it's not about being loved by the democrats, its about working with the party that is not actively denying black people their constitutional rights or outright have 20% of their members believe "black people should never have been freed"
democrats: open to at least making reforms to the criminal justice system, more likely to repudiate racist incidents within their ranks, more likely to work with black people on issues of civil rights, police brutality, education, jobs
GOP: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . well . . . . im sure you can fill in the blank
it's simple, one party is open to change, the other literally wants to turn america's clock back to the 50s
So no and no, s'all you had to say.
Are either of you even black? And can you prove it? I'm legit curious.
I answered it and I'm not going let a poster with less than 500 posts who has been on this site less than a year coax me to decide how I choose to prove my race. When you look through my posts and see my posts that can help with identifying my background.
Search "diaspora" and "newworldafro"
Search "africa" and "newworldafro"
Search "hbcu" and "newworldafro"
See how many diverse results those searches generate.
Did y'all forget that op is @Sagat?
Who is an African that call AA men ******s?
@hustlemania you got that thread bookmarked?
I proved I'm black on like the 2nd or 3rd page
I only want to combat ideas and debate differing opinions with other black people. I don't want to hear anything about anything from no racist cac pos pretending to be black on thecoli. And that's who this thread is about. Yes their are right wing black people who love nothing better than to just be contrarian to everything most black people support/believe. But the overwhelming majority of these types of people on this site are white guys pretending to be those brothas.
Nah but seriously I just don't like what liberals do to the black community I hate republicans too I just have conservative views