Dump a nikka for being broke not realizing he's actually rich Brehettes

May 1, 2012
70 pages? i know the coli so i know the topic of this thread has changed atleast a dozen times...with the usual arguing and finger pointing etc ad nauseum


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
if you fall into the pitfalls of being simp charming.
then, not knowing marriage and divorce law and move like it,....

a bytch can change you.
nikkaz, delussional as hell thinking they just good.
after females, be taking the fifty percent they were supposed to provide.
yet, simp charming, provided the whole hunid.
then, simp charming is crushed and runs to the internet.
when, you supposed to be developing.
not falling for none of those pitfalls in your gen.

if you are in this gen, and you not ramped up to what's to it.
given all the information, most shun.
then, you get hit with this epiphany of damn,...da fukk, just fukk happened't and shyt.

later on down the line and in your gen, i am only giving you to twenty five.
since you know so much already in this gen..

yet, can't rap, but that's another discussion.
anyway,...if you ain't got it by twenty five in y'all gen,..
nikka you flabby and sick,.....
you right at the age pac criticized dela for in 96, with age inflation to make up the difference.
the shyt is out there to know what's to it and get more.
so, if you don't and plus you listen to rap, and don't have knowledge of self, and part of that is knowing this shyt.
chu flabby and sick, my nikka.

art barr

That's why I think you can't be thirsty for a relationship and simp every attractive girl that comes your way. Simping never works. You lose all power and credibility when you do that. And you're sitting there writing her mini-love notes, helping her out with her relationship problems and Lord knows what else, while she's with her friends clowning you... Meanwhile she's waiting up all night for the other nikka's text who did none of that. When society paints the picture of women needing to be saved and that they're pure creatures, everybody loses. Simps gas up the women so they get big headed and find it difficult to find a good man. The big headed hoes crush the simp's soul and the simp has a heel turn. Evil simp finds a good girl and

The way I see it... I'm trying to build a life I can enjoy. So one day I can wake up, open my curtains and be like "Gotdamn it's a beautiful day. :blessed::stylin:" And I'm not down to be a woman's meal ticket and pay her way through life. Naw, if I gotta bust my ass to get to where I wanna be, she's gotta be doing the same. :ufdup:

That's why women value decisiveness in a man. Their opinions are easily swayed, which is why they love a man who is firm and decisive. It's also a reflection of their general lack of self-confidence. People with low self-confidence/self-esteem are usually pretty indecisive.

It's true. Then again, most women are insecure. :yeshrug: That's why they leech off of social media like crazy. When do you see dudes becoming IG models and getting famous off that? You never see it and if you do, it's far and in-between. They spend a lot of time focusing on their appearance just go go to work in the morning, and then they spend a lot more time getting ready for the club. ALL of their values are in their looks. A man's value would be in his ability to lead, his decisiveness, and how high he places his morals and stands by it... among the materialistic stuff like money and status.

A man has to go jump through so many hoops to get a woman interested. A woman just has to look good and dudes would scoop her up. And therefore, a lot of women don't go through personal development periods to improve their chances with the opposite sex and increase their life quality in general, because... well, they get it on a silver platter. They put some makeup on and some fly clothes and there she goes. It's like what Chris Rock said. Men think "What do I have to do to get that?" Women think "Who do I have to get to get that?" Of course, not everyone is like this. But again. This is why in dating, the man tends to lead. That doesn't mean the woman is beneath him, he's just in charge. Because contrary to popular Feminist belief, women DO want the whole works. That's why Feminism doesn't promote paying your own way on dates. :sas1:


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
its like broken telephone here potato soup was mentioned once and now suddenly it turned into a wevery day or week occourence.

I've had hamburger helper, mac and cheese, them walmart chicken and potato wedges, left over pizza from chicks for dinner.

For all we know potato soup was his thing and he made a killer potato soup and she loved it. But now there not together its potato soup :pacspit:

This. It wasn't like she was all...

GF: Potato soup....? :dahell: POTATO SOUP!?! :wtf: Get this bullshyt outta here. :camby:


What REALLY happened is more like...

