Ex-Singaporean leader (smartest country in the world) explains why US empire will crumble if it continues with its current Playbook

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
"The US empire will fall" is the leftist/communist/CCP/etc version of Jesus Is Coming at this point. It has taken on religious tones in an era where the US emerged from the pandemic how China presumably thought they'd emerge instead. Strongest economy in the west, currently degrading a key adversary with a fraction of our military budget in Ukraine, wrecking China's processor capacity with the wave of a hand, still finding natural resources within our borders, etc. VS a country currently facing a massive housing bubble that will pop soon, lingering quarantine issues, and dealing with too much cooperate with the west from Asian countries. That statement mentioned Vietnam building high speed rail into China as if Vietnam is not one of the US' strongest allies in the region.


Mar 11, 2022
Los Angeles
I thought posts like this from the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering subreddits.

People in the industry I'm transitioning into are seeing stuff like this. Go on those subreddits and say they see the same.
Folks from my school right now are having a hard time finding EE internships stateside because all hardware work is being done overseas now.
Then you got our own government trying to grant more foreign visas to get international work for out domestic companies, basically working against our best interest.
There is plenty of merit there if you got your ear to the ground.
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Raw Lyrics

Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
It’s interesting how nikkas will let their bigotry against LGBT ppl allow them to hear ppl say

Why is America such a big market for drugs today? And I was watching the Eurovision contest... [...] Parts of it, almost satanic. But it's now part of the fashion in most of Europe. What is happening?

PM Lee talked about how we should keep all these woke things away from us as much as possible. I fully agree with him. Keep our societies wholesome. Keep our families intact.

And let the term of “woke” get co-opted by right wing conservative non-Black ppl into a negative connotation, instead of a term to stimulate social awareness of social injustices as it was intended.

Which is a way more powerful play with political undertones to harm us as a ppl on a grand scale, by programming ppl to have negative associations to it and have disdain for leftwing politics.

I disdain drag queens reading to children in public schools. I disdain promoting "gender reassignment" surgery for children. I disdain allowing males to participate with girls in their sports. I disdain the fact that under California law, buying or soliciting sex from a child is only a misdemeanor that carries a penalty of just between two days and a year in jail and a fine

That makes me normal, it does not make me "right-wing".


All Star
May 15, 2012
I disdain drag queens reading to children in public schools. I disdain promoting "gender reassignment" surgery for children. I disdain allowing males to participate with girls in their sports. I disdain the fact that under California law, buying or soliciting sex from a child is only a misdemeanor that carries a penalty of just between two days and a year in jail and a fine

That makes me normal, it does not make me "right-wing".

Can you cite this law you are referring to?

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
The thing is tho....

LGBT people don't use the term "woke" to describe themselves....

"woke" is only used by black people and politically aware people...

the negative connotation was made by opposition to discredit the term itself.....

if another country uses the same term...

it's the same as that country using "ghetto" or "welfare queen" to describe their issues/problems...

trying to act like the term has been divorced from it's origins is disingenuous...

because it's origins are the exact reason why the term was flipped

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
Dawg was just rambling. Singapore has a strong clamp on personal freedoms and self expression and a massive population of people who are mandarin and Cantonese speakers. Of course it isn't going to be critical of the neighbor next to it with billions of dollars it needs to gain investment from.

America will collapse but I think it's common sense at this point what the factors for that collapse will be:

A. Sacrificing the middle class to please the 1%. America grew when homes and consumer goods were affordable because when a business made profit, it reinvested a good chunk of that profit into what generated the profit to begin with(it's workers and the projects they're working on). Now they raise the prices without raising the wages leading to a situation where people literally cannot afford the products they're working on and promoting.

B. Entrenchment of big business in politics. It's literally against a politicians own financial interest to regulate firms like Blackrock, Google, Microsoft or Amazon. They don't release their investment portfolios to the public for a reason.

C. Selling off it's manufacturing to other countries. America's productive capacity is in shambles because of how much of the products American firms make require foreign labor. If China, India, Mexico, Vietnam, and Bangladesh suffered a plague, war, demographic collapse etc. These companies would be fukked because they'd have to try and replicate their productive capacity domestically. That's not happening because that's literally billions of money that would be going to paying dividends to investors that will now have to go into construction of infrastructure, recruitment and retention of staff. They'd also have to appeal to the government to modernize America's infrastructure since they were benefiting off smooth roads and bridges that weren't built a century ago to transport cargo.

D. Continuing to waste tax money on wars which are taxing an already overused military struggling to replenish its supply of recruits. Switching to drones won't solve the problem of reflexes and cognitive speed dulling in old age.

E. Running away from competition. Tiktok has a good algorithm? Why can't meta make a better one? BYD has a vehicle that goes as far as a Tesla with half the price? Why can't Tesla release a cheaper model to undercut them on price? No instead they tell the government "hey if these guys come here, they will cut into our profit margins. Your pension won't be looking so secure. Ban them." And because the median age of an American politician is 55(much closer to retirement and more concerned with the immediate future rather than the world 30 to 40 years from now) they will. When you start fukking with THEIR money that's when American politicians take action. They don't care if you're broke. They care if the extra zeroes in their bank account start disappearing.

China has its own problems around these things too. They're only now really trying to regulate their own megafirms but it might be too late. They're about 60-75 years behind america when it comes to rights for women and people of different ethnicities. Because young people aren't having children, and the government is hostile to alternative ideas and cultures, immigration isn't an option for them because then they'll have people coming in with religion, language, alternative cultures etc. Authoritarianism is not compatible with diversity.

