Dump a nikka for being broke not realizing he's actually rich Brehettes

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I paid $3500 for a website once. $500 for a second one. Im sure people pay more.. Someones making some kind of money here..
some money and a steady flow are 2 different things.

its like being a part-time salesman. some checks are big, some are small, sometimes life gets rough and sometimes you eat well. Its not very steady, its a craps shoot, and it sounds like she didnt want to risk it after a few months. homie driving a 97 camry wasnt really showing that he was eating well either.

im not saying he should floss out but damn, give the woman some assurance. much like I expect a woman to make a few meals so I know that when we get married my kids wont starve.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
If she really wanted to make it work with him, she would have stuck it out and urged him to pursue a better career more vigorously. .
pretty sure thats what she did. stuck it out, then asked a few questions about where he was going and where they were going. dude left it hella vague.
he should have just said, look when we get married we will buy a much bigger house and Ill get rid of my 97 and get something in this decade. its not that hard. she wanted reassurance whats wrong with that ?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If it wasn't about the money, she wouldn't have brought up about them going to Starbucks and chilling at home... as if he owed her fancy dinners for her company. Nor would her mindset have shifted after she looked over and saw what her friends were doing. Should have kept her mind focused on what she had. If she REALLY wanted that life with him and was concerned, she would have sat down with him and said, "Look, I want a future with you, but I'm concerned that you aren't being ambitious enough. What are your real plans for the future and how are we going to make it?" You dont' just concoct scenarios in your mind and decide to chop out and be mad when he won't let you back in. Look at it from his perspective. She thought everything was cool for 10 months, but then decided to spring it on him that he wasn't ambitious enough and left. Didn't give him a chance to change his ways or any of that.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I wouldnt really call it a stereotype, from my experience most rich business men are frugal when it comes to money because most of them had to work to get what they have so they know the value of a dollar. Most rich people who blow tons of money on things outside of special occasions either didnt have to work to get it or wont be rich very long. Only reason my homeboys are frugal is because they studied warren buffet
I'd call it a stereotype because my experience is different than yours regarding this topic. Like I said everybody not having coke parties but leaving like they barely surviving nah. I also look at reality if the majority of rich people were living like people want to portray high end luxury wouldn't be thriving at all since after a certain point only people with money are in that game. We can agree to disagree but I'm just not a believer in the millionaire next door philosophy for most rich and only nouveau rich are spending all their money. If that's your experience I can't say your wrong but its definitely not mine and even looking at stuff elsewhere with rich businessmen that doesn't seem to be the norm.

Thanks for the replies

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I'd call it a stereotype because my experience is different than yours regarding this topic. Like I said everybody not having coke parties but leaving like they barely surviving nah. I also look at reality if the majority of rich people were living like people want to portray high end luxury wouldn't be thriving at all since after a certain point only people with money are in that game. We can agree to disagree but I'm just not a believer in the millionaire next door philosophy for most rich and only nouveau rich are spending all their money. If that's your experience I can't say your wrong but its definitely not mine and even looking at stuff elsewhere with rich businessmen that doesn't seem to be the norm.

Thanks for the replies
I thought jews were known for being penny pinchers tho?


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
There was actually a study I remember reading awhile back that stated social media was the cause of a lot of folks's depression.
You begin looking at what everyone else has and start comparing their lives to yours.
You get a 3 series BMW but your classmate has a 6.
A friend secured a high paying job and just bought a home three years removed from college and you're still in a two bedroom apartment & running the rat race.
Funny thing is, it's ironic since a lot of people put on a facade on FB/Instagram/Twitter and are never as happy & content as they pretend to be.

Cause most people are posers. Flaunt all that shyt on FB/Instagram yet you're miserable... Yet they try to make everyone jealous or envious. To what end? What's the point? This is why some folks will never be happy. Validation is a drug, social media is the crack pipe. Not saying this is the case for everyone that stunts, but... I've always felt that if you're truly having fun, you don't gotta brag. And if you're winning, you don't gotta convince anyone you are. You just do it because that's what you've BEEN doing. Why should you care if people watch you? You're doing you just like you always have, so an audience shouldn't matter. But that's just me.

Yo read this section again

She knew this guy for 10months and this is the best way she could describe their relationship together.

Most nights he was content in stayin in - why?
He liked to watch Netflix - what movies? why?
He played the guitar - since when? what are his favorite artist?
When he goes out he pre games and doesn't pay for drinks at the bar - why?

bytch you've been going out with him for 10months and you don't think that everything he did had a reason behind it? Do you actually know this cat?

Who lightly prods FOR TEN MONTHS!?

This is what I'm saying... Sometimes it's incredibly subtle but you can pick up on things. People aren't that difficult to figure out if you know what leads stick out in a conversation. Had she done that, she would've at least gotten the feeling that dude had a LOT more money than he led on, but again, it is what it is.

Will was the lucky one. She got caught up in looking at what her friends were doing, chopped out and lost. That's the way it goes. What do you think she would do if they got married and he lost that money some how? You think she'd stick it through and rough it out with him?

If anything, that situation would be his living conditions now. :heh:

In the age of IG, all these hoes want to do is look like they rich or living the Kim K lifestyle.

Cause in these times, people lack hustle. So what's the next best thing? Imitate. :yeshrug:For a couple paychecks, proper angles and some Instagram filters, you too can stunt like the DJ Khaleds and Diddys of the world. Would it be legitimate? No, but when was social media ever about legitimacy? :sas2:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I read through the thread, the disgusting amount of cape for this broad by manginas and SIMPs.

