Furthermore I still need to know why the inhabitants of modern day North Africa are not predominantly black skinned but come in various shades like I've claimed. Most of them having a tanned skin complexion, what you Americans refer to "sandnikkas". The Arabs did not affect the looks of North African people and after the Ummayad Dynasty of Syria lost control of Spain, Berber empires rose in NA and southern Spain.
So when did this mixing of the Berbers take place then?
The Almoravid Dynasty of Northwestern Africa and Southern Spain founded in the 11th century.
Sahrawi tribe which I've mentioned above are an offshoots of the
We also have reports that those Berbers went to war with sub-saharan Africans in the 10th century.
Again we see a clear differentiation between Berbers and Black sub-saharan Africans. What will it take for you to understand that the region is complex and doesn't simply end at either black or white?
The Almoravids later on went to war with the Ghana empire, defeated them and then intermarried.
After the Almoravids you had the Almohad Caliphate that ruled until 1269.
The Almohad originated from the Masmuda tribal confederation, their leader was Ibn Tumart. Here's how they were organised.
Notice how the Berbers (Masmuda tribes) and Blacks are once again differentiated? Why do they keep doing that if Berbers were predominantly Black themselves? Can you answer this? You're making me post things that I don't want to.
Who took over after the Almohads? The Marinid Dynasty, they ruled between 1244 and 1465.
What is important about this period of time is that this was the years Ibn Battuta was alive. Sometime around 1324 Ibn Battuta travelled to Mali and that's when he said "Walata is the Northern-most town of Blacks". I've already shown that Walata is in Southern Mauritania, this is when you suddently changed your worldly view from being confined to Black and White to now seeing many shades and diverse people out there
The Marinid came from the Zenata tribe that was
located somewhere around Tunisia/Libya and where forced to migrate West to Morocco to escape the Arab Banu Hilal invasion.
So the Marinid escaped from the invading Arab Banu Hilal tribe therefore no mixing could have taken part there. Also the
white slaves started arriving at North African markets in the 16th century however the
Marinid only ruled until the 15th.
From this we can conclude that no mixing took part with white people nor did any take part with Arabs therefore Berbers still had their original look at this time. Why did Ibn Battuta then refer to a town in Southern Mauritania as the Northern-most region of Black people?
Because Berbers were not a predominantly Black group, yes they had Black tribes within them but the majority of Berbers had a tanned skin (see my earlier example of this further up the post).
Again, Berbers and Blacks are clearly being differentiate. I'm sure you'd also believe that Kurdish people are Arabs...