End Times thoughts


All Star
Jul 24, 2018
It's clear to me that we are in the end days and everything is in place for the revealing of the antichrist. What we have seen thus far such as the Corona virus, the earthquakes, the locusts, etc., is only the beginning of the birth pains. What we have been experiencing now isn't even the real tribulations, but rather will pave the way for what is to come.

Doing a search for "rapture dreams" on youtube will show you a ton of people uploading their testimony of rapture dreams, and all within the past few months.

Whether you believe in a pretribulation rapture is up to you, but I'm creating this thread to warn those who haven't accepted Jesus as Savior to do and those who proclaim to be a follower of Jesus to repent and get in right standing with God.

All of this Corona virus stuff is here to pave the way for the beast system through economic collapse and elimination of cash and the move towards the digital economy. What will be the excuse used to rid society of cash? Cash creates unnecessary physical contact, which can spread disease. Digital will be touted as much safer. The Corona will also be used to get everyone vaccinated, and there is speculation that the chip will actually be in these vaccines. ID2020 is an initiative to give everyone a verifiable 'digital identity, and Microsoft is part of this coalition as well as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Gavi Vaccine Alliance.

ID2020 | Alliance & Governance

I'll post more in this thread soon, but this is just the start.

Been happening for a minute.
The Aadhar card introduced in India.
The new contactless payment systems being implemented globally.

If you’re on social media, those are two accounts worth following (IMO).


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Christians said the same thing for Y2K, 2012, now 2020. I'm going to bump this thread at the end of the year to see if your claim of the antichrist being revealed hold water.
Can add 2015 in there too as well like the video below now that I think about it again. A lot of JC watchmen need to do better with discerning the times.


dat aint da same sandwich

links wid dem grits
Jun 20, 2014
Couple thousand years. Depends on who you ask. Hindus say this is the last "era" and every era people get worse. Christians pretty much say the same thing for 200 years now. End is nigh though :ufdup:

The sooner people stop falling for the scam, the better. We ain't in no "last days". Every time some bad shyt happens, all the fake righteous, smooth talking fearmongering religious zealots come out with the "this is it! The final hour is at hand" bullshyt to exploit vulnerable people. Coronavirus didn't take nearly as many lives as other plagues did in the past with modern advances in medicine and information. There has been violence in the world throughout all human history. Even the 80s was more violent than now. Let anybody who lived through the crack era tell you. All the progress mankind has been making in terms of knowledge, health, etc all of that means nothing because the final days are supposedly here.

There is no celestial being coming down on a horse and chariot to right all wrongs. Funny how "jesus" was nowhere to be seen when we were in bondage for hundreds of years and didn't do shyt when millions of our ancestors went through the worse treatment in human history. wasn't no "last days" then, huh? :rudy:He couldn't even save black people from being gunned down in a church by a racist cac while they were worshipping him but he's just gonna suddenly decide to "save" us.

Anybody who truly believes a man got all species of animals on a ark, or a man lived in a whale's belly for three days, or a man did a huge sermon on the mount speech to thousands of people without a microphone and speakers lost.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
So Christians are having rapture dreams? :dwillhuh:
Most religious folk have dreams. Dreams are anecdotal. You can just as easily do a Youtube search from New agers giving their experiences "astral traveling" and lucid dreaming. Or buddhist, hindus, etc. All are anecdotal accounts.

surprised nobody quoted 2 peters 3 yet


Sep 15, 2019
You know what would be messed up? If black people as a collective got ownership developed their own communities and got another black wall street going on. White communities start imploding and they start turning on each other and opioids start to do more damage.

Then Jesus decides to come back and save everyone. Like got damn “we finally get our shyt together and here he comes.” The ultimate white privilege move.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
SwizzLake said:
Out of curiosity, who wrote Matthews?

It is traditionally ascribed to St. Matthew, one of the 12, a Hebrew, written (originally) in Aramaic, about 15-20 years after Mark.​

If you mean the 'author', that is something else according to Bart Ehrmann and other scholars.​


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I am glad that many are starting to take this seriously. I've posted on this forum for a VERY long time. Maybe 5 to 8 years ago I made a thread about the rapture coming soon... For whatever reason, God has given me foresight of about 8 years, so what I've been given in my mind usually occurs half a decade later. So we are in the period of revealing and in the birth pains of the tribulation.

Whether you believe in pretrib rapture, all we know is that tomorrow is not promised to us and we see how in the blink of an eye, what we thought life was was just a delusion. The aftereffects of Corona Virus has completely shifted reality, but this is merely a taste of what is to come.

So I pondered what is necessary for these upcoming times? One, accepting Jesus as Savior and having our sins being washed in His blood. Two, living a life of repentance and turning away from our evil deeds. Three, spreading the Word for time is short and the harvest is near.

The Bible says in Acts 2:17
"'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

There have been so many 'rapture dreams' posted in the past few months. Many people are seeing the same thing, whether it be the asteroid to hit the Earth, a large tsunami, the alien deception, the 3 days of darkness coming...

Even if you just look at what is already here, what is going on is NOT sustainable. We do NOT have enough money to let people continue another year on unemployment. Businesses are closing down. The grocery stores are becoming less and less stocked. We are primed for an economic collapse. We have our 'stars' literally showing they are followers of Lucifer. Look at Beyonce's 'black is king' movie preview that is going to be on Disney plus. She is wearing a baphomet headdress, looks possessed throughout the video and is showcasing what looks to be voodoo. Trust me, do NOT engage in 'dealing with the ancestor spirits'. This is necromancy and is an abomination before God.

God is a God of mercy because He has suffered our transgressions long enough and judgment is coming. The Bible even tells us that the end days will be LIKE THE DAYS OF NOAH. People thought Noah was crazy for preparing until the rains came and he was in the ark and the doors shut. Do NOT let the doors shut on you. Get in the Bible, accept Jesus as Savior and seek purification of your life, both internal and external.