major producer of a natural or agricultural resource either globally or on the continent. These countries are practically economically conquered with few choices to get out of the loans that don't involve exploration of the natural resources that are the life blood of their economies. It starts a vicious cycle that isn't much different than predatory payday lending but on a much larger scale that effects the global economy.

China understands that since the advent of firearms every country that has had a major global presence has had a major control stake in Africa and they are taking steps to make their claim.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
>First part isnt true. Japan took most of their naval and railway technology from England, however a VAST number of the Industrial and Agricultural Technology tech transfer came from America. Especially when it came to agriculture and industrial machinery. For example, industriual machinery like Looms (textile machinery) to Japan came from America. American agricultural technology and techniques were adopted to improve productivity. The Hokkaido Development Commission (Kaitakushi) employed American agricultural experts to introduce modern farming methods. America is basically responsible for Meiji japan's telegraph system as many of them helped set it up. You're actually incorrect about telegraph technology (putting a lot of your other claims into doubt. "In 1869, British telegraph engineers were invited to Japan, and Japan's first telegraph circuits were opened at the Yokohama Lighthouse Government Office and Yokohama Courthouse. This was the beginning of the telegraph's establishment in Japan. This telegraph used the dot-dot-dash Morse code." Link here

>Your third statement isnt true. That's not technology transfer in the modern sense. Most technology transfers nowadays are done in the form of intellectual property being shared OR joint ventures. See China's model. In my example, China had technology that it transferred to Nigeria. And now Nigeria is using that technology and building indigenous weapons systems. That's not a technology transfer? I see that you're shifting the definitions of concepts to fit into your narrative.

>I don't think it's low self esteem. You have to stop blaming the leaders. I think that it's the people's fault for being too malleable. Think about, you are an African leader who decides o defy the west. In your mind you know that the west can EASILY psyop your populance to do some kind of revolution. Leaders need the backing of the people lol. There's a reason why American spies going to China almost all took an L. Our intelligence operations in China are dead for this reason. Then I suppose you have to blame the American people for having to choose between a genocidal leering dementia addled 80 year old and a racist, sexist convicted felon! I don't think you've read Frantz Fanon critically so you don't understand this line of discussion.

See my comments above in bold.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
right techno libertarian :mjpls:

Anytime i bring this up i lose people. They really dont get that their employers, bankers, etc. are about to be on this kind of timing. NAACP and Urban League been silent on it too. Just all the way weird.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
China doesn't want the PR that comes with enslavement and genocide. It puts a spotlight on them and turns the world against them in a way that doesn't help their bottom line. If they could get away with it they would the same way they'd invade Taiwan if they could.

But make no mistake the following countries are overleveraged on loans with bad terms from China and have used their country's resources as collateral

Cote d’Ivoire

These countries collectively owe a principal of $140 Billion with terrible interest rates. Most of those countries are a major producer of a natural or agricultural resource either globally or on the continent. These countries are practically economically conquered with few choices to get out of the loans that don't involve exploration of the natural resources that are the life blood of their economies. It starts a vicious cycle that isn't much different than predatory payday lending but on a much larger scale that effects the global economy.

China understands that since the advent of firearms every country that has had a major global presence has had a major control stake in Africa and they are taking steps to make their claim.

Is China forcing African (mis)leaders to sign loan deals which collateralize natural resources at gunpoint as cacs did?

If I offer you a loan, I'm obviously going to seek collateral security. Why wouldn't it be natural resources, if I can make that deal work? Again, African (mis)leaders are not children. They can always reject the loan deal.


May 24, 2022
But make no mistake the following countries are overleveraged on loans with bad terms from China and have used their country's resources as collateral

Most of these countries have had no problem defaulting on debt or nationalizing industries.
China is not about to send troops in "secure the high speed rail line" in Kenya.

China has no leverage
, because the elites in these countries have no problems letting their people starve.

The "debt trap" is something that the Western Media has come up with because the Western Media is always afraid of the East.

Lotta y'all to young to remember, but before China, Japan was the scariest Asian country.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
See my comments above in bold.
Just for the record, im not anti china. I just think that Africans could be getting a better deal. Replace latin america with Africa and I bet that latin america gets a better deal than most African countries. Yes, China is giving you guys liquidity via loans and building infrastructure. Thats not sustainable long term, though.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Most of these countries have had no problem defaulting on debt or nationalizing industries.
China is not about to send troops in "secure the high speed rail line" in Kenya.

China has no leverage, because the elites in these countries have no problems letting their people starve.

The "debt trap" is something that the Western Media has come up with because the Western Media is always afraid of the East.

