End Times thoughts


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
So Bill Gates is the Anti Christ?

No. The scriptures teach otherwise.
Learn his characteristics here

[URL="https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/the-rise-of-the-antichrist.html"]The Antichrist - Who He Is & What He Will Do

we been in the "last days" now for how long? :comeon:

The scriptures teach that the timing of man is not the timing of God’s “1 thousand years is like a day”

If you scared go to church

I don't accept cac jesus

I will not go to hell neither. this hurry and repent shyt is fear mongering because religion controls people like you by fear.

you have been vaccinated several times over and are here as a human with a long life expectancy because of it. It's not like nikkaz didn't use to live to 30 and 40 on average at some point in human history. Sky daddy good, medicine bad. I wish it were that simple but I got as many questions for god as I do vaccine makers. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Vaccination has been vital to modern humans but also harmful. One thing for sure though is we need medical professionals to analyze whatever they try to put in out body not preachers.

My good brother, do not let the lies of those who twist the scriptures sway you from the truth. Hellfire awaits those who do not know the most high.

Nah nikka god was sleeping then. Now that gay and trans people exist hes going ssj3 now

Gays and any other form of perversion have been around since the Old Testament good brother.

the anti christ is just a metaphor , its not actually a real thing

in that case Hitler was the anti Christ so weve already seen it
every bad major thing was anti christ if you want to get technical about it

The Antichrist - Who He Is & What He Will Do

learn the characteristics good brother, lest you be deceived. It won’t be how you think.

This is just a theory. I'm not even sure if i believe the second coming has actually happened but Long story short...

Jesus's second coming happened in 70 AD and he came in judgment, i.e., in the glory of the father, just as the father had come in judgment in the OT, i.e., "on the clouds" - this is apocalyptic imagery not literal, magic-cloud riding.

Below is my theory on why they're )illuminati'' doing what they are having understood that the bible is fulfilled:

I believe that the "Illuminati" is trying to "refulfill" the second coming even though they know it already occurred, which is why they have everyone thinking that this is about to happen. Either they believe that by refulfilling this event they can negate their rejection by Yah (remember the strong connection to the jewish people and solomon's temple...if the world believes revelations hasn't been fulfilled and they are tricked into thinking that this is the actual events of revelations then it becomes the reality and wicked jewish people haven't been rejected - turning-back time if you will) or they are trying to pull-off the ultimate manifestation (not just a demon or etc.) but conjuring God himself - the ultimate magic trick - since they will tempt God into intervening the refulfillment of his prophetic word. Only the most powerful magician(they believe more powerful than God) can make God himself appear, making the lesser beings (lucifer, whatever else they think is out there) appear is child's-play.


Not true good brother, Israel is still standing ...

Are these "end times" any different than all the ones before it?
Are megachurch pastors going to to use their absurd wealth to do anything to help anyone during these end times?

Most of these mega church pastor preach a false gospel ... a prosperity gospel rooted in the worship of money. Do not look to these men and woman as the standard...good brother. Absorb scriptures for yourself.

And I'm telling them not to. My son was a bum. You don't need him. And I think I've got a little more authority on the subject than you do, Poindexter.

Please don’t mock the Most High.


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
You end times christians are so insufferable and self centered and certainly unaware of human history. I grew up in a southern church going to church every sunday, tuesday and thursday... so I know your doom and gloom, fire and brimstone end times prophesies too well. I know how you lot like to bring up Matthew 24 and talk about rumors of wars and famine and earthquakes and pestilence. Again, ignoring and not acknowledging that disasters and wars have ALWAYS been apart of human history. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE LIVING THRU IT AT THIS POINT IN TIME DOESN'T MEAN THE WORLD IS ENDING.

You don't even understand your own books. REVELATION was written about the ROMAN EMPIRE who at the time was an enemy of early christians. Emperor Nero banished John (the author of Revelations) to the island of Patmos and that's where John wrote his diss track to the Romans. 666 isnt some microchip in your phone or some chip they implant into your forearm. 666 is the Amharic number for Emperor Nero Caesar. Revelations is like hiphop music with its insider language to the early christian churches under the persecution of the Romans.

Rome is the city with the 7 hills in Revelations. The Emperor is the beast in Revelations that does the bidding of the dragon (Satan). Revelation is just saying to those weary christians to keep the faith and continue to bear witness about Jesus Christ in spite of our persecution.