The "woke" boogeyman is nonsense. If you empower groups who've been ignored and disenfranchised for years, you build productive capacity. Women who would've been getting high on Xanax or day drunk as stay at home wives would be working a part time or full time job. Black people with ideas who would've been relegated to a shytty position in the company because they don't "fit the culture" of the management team, would be leading projects that help the company. Investing in mental and other health will mean that instead of a person becoming a homeless drug addict high on opiates to relieve their back pain, they'll be back to work and checking in with a doctor every few weeks to refill their medication. Supporting immigrants means you're getting them to work for your companies, pay into your tax system and grow your economy. Highlighting differences in the population in an attempt to turn one group against another for political gain is the oldest trick in the book that everyone does(even China despite their cowardly attempts to erase their own Ls from history)
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The Phoenix

All Star
Jun 8, 2012
It’s interesting how nikkas will let their bigotry against LGBT ppl allow them to hear ppl say

Why is America such a big market for drugs today? And I was watching the Eurovision contest... [...] Parts of it, almost satanic. But it's now part of the fashion in most of Europe. What is happening?

PM Lee talked about how we should keep all these woke things away from us as much as possible. I fully agree with him. Keep our societies wholesome. Keep our families intact.

And let the term of “woke” get co-opted by right wing conservative non-Black ppl into a negative connotation, instead of a term to stimulate social awareness of social injustices as it was intended.

Which is a way more powerful play with political undertones to harm us as a ppl on a grand scale, by programming ppl to have negative associations to it and have disdain for leftwing politics.
As soon as I saw WOKE and he continued to suck off China I stopped watching. SMH.


May 3, 2012
The thing is tho....

LGBT people don't use the term "woke" to describe themselves....

"woke" is only used by black people and politically aware people...

the negative connotation was made by opposition to discredit the term itself.....

if another country uses the same term...

it's the same as that country using "ghetto" or "welfare queen" to describe their issues/problems...

trying to act like the term has been divorced from it's origins is disingenuous...

because it's origins are the exact reason why the term was flipped
As soon as I saw WOKE and he continued to suck off China I stopped watching. SMH.
Facts, it’s literally this simple.

But nikkas so obsessed and blinded by their bigotry to other minority groups, that they’re desensitized to the anti-Blackness at play and are even willingly helping conservatives and/or non-Black ppl discredit its meaning against our best interests by tryna rationalize it.

Talkin bout “well, the context”

But them SAME ppl will cry “agenda” when other minority groups get shyt done that don’t play them games that go against their best interests.


im not you

All Star
Nov 7, 2015
straight up commie babble. america may fall but i promise you the transgender boogeyman will have nothing to do with it. the moment i hear someone say the word woke i know not to take them seriously

where does he think asians migrate to when they want their kids to have better education, better health, and a better life? :pachaha:

china let their people abandon and kill female babies for decades but at least they never had men participate in womens sports :mjlol:

india still got people doing honor killings in the 21st century and indian women getting raped left and right with no repercussions but at least they dont have cross dressers reading to kids :wow:

southeast asian countries like thailand should keep all these woke things away from them and continue to let sex trafficking be a major factor in its economy. at least there aint no LBGT over there. oh wait :unimpressed:

japan and korea not letting these strange values tear apart their families. they figured out the solution to stamp out divorce and all that woke nonsense is to just keep having record low marriage and birth rates year after year. cant separate the nuclear family if there are no families :whew:

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Dude sounds like a China plant.

China doesn't want to dominate the globe but is recolonizing Africa and taking its resources is straight out of the Imperial Europe playbook.

China doesn't want to dominate the globe but is repeatedly undervaluing it's resources shipped to Europe to get a monopoly as a resource supplier there

China doesn't want to dominate the globe but it's regularly stealing Western Military secrets and space program details to replicate our military hardware

Dude sounds like his Chinese big Brother put a gun barrel to his back and read made him read a sheet of Beijing talking points

Can you tell me which African countries China has conquered, committed genocide, created mass enslavement, imposed their religion by force, created Apartheid - like European powers in the 19th and 20th centuries?

Do not compare the Chinese to the cacs

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
It’s not like anyone is attempting to predict the US taking a backseat to China, lol We’ll still be #1, but I think it’s fair to acknowledge that we may need to tweak the way we view or interact with them.
Only thing that needs tweaking is how the rich operate in America. 90% of the problems go back to those clowns outsourcing manufacturing and spending their excess wealth on think tanks/lobbying instead of infrastructure and public services (like they used to during the 1950s). It'swhy black wealth took a massive nose dive during the 1970s and 1980s. Dyring the civil rights era our elders had factory jobs, they didnt know the de-industrialization that was about to happen (the violance happened because of de-industrialization. its why places like Chicago, LA, and Detroit had lots of violance).

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Yeah I should scratch what I said, I wish most of our politicians had a STEM background.

A country like Singapore is basically smart from top-to-bottom.

China has also started passing American Universities when it comes to research and innovation:

Our dumbass "leadership" is basically our ceiling.
I mean, WallStreet and (now) tech bros low key run the government via lobbying. They just dont have the responsibility for backlash like most politicians. Win win for them.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Can you tell me which African countries China has conquered, committed genocide, created mass enslavement, imposed their religion by force, created Apartheid - like European powers in the 19th and 20th centuries?

Do not compare the Chinese to the cacs
Everything you said is correct, however the China Africa relationship is actually sup par lol. It's nearly a decade and a half and I have not seen any technology transfer between the two. Why do they build your power grid with Chinese workers instead of training African workers to do it? Same with the railways and other heavy industries? Who do yall think will need to maintain that infrastructure? It's a very paternalistic relationship, but it seems like it's the best Africa can do lol. very Sad. To put it into perspective, America had no choice but to do technology transfer with Meiji japan if they wanted access to their vast whaling reserves. For China, you guys are just another market that they can use for growth, nothing wrong with that, but you USUALLY get something in return for access to your markets. What are yall getting in return lol?