@Rice N Beans you're all kinds of wrong here. Clown shyt. Please explain why how this was possible at launch (demolishes your entire console argument)
Xbox was blazing fast and worked basically like how these next gen systems are touting. Not instant start but instant resume. And opening up new apps/ etc was damn near instant.
It’s cute seeing console peasants get hype over SSDs
I don't mind you calling me a console peasant because computer gamers have historically been nerds. And now your nerd time in the nerd sun comes to an end. I have ab SSD already in my one x and I'll have a custom SSD that shyts on anything commercially available on PC in a few months. What the ssd's will do for gaming this gen hasn't been done on PC so your statement goes to show your ignorance on this subject.
And just because I don't game on PC doesn't mean I don't know fukkin computers. PC gamers think once they pop in a game they PC literate all of a sudden
I use to type 70 words per minute, I taught myself how to code. I was close to becoming Cisco certified once then decided I wanted different. I once had a job disassembling PC's. PC gamers in reality resemble smash brothers players at an evo event
you been doing that cloud shimmy for 2 generations
L box only delivers L's
And Sony panicked its own workers when it decided to join Microsoft because of this cloud. Then recently this happened...
Sony's relationship with Microsoft is "deepening"
But since you know it alls feed off each other, this reality isn't really true. It's 100% reality but you guys ain't ready to admit you was wrong for 2 generations now