Stop trying to scare people with your end of the world scenarios, it's disgusting. Besides doesn't the very same book say no one knows the day or hour of his return?:

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."

but somehow, God gave @kevm3 8 years of foresight to see these things when not even Jesus or the angels know:laugh:

What about the bubonic plague? killed 50 MILLION. The Spanish Flu? killed 675,000+ in the US alone, 50 million again dead worldwide. So why would God wait for Covid which has infected and killed far less people? Ohhh because you are living through it:rolleyes:

natural disasters? mt tambora in Indonesia killed over 100k. Krakatoa killed 35k.

I don't even want to get into wars and famines. And if you are black and your ancestors were brought here in chains, then I don't even want to hear how these are bad times when our ancestors were living in a literal hell. It was the literal end times for them and their salvation came in death. Don't disrespect them by living in fear.



May 17, 2012
You end times christians are so insufferable and self centered and certainly unaware of human history. I grew up in a southern church going to church every sunday, tuesday and thursday... so I know your doom and gloom, fire and brimstone end times prophesies too well. I know how you lot like to bring up Matthew 24 and talk about rumors of wars and famine and earthquakes and pestilence. Again, ignoring and not acknowledging that disasters and wars have ALWAYS been apart of human history. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE LIVING THRU IT AT THIS POINT IN TIME DOESN'T MEAN THE WORLD IS ENDING.

You don't even understand your own books. REVELATION was written about the ROMAN EMPIRE who at the time was an enemy of early christians. Emperor Nero banished John (the author of Revelations) to the island of Patmos and that's where John wrote his diss track to the Romans. 666 isnt some microchip in your phone or some chip they implant into your forearm. 666 is the Amharic number for Emperor Nero Caesar. Revelations is like hiphop music with its insider language to the early christian churches under the persecution of the Romans.

Rome is the city with the 7 hills in Revelations. The Emperor is the beast in Revelations that does the bidding of the dragon (Satan). Revelation is just saying to those weary christians to keep the faith and continue to bear witness about Jesus Christ in spite of our persecution.

Stop trying to scare people with your end of the world scenarios, it's disgusting. Besides doesn't the very same book say no one knows the day or hour of his return?:

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."

but somehow, God gave @kevm3 8 years of foresight to see these things when not even Jesus or the angels know:laugh:

What about the bubonic plague? killed 50 MILLION. The Spanish Flu? killed 675,000+ in the US alone, 50 million again dead worldwide. So why would God wait for Covid which has infected and killed far less people? Ohhh because you are living through it:rolleyes:

natural disasters? mt tambora in Indonesia killed over 100k. Krakatoa killed 35k.

I don't even want to get into wars and famines. And if you are black and your ancestors were brought here in chains, then I don't even want to hear how these are bad times when our ancestors were living in a literal hell. It was the literal end times for them and their salvation came in death. Don't disrespect them by living in fear.

Perfect response.

Box Factory

May 14, 2014
I am glad that many are starting to take this seriously. I've posted on this forum for a VERY long time. Maybe 5 to 8 years ago I made a thread about the rapture coming soon... For whatever reason, God has given me foresight of about 8 years, so what I've been given in my mind usually occurs half a decade later. So we are in the period of revealing and in the birth pains of the tribulation.

Whether you believe in pretrib rapture, all we know is that tomorrow is not promised to us and we see how in the blink of an eye, what we thought life was was just a delusion. The aftereffects of Corona Virus has completely shifted reality, but this is merely a taste of what is to come.

So I pondered what is necessary for these upcoming times? One, accepting Jesus as Savior and having our sins being washed in His blood. Two, living a life of repentance and turning away from our evil deeds. Three, spreading the Word for time is short and the harvest is near.

The Bible says in Acts 2:17
"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

There have been so many 'rapture dreams' posted in the past few months. Many people are seeing the same thing, whether it be the asteroid to hit the Earth, a large tsunami, the alien deception, the 3 days of darkness coming...