She was fine with dude and his lifestyle until she perceived her friends getting ahead.

No dofference than Ashley getting married and suddenly Rachel is pressuring her bf so when are we?

Never change for a woman and will never did, set in his ways.

Look even after they broke up she dumped him but she was mad she had no more access to him.

Everything is me me me me

Dumb thot

A couple of gems that weren't picked up on really is that she's friends with all her exes and still let them hit on occasion. Where do you think this girl will be when she has an argument with Willy Will? She wants a whole bunch of JIC negroes... Just in case negroes she can fall back on .

It's understandable if she wants a guy with a career and who isn't lazing around, but she said she just came out and 'was honest with him' and dipped after looking at what her friends were doing. He's the exact same dude he was before, but she finds she's loaded and now she wants back in. If she was really concerned about him, she wouldn't be worried about what her friends were doing. She wouldn't try to paint him as this super-cheap, penny pinching loser. If it's just about the career, why not just bring that up? Why bring up his old car, how he takes you to Starbucks and not some fancy restaurant... the dude even cooks for her. That's how it ends up with a lot of dudes. Women start painting all these scenarios in their mind, they don't tell you anything... you think everything's cool, and then they want to 'have that talk' and then chop out. Then they find out you aren't missing much of a beat without them and they want back in, just like she does.

I just feel so low right now. If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her? He said he "saw me in his future", why didn't he care enough to share these things with me? He could have easily kept our relationship alive by being forthcoming. Someone please help me make sense of this situation.

Gus Money

May 20, 2012
It pays to be patient. Literally. :yeshrug:

:laugh: I'm dying at this gif. Notice the woman on the far right shield her face when she realizes dude is about to dance.


Jan 27, 2014
Interesting, she has never mentioned the whole time what job title she had. :sas1:
Sounds like she was going downhill and wanted a cash injection for her' accolades' so she can put them up on Facebook too :sas2:


Feb 10, 2013
All these dumb bytches on facebook. Only nikka really happy and about that Facebook life is mark zuckerburg. Sabotaged herself for no damn reason.

I can get the wanting to get serious but to frame it around finances? If it's so important make it your damn self.


May 2, 2012
I [F26] have been dating Will [M27] for most of 2014; I met him on New Years Eve, we exchanged numbers, scheduled a coffee date and have been seeing each other ever since. He's tall and shy, with long thick hair like Eddie Vedder. He lives in an older house by himself and drives a 1997 Toyota. He dresses very casually - I don't think he even owns a collared shirt - and all his clothes are minimum 1-2 years old. For income, he told me he "ran a few websites" and picked up piece-work as a 'session guitarist'. He is also very frugal. He never took me out for fancy dinners or anything. In the beginning it was always coffee dates, walks, hikes, etc. If we go out, he insists on 'pre-drinking' and refuses to buy drinks at a bar. Most nights he was content staying in, watching Netflix and playing his guitar.

I never outright asked how much money he made, but given his lifestyle, clothes, furnishings, etc. plus the fact that he rarely worked, I assumed it wasn't much. I would lightly prod him with questions about the future, if he had any career goals - he would say that he "saw me in his future", but also he was "happy the way things were".

I have Facebook and am on it every day, usually when work is slow. Lately my newsfeed has been filled with my peers getting married, buying houses, having babies, and other various accolades. I can't help but feel jealous by this; it seems like everyone but me is making significant gains in their lives and relationships. Three weeks ago, after seeing a girl I knew from high school buy her 3rd property with her husband, it felt like my relationship with Will was juvenile and had no future.

The next time I was over at Will's (after he served me potato soup for dinner and was torrenting a documentary for us to watch later) I ended the relationship. I was perfectly honest about everything - he was a great guy, I loved him and his personality, but I felt he lacked career/life ambition and we wanted different things for the future. He sat and listened to everything, seemingly unmoved by it. When I finished talking, he said "fine by me" and asked me to leave. I went to hug him on my way out, instead he just guided me out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

With prior boyfriends, we'd still talk or text a bit after we'd be broken up. Sometimes we'd even still hook up. I dunno, I've just never had a 'bad break-up' and always try to remain on good terms. I haven't heard a fukking word from Will, even after texting him multiple times and calling him once.

I saw two of Wills friends at the gym today. I went over and made small talk, asked how he was, etc. I tried to explain myself, saying he was a great guy but our views on money and the future didn't seem to mesh. To this, one friend chuckled to himself and walked away. I asked the other friend WTF that's about it, and he says "Yeah, we heard. The thing is, Will's loaded. He inherited his grandpas land which is leased to oil and gas companies. I've seen the quarterly checks he gets and they're more than my yearly salary. Good luck getting him to spend it, though. He has a 'if it aint broke, dont fix it' type mentality. Just look at that piece of shyt he drives!"

This has completely baffled and upset me. I dated him for 10 months when I thought he was penniless, proof I'm not a fukking gold-digger. I am a 26 year old woman who needs to be pragmatic, I can't just indefinitely date someone with the future being so uncertain. He could've said something, ANYTHING during our break up when I was explaining my doubts about our relationship. Instead he said nothing, and now he refuses to talk to me. It makes absolutely no sense.

I just feel so low right now. If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her? He said he "saw me in his future", why didn't he care enough to share these things with me? He could have easily kept our relationship alive by being forthcoming. Someone please help me make sense of this situation.

*TL;DR - My boyfriend kept his wealth a secret from me throughout our entire relationship. I ended the relationship on the pretext that he wasn't money/career motivated, he didn't say anything to the contrary. *

he probably doesnt want a gold digger