GF: Potato soup! :ahh: Put some more in the bowl. :feedme:


...But, because she ain't with him anymore, suddenly potato soup is such a terrible thing. Oh well. More for him.



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I'm reading the words of many a lame on this thread :mjlol:

N#ggas speaking fluent Cupcakish :pachaha:

Ol' she made me take her Ruth Chris for our first date a## n#ggas :heh:

I have no problem doing nice things for people including a woman I'm getting serious with. But that is MY choice....not hers....not her friends....not her family. MINE and MINE alone.

I do fly sh#t cuz I like doing fly sh#t....never to impress a chick. That's how lames are made....doing sh#t to impress a female when females are more populous than grass. That's why these chicks feel comfortable sticking their hands in dudes' pockets now.

That's the difference between real dudes and lames. Real dudes do what they want and have a chick tag along. Lames find out what might impress the chick and then do that....hoping it works. I'd rather be a real dude by myself than a lame with a stable of b#tches he's paying for.

Dude wanted to eat potato soup and watch documentaries. And that's what he was going to do....whether she was there or not. So, when she tried to play that dumb b#tch sh#t, it didn't even alter his mood. He just kicked her out, ate some soup and watched the documentary :obama:

This chick, like some others, thought her p#ssy gave her the right to dictate how this man spent his money. I don't get where these chicks come from and what type of dudes they date, but that is delusional. Where in the world can you tell someone how they're going to spend their money?

Yea, dude might've been boring and lived a Spartan lifestyle. But this b#tch knew that from the door. Only when she started focusing more on her friends than her dude did she start to feel like she was losing out. Like I always tell chicks: "don't let your friends get you out of your spot."

Chick got what she deserved. Dude wasn't even thirsty for p#ssy either :salute:


Exactly... What is ONE thing she stated that she did for him? There's a reason rich people don't tell people they have money, and one of the closing lines in her post is the prime reason why.

I just feel so low right now. If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her? He said he "saw me in his future", why didn't he care enough to share these things with me? He could have easily kept our relationship alive by being forthcoming. Someone please help me make sense of this situation.

When you have it and people know it, they think they can choose how and when they are going to be treated on your tab. You both are in a restaurant and they just expect you to pay because you got the money. "You have alll that money and you're not going to pay for both of us?"


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Exactly... What is ONE thing she stated that she did for him? There's a reason rich people don't tell people they have money, and one of the closing lines in her post is the prime reason why.

When you have it and people know it, they think they can choose how and when they are going to be treated on your tab. You both are in a restaurant and they just expect you to pay because you got the money. "You have alll that money and you're not going to pay for both of us?"

Yup. Stunt for the 'Gram then complain when people look at you like a meal ticket, brehs. This is exactly why you should keep your wealth a secret. My bank account is my business and if I choose not to divulge in that, that's my choice. Especially if I bust my ass through whatever I had to do to get the money I have now. People going "But he didn't earn it!" So what? People buy lotto tickets all the time, hoping they win. Raffles too, but on a smaller scale. So if you went to a wedding social and you won a TV, you gonna feel bad because you didn't earn it? :stopitslime: Let anyone hating on Will come across some big money right now and people find out, bet anything they'll change their tune.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Yup. Stunt for the 'Gram then complain when people look at you like a meal ticket, brehs. This is exactly why you should keep your wealth a secret. My bank account is my business and if I choose not to divulge in that, that's my choice. Especially if I bust my ass through whatever I had to do to get the money I have now. People going "But he didn't earn it!" So what? People buy lotto tickets all the time, hoping they win. Raffles too, but on a smaller scale. So if you went to a wedding social and you won a TV, you gonna feel bad because you didn't earn it? :stopitslime: Let anyone hating on Will come across some big money right now and people find out, bet anything they'll change their tune.

Also, to me it doesn't even seem like he was even necessarily living off of his inheritance. According to how he was living, it was easily possible that he was earning enough to be 'self-sufficient'.. Driving a car from the 90s, so thus no car note and low insurance, not buying the latest fashions, meaning more savings, and just living a generally frugal lifestyle. He wasn't into keeping up with the Joneses. She was.

