The admin opens registration every so often, at some point you're gonna have to stop pretendin black folks are behind these accounts we all know you and the large majority of the ones makin these conservative talkin points are cacs.

Whether you conservative cacs like it or not most black people are liberal, black folks are on the same page when it comes to racist conservatives which is why the far right is so desperate for any c00n to hold up as an example for black people to follow.
You conservatives keep trying to push the narrative of there being alot of black conservatives to convince people your side is diverse but everyone sees through that bullshyt, the fact all of you Alt Righters even have to do this full court press in an attempt to get blacks on your side says it all.

Look at all these cacs tryin to be slick playin dumb about the registration knowin it opens up every now and then.

Ask your Alt Right friends that same question since they're intolerant to anythin "liberal", bottom line is BLACK people on this site don't want to associate wit you racist cac conservatives period nor should they have to so stop the whinin about your "dissenting voices" being silenced.
You right wing trolls get off on arguin online all day as shown by your Twitter accounts, the whole mission of Alt Righters is to convert everyone to conservatism so you harass try to trick and argue with people non stop hopin they'll join your side. If you have to badger others tell lies and half truths in order to get more allies then YOU really need to check YOUR ideology.
People don't need to hear your side because your side is racist, your type keeps trying to normalize the Alt Right now that everyone sees you as racists but your side is wrong. This is a fukkin message board not a court of law no one is obligated to let you "present your case" that's not a dictatorship it's people choosin not to listen to your lying cac ass, there you go wit another Alt Right talking point claimin "both sides" are the same

no the bots and trolls are strong on your side everyone else is just livin their life you're the ones obsessed wit an ideological war centered around your racist views.
Deflectin onto Bill Clinton and tryin to get liberal blacks to focus on hatin gays and other minorities (coincidentally the same people the Alt Right hates too

) instead of cac conservatives who are the real enemy of blacks won't work cac.
"People are calling out conservative cacs like me pretending to be black, somebody stop this!

Another one of you throwin around that "echo chamber" buzzword

yet you clowns wonder why everyone says you all come from Alt Right sites with an agenda. That's what the far right wants for everyone to hear their "opinions" out no matter how racist (i.e. normalize their bigoted views) but it won't happen with blacks we've always known yall ain't shyt.
Most black folk aren't conservative

so a ton of posters poppin up on this site (most joinin on the same dates) wit those views
Cause its not a black person sayin it most of the people making those posts are Alt Right cacs like you.:cacjordan:
More Alt Right talking points:stephenasmithsleep:now you have the audacity to try to flip the things said about c00ns (bein in the sunken place) and apply them to the DNC, it's pathetic you idiots don't have any good arguments of your own that you have to steal terms said about you and project them onto the other side. The only sheep are the few c00ns stuck in the RNC sunken place, luckily most of us ain't fallin for your tactics.