Dump a nikka for being broke not realizing he's actually rich Brehettes

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I [F26] have been dating Will [M27] for most of 2014; I met him on New Years Eve, we exchanged numbers, scheduled a coffee date and have been seeing each other ever since. He's tall and shy, with long thick hair like Eddie Vedder. He lives in an older house by himself and drives a 1997 Toyota. He dresses very casually - I don't think he even owns a collared shirt - and all his clothes are minimum 1-2 years old. For income, he told me he "ran a few websites" and picked up piece-work as a 'session guitarist'. He is also very frugal. He never took me out for fancy dinners or anything. In the beginning it was always coffee dates, walks, hikes, etc. If we go out, he insists on 'pre-drinking' and refuses to buy drinks at a bar. Most nights he was content staying in, watching Netflix and playing his guitar.

I never outright asked how much money he made, but given his lifestyle, clothes, furnishings, etc. plus the fact that he rarely worked, I assumed it wasn't much. I would lightly prod him with questions about the future, if he had any career goals - he would say that he "saw me in his future", but also he was "happy the way things were".

I have Facebook and am on it every day, usually when work is slow. Lately my newsfeed has been filled with my peers getting married, buying houses, having babies, and other various accolades. I can't help but feel jealous by this; it seems like everyone but me is making significant gains in their lives and relationships. Three weeks ago, after seeing a girl I knew from high school buy her 3rd property with her husband, it felt like my relationship with Will was juvenile and had no future.

The next time I was over at Will's (after he served me potato soup for dinner and was torrenting a documentary for us to watch later) I ended the relationship. I was perfectly honest about everything - he was a great guy, I loved him and his personality, but I felt he lacked career/life ambition and we wanted different things for the future. He sat and listened to everything, seemingly unmoved by it. When I finished talking, he said "fine by me" and asked me to leave. I went to hug him on my way out, instead he just guided me out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

With prior boyfriends, we'd still talk or text a bit after we'd be broken up. Sometimes we'd even still hook up. I dunno, I've just never had a 'bad break-up' and always try to remain on good terms. I haven't heard a fukking word from Will, even after texting him multiple times and calling him once.

I saw two of Wills friends at the gym today. I went over and made small talk, asked how he was, etc. I tried to explain myself, saying he was a great guy but our views on money and the future didn't seem to mesh. To this, one friend chuckled to himself and walked away. I asked the other friend WTF that's about it, and he says "Yeah, we heard. The thing is, Will's loaded. He inherited his grandpas land which is leased to oil and gas companies. I've seen the quarterly checks he gets and they're more than my yearly salary. Good luck getting him to spend it, though. He has a 'if it aint broke, dont fix it' type mentality. Just look at that piece of shyt he drives!"

This has completely baffled and upset me. I dated him for 10 months when I thought he was penniless, proof I'm not a fukking gold-digger. I am a 26 year old woman who needs to be pragmatic, I can't just indefinitely date someone with the future being so uncertain. He could've said something, ANYTHING during our break up when I was explaining my doubts about our relationship. Instead he said nothing, and now he refuses to talk to me. It makes absolutely no sense.

I just feel so low right now. If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her? He said he "saw me in his future", why didn't he care enough to share these things with me? He could have easily kept our relationship alive by being forthcoming. Someone please help me make sense of this situation.

*TL;DR - My boyfriend kept his wealth a secret from me throughout our entire relationship. I ended the relationship on the pretext that he wasn't money/career motivated, he didn't say anything to the contrary. *

She was kinda right,

dude is living on his grandas ambition and drive and wealth, where is his? He didnt even feel good enough to fluant it.

Then again...chick dont always have the best assessment or assumption process when dealing with someone they dont really know.

I think, he didnt want to spend a dime on her and she didnt pass the test.


Aug 13, 2014
I honestly don't blame the yute for not telling her he is rich. He was putting her on a "test" to see if she was the right one for him. They've only been together for 10 freaking months, and she expect the yute to invest money on her needs and personal gain. :childplease:

She was so fond by what her friends have that she wanted it herself. This story reminds me of my cousin and his ex girlfriend he wanted to marry. He was with her for three years, and he was about to buy a ring for her, till he found out she was sleeping with multiple men and was pregnant with one of the guys she slept with child. Big cuzso found out and gave her the :camby:.

Salute to Will! :salute:


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
I honestly don't blame the yute for not telling her he is rich. He was putting her on a "test" to see if she was the right one for him. They've only been together for 10 freaking months, and she expect the yute to invest money on her needs and personal gain. :childplease:

She was so fond by what her friends have that she wanted it herself. This story reminds me of my cousin and his ex girlfriend he wanted to marry. He was with her for three years, and he was about to buy a ring for her, till he found out she was sleeping with multiple men and was pregnant with one of the guys she slept with child. Big cuzso found out and gave her the :camby:.

Salute to Will! :salute:

It's a dirty game out here, breh.

