So you think the id2020 is the mark of a man? It says equal to 666 this is where we’re headed.
My bad for taking so long to get back to you.
I believe ID2020 could possibly be a way to inject the mark of the beast. If you look at the site, look at the companies that are sponsoring it. Microsoft, Rockefeller Foundation and the Gavi Vaccine Alliance. Now why would a 'vaccine alliance' want to be associated with a digital id? We also have to piece together Bill Gates' Microsoft also filing the patent for 060606 which allows cryptocurrency to be mined via human activity
Vaccine Alliance:
ID2020 | Alliance & Governance
So now, Kroger won't return change due to a coin shortage from the Federal Reserve:
Kroger to no longer return coin change to customers.
Convenient timing, no? It's the beginning of the move away from physical currency to digital. Couple that with the aforementioned digital id and Bill Gates constantly pushing vaccines, we have the 'perfect storm' for mandating a digital id and administering it through the 'vaccine', getting rid of physical cash because 'it will spread the virus'.
Also, why are they reopening schools when they have closed down everything else? Because they need that second wave. Why is Bill Gates smirking when he talks about the '2nd wave' coming? Because they KNOW it's coming. All of this is planned.
How did apple and google get covid tracking apps on our phones so quickly? Software takes a lot of time to develop, not even counting the process of getting approvals, budgets, testing, etc., but both of these companies already got this on our phones in a few months. Why even develop an app for something that you don't know how long it's going to last? They developed these apps because they KNOW this is going to be here.
There will be a 2nd wave to really beat the world into submission, and when unemployment runs out, it's really going to get nasty.
I've been watching a lot of rapture dreams and there have been a few common themes I've heard in them like a huge tidal wave/tsunami hitting America, and more precisely Florida. There is also the meteor/comet strike, 3 days of darkness and Russian/Chinese troops on the ground in America. These are some more of the signs to watch out for.
Maybe about 8 years ago I posted on here or it could have been sohh that I had a feeling the rapture was coming soon and a lot of people thought it was crazy but now we see how quickly events are unfolding and my next urging is to be prepared.
I'm telling people to accept Jesus as savior, audit yourself and see if your life is lining up with what is Biblically acceptable to Jesus Christ and stock up on food and provisions and live righteously. Chaotic times ARE ahead. Hopefully the Lord takes us out before then, so let us be prepared. To go through the tribulation is to go through times of turmoil that humanity has NEVER experienced before and never will again.