I don't fault her for leaving because she felt she wanted a different avenue in life, but when you take that gamble, sometimes you end up losing. In this case, she lost.


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
Also, to me it doesn't even seem like he was even necessarily living off of his inheritance. According to how he was living, it was easily possible that he was earning enough to be 'self-sufficient'.. Driving a car from the 90s, so thus no car note and low insurance, not buying the latest fashions, meaning more savings, and just living a generally frugal lifestyle. He wasn't into keeping up with the Joneses. She was.

I don't fault her for leaving because she felt she wanted a different avenue in life, but when you take that gamble, sometimes you end up losing. In this case, she lost.

I'm willing to bet he purposely didn't want to spend his inheritance money. He's frugal, yet has the means to live large and extravagant. So to me, he either A) knows and understands the value of a dollar, or B) he's wanting to come up on his own. Both answers are commendable, and both also show more wisdom and ambition than it would appear on the surface. He DID say he was working on websites. Those could've been freelance jobs where he was requested by huge companies to do. He probably didn't want to say anything, because he thought she might get the Wall Street morning bell stuck in her head. Which is a logical and understandable concern. Things are never what they appear to be. We'll never know because Will hasn't said his side, and I doubt he'd even care to.

She left, and she did nothing wrong.... the only time she did wrong, is getting upset when Will did have money, then going online to rant about it. If she had decided that "Well, it's too late now. :manny:" then that would've been it. It's a loss because she wanted to beat her Facebook Friends and wound up with nothing.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I'm willing to bet he purposely didn't want to spend his inheritance money. He's frugal, yet has the means to live large and extravagant. So to me, he either A) knows and understands the value of a dollar, or B) he's wanting to come up on his own. Both answers are commendable, and both also show more wisdom and ambition than it would appear on the surface. He DID say he was working on websites. Those could've been freelance jobs where he was requested by huge companies to do. He probably didn't want to say anything, because he thought she might get the Wall Street morning bell stuck in her head. Which is a logical and understandable concern. Things are never what they appear to be. We'll never know because Will hasn't said his side, and I doubt he'd even care to.

She left, and she did nothing wrong.... the only time she did wrong, is getting upset when Will did have money, then going online to rant about it. If she had decided that "Well, it's too late now. :manny:" then that would've been it. It's a loss because she wanted to beat her Facebook Friends and wound up with nothing.

As you get older, you realize how dumb all of the stuff that you bought was and you'd much rather have that money. A lot of people would be living way more comfortably if they took the money they bought on shoes, clothes, entertainment, flashy car, jewelry, etc., and would have invested it. They might have missed out on some memories, but it is what it is. I don't blame him one bit for being frugal. All the women can think he is a loser while he doesn't have to feel the pressure of working a job that he hates. One of the lovely things about living frugally is that you can survive when times are great and when times get thinner.


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
As you get older, you realize how dumb all of the stuff that you bought was and you'd much rather have that money. A lot of people would be living way more comfortably if they took the money they bought on shoes, clothes, entertainment, flashy car, jewelry, etc., and would have invested it. They might have missed out on some memories, but it is what it is. I don't blame him one bit for being frugal. All the women can think he is a loser while he doesn't have to feel the pressure of working a job that he hates. One of the lovely things about living frugally is that you can survive when times are great and when times get thinner.

It's funny because a female I used to talk to was on Twitter talking about how her phone bill is $600 and she's going to a concert that costs $400. Recently blew $2300 on a bag, and all of her clothes have to be dry-cleaned. Also travels a lot too. You would think this girl is rich, right? Nope... McDonald's Manager. I mean that's her money and that's her right to blow it on whatever she so chooses, but... Damn. I would NEVER buy a bag worth 2 Grand. :why: I like being 'cheap' and not blowing things needlessly. I'm a laid back guy. I like video games, I like music, I like movies, I like going outside for walks and I like hanging with friends now and again. If I were rich, I'd do the same things. What the hell am I gonna do as a rich man, go to rich parties with people I don't even like? Go golfing? Drive around in expensive cars and drink champagne? Attend fashion shows? That's for the birds. I'm gonna go travel to different countries and explore the culture and learn new languages.

