Fake militants coming into the thread to hate. @SunZoo we bike
Compared to everything post Relapse, this is the only time an album has legit called me back to it.
Mtbmb was cool but too long and none of those records really haunted me like that. Kamikaze was dope and pretty concise but still most of that kinda flew by.
I can tell I like an album when I can hear it playing in my head when I’m not listening to it. That’s happened a lot with this album.
Some of it is just being an ear worm, like brand new dance lol, so fukking stupid and annoying, monster mash rap
Some of it is just certain songs really leaving an impression. And the concept seems to tug at me because as a spiritual seeker I understand the battle you have with your ego, you life's narrative and all the things that went into telling your story. and how hard it can be to leave those behind.
So even kind of avoiding the album it will call me back to it as a reminder of that process.
Plenty of legit criticisms to go around but as a fan not quite satisfied but content with how it came out.