Even if you just look at what is already here, what is going on is NOT sustainable. We do NOT have enough money to let people continue another year on unemployment. Businesses are closing down. The grocery stores are becoming less and less stocked. We are primed for an economic collapse. We have our 'stars' literally showing they are followers of Lucifer. Look at Beyonce's 'black is king' movie preview that is going to be on Disney plus. She is wearing a baphomet headdress, looks possessed throughout the video and is showcasing what looks to be voodoo. Trust me, do NOT engage in 'dealing with the ancestor spirits'. This is necromancy and is an abomination before God.

God is a God of mercy because He has suffered our transgressions long enough and judgment is coming. The Bible even tells us that the end days will be LIKE THE DAYS OF NOAH. People thought Noah was crazy for preparing until the rains came and he was in the ark and the doors shut. Do NOT let the doors shut on you. Get in the Bible, accept Jesus as Savior and seek purification of your life, both internal and external.
I'm not saying this to be an a$$hole. Or maybe I Am. But you need professional help.

If you think God is giving you premonitions then you're not living in reality and should probably see someone before these delusions go too far

Honestly get help n talk to someone. Youre not well
Aug 18, 2015
ATL paid.. Cali blazed
You end times christians are so insufferable and self centered and certainly unaware of human history. I grew up in a southern church going to church every sunday, tuesday and thursday... so I know your doom and gloom, fire and brimstone end times prophesies too well. I know how you lot like to bring up Matthew 24 and talk about rumors of wars and famine and earthquakes and pestilence. Again, ignoring and not acknowledging that disasters and wars have ALWAYS been apart of human history. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE LIVING THRU IT AT THIS POINT IN TIME DOESN'T MEAN THE WORLD IS ENDING.

You don't even understand your own books. REVELATION was written about the ROMAN EMPIRE who at the time was an enemy of early christians. Emperor Nero banished John (the author of Revelations) to the island of Patmos and that's where John wrote his diss track to the Romans. 666 isnt some microchip in your phone or some chip they implant into your forearm. 666 is the Amharic number for Emperor Nero Caesar. Revelations is like hiphop music with its insider language to the early christian churches under the persecution of the Romans.

Rome is the city with the 7 hills in Revelations. The Emperor is the beast in Revelations that does the bidding of the dragon (Satan). Revelation is just saying to those weary christians to keep the faith and continue to bear witness about Jesus Christ in spite of our persecution.

Stop trying to scare people with your end of the world scenarios, it's disgusting. Besides doesn't the very same book say no one knows the day or hour of his return?:

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."

but somehow, God gave @kevm3 8 years of foresight to see these things when not even Jesus or the angels know:laugh:

What about the bubonic plague? killed 50 MILLION. The Spanish Flu? killed 675,000+ in the US alone, 50 million again dead worldwide. So why would God wait for Covid which has infected and killed far less people? Ohhh because you are living through it:rolleyes:

natural disasters? mt tambora in Indonesia killed over 100k. Krakatoa killed 35k.

I don't even want to get into wars and famines. And if you are black and your ancestors were brought here in chains, then I don't even want to hear how these are bad times when our ancestors were living in a literal hell. It was the literal end times for them and their salvation came in death. Don't disrespect them by living in fear.



Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
You end times christians are so insufferable and self centered and certainly unaware of human history. I grew up in a southern church going to church every sunday, tuesday and thursday... so I know your doom and gloom, fire and brimstone end times prophesies too well. I know how you lot like to bring up Matthew 24 and talk about rumors of wars and famine and earthquakes and pestilence. Again, ignoring and not acknowledging that disasters and wars have ALWAYS been apart of human history. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE LIVING THRU IT AT THIS POINT IN TIME DOESN'T MEAN THE WORLD IS ENDING.

You don't even understand your own books. REVELATION was written about the ROMAN EMPIRE who at the time was an enemy of early christians. Emperor Nero banished John (the author of Revelations) to the island of Patmos and that's where John wrote his diss track to the Romans. 666 isnt some microchip in your phone or some chip they implant into your forearm. 666 is the Amharic number for Emperor Nero Caesar. Revelations is like hiphop music with its insider language to the early christian churches under the persecution of the Romans.

Rome is the city with the 7 hills in Revelations. The Emperor is the beast in Revelations that does the bidding of the dragon (Satan). Revelation is just saying to those weary christians to keep the faith and continue to bear witness about Jesus Christ in spite of our persecution.