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
Of course basic morality and honesty escapes you. More often than not religion and treating people decently dont have any tangible relationship. He manipulated her by giving off a clear impression that he was financially unambitious and disinterested in mobility and treating his well. If hes insecure about how people will respond to him based on his wealth thats his own issue, he doesnt need to drag innocent people into his lil dumb ass social experiments in order to waste their time and fukk with their mind.

Sure, not disclosing your financial standing when you initially meet someone is reasonable, but toying with someone for close to a year is immoral and cruel. People want to mock this girl, but the flipside is he probably lost out on a good girl by being a maladaptive dishonest fukkboi.

:mjlol: at these small minded symposium style exchanges from simps in here using this isolated instance to debate a general topic in favour of the scorned sket.

As for the quoted what a load of horse bollocks..... I'm only a 1/3rd of the way through this thread & there's probably no new opinion or 'THOT' I can add to this long ass thread that hasn't probably been heavily discussed

Serious question, do you ever tire from regurgitating that Damsel In Distress style defensive posting of yours? :dahell:

Get a new gimmick fam, this one has seriously long lost its novelty :umad:

I have Facebook and am on it every day, usually when work is slow.

Chill on Facebook All day everyday & expect not to catch the 'green eyed monster' my hormonal brehettes :shaq2:

Such a stupid girl....bless her naivety in its envious entirety :pachaha:

He sat and listened to everything, seemingly unmoved by it. When I finished talking, he said "fine by me"

I can just imagine him on some non chalant vibe , staring at his watch all abstract like :ehh: like are you done spewing ? when are you going to stop talking & get to walking babe' These potatoes ain't gonna peel themselves plus I got a solo guitar practice to get to:manny:

Anyway to conclude I'll end this with a proverbial saying;

'Money Talks & Bullshiiiiit which in this case was in form of a 26 year old resentfully sounding female walked' :win:
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✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
:mjlol: at these small minded symposium style exchanges from simps in here using this isolated instance to debate a general topic in favour of the scorned sket.

As for the quoted what a load of horse bollocks..... I'm only a 1/3rd of the way through this thread & there's probably no new opinion or 'THOT' I can add to this long ass thread that hasn't probably been heavily discussed

Serious question, do you ever tire from regurgitating that tiring Damsel In Distress style defensive posting of yours? :dahell:

Get a new gimmick fam, this one has seriously long lost its novelty :umad:

Chill on Facebook All day everyday & expect to not to catch the 'green eyed monster' my hormonal brehettes :shaq2:

Such a stupid girl....bless her naivety in its envious entirety :pachaha:

I can just imagine him on some non chalant vibe , staring at his watch all abstract like :ehh: like are you done spewing ? when are you going to stop talking & get to walking babe' These potatoes ain't gonna peel themselves plus I got a solo guitar practice to get to:manny:

Anyway to conclude I'll end this with a proverbial saying;

'Money Talks & Bullshiiiiit which in this case was in form of a 26 year old resentfully sounding female walked'

Okay, so you're ugly, you're a virgin (or you have very limited experience with women), and you're anti social. Coo'...what the fukk do you want me to do about it exactly?

Exiled Martian

Was young I couldn't do good, now I can't do Bad
Sep 13, 2013
Swag-hili Shores
Okay, so you're ugly, you're a virgin (or you have very limited experience with women), and you're anti social. Coo'...what the fukk do you want me to do about it exactly?

I Dapped you for emboriling yourself in the this pitiful comical comradery as I slowly snake my through the back & forth in this gargantous ass thread .

As for your last post keep doing you, you 'Ol cup of cocoa sippin chilling in a duvet simping' brudda..... if only you knew just how counterfeit the claims you just made against me are... ...any ways do you....what matters is that my mum thinks I'm Handsome :mjcry:

EDIT: This bytch was overly delusional... after having those bouts of jealousy courtesy of her fake ass FB friends, this chick decided that she wanted Big Will who lived out with Uncle Phil in Bel Air instead..smh
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