Men aren't obligated to spend money on women. It's 2015. They need to get with the program.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I [F26] have been dating Will [M27] for most of 2014; I met him on New Years Eve, we exchanged numbers, scheduled a coffee date and have been seeing each other ever since. He's tall and shy, with long thick hair like Eddie Vedder. He lives in an older house by himself and drives a 1997 Toyota. He dresses very casually - I don't think he even owns a collared shirt - and all his clothes are minimum 1-2 years old. For income, he told me he "ran a few websites" and picked up piece-work as a 'session guitarist'. He is also very frugal. He never took me out for fancy dinners or anything. In the beginning it was always coffee dates, walks, hikes, etc. If we go out, he insists on 'pre-drinking' and refuses to buy drinks at a bar. Most nights he was content staying in, watching Netflix and playing his guitar.

I never outright asked how much money he made, but given his lifestyle, clothes, furnishings, etc. plus the fact that he rarely worked, I assumed it wasn't much. I would lightly prod him with questions about the future, if he had any career goals - he would say that he "saw me in his future", but also he was "happy the way things were".

I have Facebook and am on it every day, usually when work is slow. Lately my newsfeed has been filled with my peers getting married, buying houses, having babies, and other various accolades. I can't help but feel jealous by this; it seems like everyone but me is making significant gains in their lives and relationships. Three weeks ago, after seeing a girl I knew from high school buy her 3rd property with her husband, it felt like my relationship with Will was juvenile and had no future.

The next time I was over at Will's (after he served me potato soup for dinner and was torrenting a documentary for us to watch later) I ended the relationship. I was perfectly honest about everything - he was a great guy, I loved him and his personality, but I felt he lacked career/life ambition and we wanted different things for the future. He sat and listened to everything, seemingly unmoved by it. When I finished talking, he said "fine by me" and asked me to leave. I went to hug him on my way out, instead he just guided me out the door and slammed it shut behind him.

With prior boyfriends, we'd still talk or text a bit after we'd be broken up. Sometimes we'd even still hook up. I dunno, I've just never had a 'bad break-up' and always try to remain on good terms. I haven't heard a fukking word from Will, even after texting him multiple times and calling him once.

I saw two of Wills friends at the gym today. I went over and made small talk, asked how he was, etc. I tried to explain myself, saying he was a great guy but our views on money and the future didn't seem to mesh. To this, one friend chuckled to himself and walked away. I asked the other friend WTF that's about it, and he says "Yeah, we heard. The thing is, Will's loaded. He inherited his grandpas land which is leased to oil and gas companies. I've seen the quarterly checks he gets and they're more than my yearly salary. Good luck getting him to spend it, though. He has a 'if it aint broke, dont fix it' type mentality. Just look at that piece of shyt he drives!"

This has completely baffled and upset me. I dated him for 10 months when I thought he was penniless, proof I'm not a fukking gold-digger. I am a 26 year old woman who needs to be pragmatic, I can't just indefinitely date someone with the future being so uncertain. He could've said something, ANYTHING during our break up when I was explaining my doubts about our relationship. Instead he said nothing, and now he refuses to talk to me. It makes absolutely no sense.

I just feel so low right now. If a man with disposable income meets a woman he likes, doesn't he want to treat her? He said he "saw me in his future", why didn't he care enough to share these things with me? He could have easily kept our relationship alive by being forthcoming. Someone please help me make sense of this situation.

*TL;DR - My boyfriend kept his wealth a secret from me throughout our entire relationship. I ended the relationship on the pretext that he wasn't money/career motivated, he didn't say anything to the contrary. *

How did I miss this thread :wow:

This guy is a role model... Now he's my role model:wow:
#hoh foreal...

People don't realize there are some truly wealthy people who don't look like they have money because they're looking for a genuine life with genuine people. She could've voiced her complaints and got angry but still not break up with him.. In fact she could've offered to help him get on his feet if she really gave a fukk about him

Brilliantly done:wow:


Sep 26, 2013
Hindsight is a wonderful thing :russ:

To be fair to the girl, it's not hard to see why she didn't see much of a future given how vague he was about it. He didn't have to tell her he was rich, but at least look like he wanted it to go somewhere.

But she's silly because even if she knew he was rich, she probably would have broke up with him anyway because of how non-committal he was presented to us in terms of where they were heading in the story.

Ah well :russ:


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Dude was legit hot about it too..But more disappointed it seems..

And she thought they would be friends after :mjlol:

Be envious of other people's lives brehettes:mjlol:


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
To be fair to the girl, it's not hard to see why she didn't see much of a future given how vague he was about it. He didn't have to tell her he was rich, but at least look like he wanted it to go
Thing is though, we only got to hear one side of the story, we never did get to hear Will's. Sometimes women can lie and exaggerate to benefit themselves in situations like this. For all we know, Will could've very well been driven with a solid plan. :ld:It's certainly not any stretch of the imagination to consider the fact that she might be shytting on dude a little. Especially considering the fact that he wasn't actually broke, and she not realizing that until later. It happens all the time.