Dump a nikka for being broke not realizing he's actually rich Brehettes


In and out
Oct 6, 2012
She's just wrong about feeling some type of way about his decision.:yeshrug:
But he didn't even make the decision to break up, she did, lol.
I judge her for her last sentence about expecting to be treated (IMO, he showed his affections in other ways) because he had disposable income. She didn't say anything about how she treated him, she immediately thought disposable money=treats for her.

Reddit is going in harder on her than the coli though, hmm.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
Nah bruh. The story clearly states that she never seen dude work and wouldn't take her decent places. A coffee date bruh? Cool for a while but damn treat the lady..instead he gave her potato soup and Netflix :dead:
Is it so wrong for her to wanna fukk with a dude that got some drive?
shyt to be honest it sound like she dodged a bullet no matter if he got cash or not..at 26 nobody got time for 10 months of games.



Lord have mercy!
Apr 30, 2014
But he didn't even make the decision to break up, she did, lol.
I judge her for her last sentence about expecting to be treated (IMO, he showed his affections in other ways) because he had disposable income. She didn't say anything about how she treated him, she immediately thought disposable money=treats for her.

Reddit is going in harder on her than the coli though, hmm.

:russ: I was talking about his decision to let her walk, instead of begging her to stay on some:
"B-b-but I've got oil money bae! Please don't leave" :mjcry:
But you're completely right once again. He showed her his respect and affection and when she heard about the money she felt he owed her more. :wow:


Edit: @Emperor_ReinScarf you've got so many potential followers out there on reddit, ueenoe!

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
There was actually a study I remember reading awhile back that stated social media was the cause of a lot of folks's depression.
You begin looking at what everyone else has and start comparing their lives to yours.
You get a 3 series BMW but your classmate has a 6.
A friend secured a high paying job and just bought a home three years removed from college and you're still in a two bedroom apartment & running the rat race.
Funny thing is, it's ironic since a lot of people put on a facade on FB/Instagram/Twitter and are never as happy & content as they pretend to be.

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
I have two homeboys who just recently got wealthy and their dating lives are super similar to this story especially the if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality rich people have.They still fly coach and drive "regular people cars". One of them tried to wife up the girl he was talking to before the money came and she hit him with "I dont feel the same way about you,so i'm not going to lead you on or force myself to be with you." She straight up told him that they would never be together(keep in mind they were talking for a while before this) When word got around that he got rich she started trying to get in touch with him again pretending like she really liked him for who he was. When she finally tracked him down she tried to guilt trip him into being with her. This chick actually said to him how could you say all those things about loving me and wanting to be with me for the rest of our lives but then act like this towards me I dont get it, I thought you wanted me? bruh I was :dead: when she said that. She was really acting like she never said they'll never be together

i hooked the other one up with a girl i know that he thought was cute.They were talking for like two weeks and everything was cool,they had a bunch of stuff in common.i thought it was actually going to go somewhere and then she started doing all those things that women do to subliminally sabotage relationships. Even after that he still kept talking to her but she was blowing him off. I tried to talk to her and tell her not to throw away all the chemistry they had cause guys like him come along like once in a lifetime if that and she went into some rant about how he's not the only good guy in the world and she knows what kind of guy she deserves and all types of nonsense.I just had to nod my head and laugh on the inside. He never told her he was worth 8 figures so i didn't either. Now every time I hear her complaining about dating and being single i'm so tempted to tell her she sabotaged herself with a young black 8 figure nikka who was really into her aka a unicorn but i don't.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Dude sounds like a rich bum.

And potato soup? The fukk? Youre not in some fukking Nazi internment camp, youre in America. Get some fukking chinese takeout for dinner.



Director of the Federal Bureau of Instigation
May 1, 2012
Martin, TN
First off gotta get the obligatory :duck: in there.

Now if i take the story at face value then she did the RIGHT thing. Will was either being disingenuous with the whole "I see you as my future" talk or he was being a cheap ass bastid. He probably was always going to be a cheap ass bastid no matter what...unless he was playing some bullshyt game to find love first regardless of the money he has so for someone like her he was not going to make her happy no matter how much money he had in either case.

There is also a third option and that is that he wasn't really feeling her like that by the time she broke up with him to the point he had nothing to gain by telling her his situation. Again tho i'm taking the story at face value and i don't think he'd be so mad and petty about the breakup if he was truly cool about it.

I have nothing but respect from anyone who looks at drive and ambition as a trait in their mate to the point it's a deal breaker if they don't have it and especially if she lays that out on the table for a man to know. That being said i'd hope she was on top of her shyt too or at least looked good enough that she could expect to get taken care of by a man.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Yo read this section again

He dresses very casually - I don't think he even owns a collared shirt - and all his clothes are minimum 1-2 years old. For income, he told me he "ran a few websites" and picked up piece-work as a 'session guitarist'. He is also very frugal. He never took me out for fancy dinners or anything. In the beginning it was always coffee dates, walks, hikes, etc. If we go out, he insists on 'pre-drinking' and refuses to buy drinks at a bar. Most nights he was content staying in, watching Netflix and playing his guitar.

She knew this guy for 10months and this is the best way she could describe their relationship together.

Most nights he was content in stayin in - why?
He liked to watch Netflix - what movies? why?
He played the guitar - since when? what are his favorite artist?
When he goes out he pre games and doesn't pay for drinks at the bar - why?

bytch you've been going out with him for 10months and you don't think that everything he did had a reason behind it? Do you actually know this cat?

I would lightly prod him with questions about the future

Who lightly prods FOR TEN MONTHS!?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I have two homeboys who just recently got wealthy and their dating lives are super similar to this story especially the if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality rich people have.They still fly coach and drive "regular people cars". One of them tried to wife up the girl he was talking to before the money came and she hit him with "I dont feel the same way about you,so i'm not going to lead you on or force myself to be with you." She straight up told him that they would never be together(keep in mind they were talking for a while before this) When word got around that he got rich she started trying to get in touch with him again pretending like she really liked him for who he was. When she finally tracked him down she tried to guilt trip him into being with her. This chick actually said to him how could you say all those things about loving me and wanting to be with me for the rest of our lives but then act like this towards me I dont get it, I thought you wanted me? bruh I was :dead: when she said that. She was really acting like she never said they'll never be together

i hooked the other one up with a girl i know that he thought was cute.They were talking for like two weeks and everything was cool,they had a bunch of stuff in common.i thought it was actually going to go somewhere and then she started doing all those things that women do to subliminally sabotage relationships. Even after that he still kept talking to her but she was blowing him off. I tried to talk to her and tell her not to throw away all the chemistry they had cause guys like him come along like once in a lifetime if that and she went into some rant about how he's not the only good guy in the world and she knows what kind of guy she deserves and all types of nonsense.I just had to nod my head and laugh on the inside. He never told her he was worth 8 figures so i didn't either. Now every time I hear her complaining about dating and being single i'm so tempted to tell her she sabotaged herself with a young black 8 figure nikka who was really into her aka a unicorn but i don't.
Every time I hear bold I just feel them cats can't be that rich outside the few outliers. Every person I know that has big money spends their money on some type of material shyt and ain't driving no fukking rust bucket. I'm not saying it doesn't happen at all but online you'd really think the majority of cats with money are just living like they make 10k a year and that ain't the case at all.