Having watched the full interview, I'll say TBC wasn't the platform for this conversation. It should've been, but if you're going to have this conversation, you really need to have it with people on your level intellectually.
She wasn’t putting down BM. I don't know where that narrative came from. On the BKC, her whole point was that if you are able to do more, to utilize all your skill set, to do and be the best you can be...why not? Why not be your best? Why settle for mediocrity when you have the talent, skills and potential to be so much greater? Black Americans typically aren’t raised to do our best, to maximize our talent and the skills available to us. No, we are raised to go to school, go to college, get a 9-5 and retire in 30 years.
There's a reason Africans come here and surpass us. That Asians come here and surpass us. That Latinos come here and surpass us. Black Americans need to hear what she's saying tbh.