Lotta y'all to young to remember, but before China, Japan was the scariest Asian country.

Indeed. That's why China is reducing its debt exposure to Africa. Some of these African countries will default on their debts and China has no recourse to collect on its security, outside of international arbitration.


May 24, 2022
NAACP and Urban League been silent on it too.

They lack the capacity to think on this level.

Moreover, most "legit" Black organizations and most of the education Black Professional class has been captured by the elites.

I know this first hand, cause I'm one of them.

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Just for the record, im not anti china. I just think that Africans could be getting a better deal. Replace latin america with Africa and I bet that latin america gets a better deal than most African countries. Yes, China is giving you guys liquidity via loans and building infrastructure. Thats not sustainable long term, though.

We both agree. African should instrumentalize the fact that for the first time since 1990/1991, there's an alternative to American power. Use that to your advantage.

Depending on the Latin American country, they may have a more educated population (Chile, Argentina) or some pre-existing industrial base (Brazil). Hard to compare the two regions.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
They lack the capacity to think on this level.

Moreover, most "legit" Black organizations and most of the education Black Professional class has been captured by the elites.

I know this first hand, cause I'm one of them.
I'm aware. Most black institutions nowadays are ran by intersectionality believers. That's legtimately their only ideology, as most of them believe that the best way to get aid (reparations) from white society is by blasting femicide statistics. It's a very intergrationist play book (intergrate the women, isolate the men type shyt). Take a look at the howard demographics to get a clue.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
We both agree. African should instrumentalize the fact that for the first time since 1990/1991, there's an alternative to American power. Use that to your advantage.

Depending on the Latin American country, they may have a more educated population (Chile, Argentina) or some pre-existing industrial base (Brazil). Hard to compare the two regions.
Tbh African students should be all over those Chinese STEM universities then returning home. Wish more of that was happening. As well as Chinese workers training African workers to build the inftrastrucutre and operate the industrial equimpment. Right now what you see is that Chinese villagers are instead sent to do these jobs (its like a way of relieving the Chinese labor market lol).


Aug 6, 2012
Anytime i bring this up i lose people. They really dont get that their employers, bankers, etc. are about to be on this kind of timing. NAACP and Urban League been silent on it too. Just all the way weird.
The black poltical class done sold out :mjpls:
Ever wondered what the staffers of Congressional Black Caucus members do after their stints on Capitol Hill? The answer, according to a Huffington Post article by Ryan Grim and Zach Carter , is they do the same thing most of their white colleagues do. They go to work for the big corporations which fund the careers of their former bosses. They become lobbyists for giant telecoms, for greedy banksters, for military contractors, for agribusiness, Big Oil, Big Pharma, big gentrifiers and the rest, all of which are finding their black faces and their ties to the Congressional Black Caucus, and the CBC itself especially useful these days.
one bank lobbyist put it, "Sophisticated companies have sophisticated lobbying operations." He explains, "Almost every big bank has a lobbyist who has experience and can work with the Congressional Black Caucus." The industry's term for these lobbyists: CBC specialists. (It's a term that grates on black lobbyists, because nearly all of them do more than merely lobby the CBC.) And by targeting the 10 CBC members who sit on the financial services panel, these lobbyists can potentially win over the entire caucus. "We defer to them for advice," Marcia Fudge, the CBC's chairwoman, says of the members on the committee. "We don't really talk about [financial issues] in the [weekly lunch] meetings at all ... It's not an issue that's of grave importance to the caucus. We know that we have people on the committee that we trust."

The lobbyist knows first hand how effective this tactic can be. "We go right to the CBC because they are open-minded and they often vote as a bloc," he says, asking for anonymity because he frequently relies on CBC members for support on deregulation bills. "And the professional left is scared of them. Every white liberal -- media, politician, advocacy group -- knows better than fukking with a CBC member."


May 24, 2022
We both agree. African should instrumentalize the fact that for the first time since 1990/1991, there's an alternative to American power. Use that to your advantage.

Depending on the Latin American country, they may have a more educated population (Chile, Argentina) or some pre-existing industrial base (Brazil). Hard to compare the two regions.

Bombed out Europe was able to bounce back from WW2 because they had a pre-existing industrial base.

And real rap, while Europe (and Japan) was bouncing back - that's when America was in its "golden age" - when a high school drop out could work at Ford and buy a House, 2 cars, a Boat, raise a family, and have family vacations to the Grand Canyon.

African Politicians and Business Leaders need to see that there is more long term wealth FOR THEMSELVES if they industrialize the country.

400 Milli for a cathedral?