Stop trying to scare people with your end of the world scenarios, it's disgusting. Besides doesn't the very same book say no one knows the day or hour of his return?:

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."

but somehow, God gave @kevm3 8 years of foresight to see these things when not even Jesus or the angels know:laugh:

What about the bubonic plague? killed 50 MILLION. The Spanish Flu? killed 675,000+ in the US alone, 50 million again dead worldwide. So why would God wait for Covid which has infected and killed far less people? Ohhh because you are living through it:rolleyes:

natural disasters? mt tambora in Indonesia killed over 100k. Krakatoa killed 35k.

I don't even want to get into wars and famines. And if you are black and your ancestors were brought here in chains, then I don't even want to hear how these are bad times when our ancestors were living in a literal hell. It was the literal end times for them and their salvation came in death. Don't disrespect them by living in fear.

Good Brother...

You do make some good points about how this time could possibly not be the end. And yes the book of revelation could have a dual meaning between the ancient times and now ...

But a study of the scriptures shows us that things foretold in that book have yet to happen so it’s not a 1:1 correlation...

We also know this to be true because of the Prophecy of Daniel has about the end times, and the dream shared from Nebachnazzer

But you are right, no man truly knows the day or the hour.

dat aint da same sandwich

links wid dem grits
Jun 20, 2014
You end times christians are so insufferable and self centered and certainly unaware of human history. I grew up in a southern church going to church every sunday, tuesday and thursday... so I know your doom and gloom, fire and brimstone end times prophesies too well. I know how you lot like to bring up Matthew 24 and talk about rumors of wars and famine and earthquakes and pestilence. Again, ignoring and not acknowledging that disasters and wars have ALWAYS been apart of human history. JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE LIVING THRU IT AT THIS POINT IN TIME DOESN'T MEAN THE WORLD IS ENDING.

You don't even understand your own books. REVELATION was written about the ROMAN EMPIRE who at the time was an enemy of early christians. Emperor Nero banished John (the author of Revelations) to the island of Patmos and that's where John wrote his diss track to the Romans. 666 isnt some microchip in your phone or some chip they implant into your forearm. 666 is the Amharic number for Emperor Nero Caesar. Revelations is like hiphop music with its insider language to the early christian churches under the persecution of the Romans.

Rome is the city with the 7 hills in Revelations. The Emperor is the beast in Revelations that does the bidding of the dragon (Satan). Revelation is just saying to those weary christians to keep the faith and continue to bear witness about Jesus Christ in spite of our persecution.

Stop trying to scare people with your end of the world scenarios, it's disgusting. Besides doesn't the very same book say no one knows the day or hour of his return?:

"However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."

but somehow, God gave @kevm3 8 years of foresight to see these things when not even Jesus or the angels know:laugh:

What about the bubonic plague? killed 50 MILLION. The Spanish Flu? killed 675,000+ in the US alone, 50 million again dead worldwide. So why would God wait for Covid which has infected and killed far less people? Ohhh because you are living through it:rolleyes:

natural disasters? mt tambora in Indonesia killed over 100k. Krakatoa killed 35k.

I don't even want to get into wars and famines. And if you are black and your ancestors were brought here in chains, then I don't even want to hear how these are bad times when our ancestors were living in a literal hell. It was the literal end times for them and their salvation came in death. Don't disrespect them by living in fear.


Exactly and let's not even forget about what happened in Rwanda in 1994. Nobody gives a shyt what happens on the continent, but its only the "last days" when the west gets affected by tragedy. :stopitslime:


Oct 31, 2017
West Coast
we been in the "last days" now for how long? :comeon:

At least 21 centuries if my math is right. And that's not even touching on the numerous "end times prophecies" that occurred in the many centuries before we started using the Gregorian Calendar.

It's crazy how many cats believe their global or societal issues are a sure sign of the end of the world/rapture/apocalypse/etc while having almost zero concept of human history. You think them nikkas living in the times of the Bubonic plague didn't think shyt was bleak? You think WW1 or 2 didn't have people believing humanity as a whole was over?


Jun 29, 2012
I’m not very religious but I believe in a higher power. This thread has me shook because earlier this year, I had a dream I was in dc and it was complete chaos. Buildings on fire, people running around the streets, explosions, Trump was giving a speech and no one was listening. I lowkey forgot about it until I started reading this thread.