Dump a nikka for being broke not realizing he's actually rich Brehettes


Jul 19, 2014
who's said she wants to wait until 35 to have a kid?

I said WITH kids. Plenty of people start having kids at 30 ish. shyt is not that uncommon.

1. she wants to own her own home = defined by money?:stopitslime:

She wasn't even concerened with it, until she saw her friends. Y'all here trying to make it seem like she was thinking about it the whole relationship.

Her exact words
Lately my newsfeed has been filled with my peers getting married, buying houses, having babies, and other various accolades. I can't help but feel jealous by this; it seems like everyone but me is making significant gains in their lives and relationships. Three weeks ago, after seeing a girl I knew from high school buy her 3rd property with her husband, it felt like my relationship with Will was juvenile and had no future.

THREE WEEKS AGO AFTER SEEING A GIRL SHE KNEW HS (not even a current friend) she felt like the relationship with Will had no future. Strangers have more control over her conscience than she does :stopitslime:

2. she wasnt down his pockets, she wanted to know if he was on track to be financially stable.
asking someone you're in a serious relationship with their future plans is intrusive now?:skip:

They were together for 10 months? Who does that? He's financially stable enough to be your BF. That's fukking enough. Notice she said the girls HUSBAND. That's shyt you worry about when you're at least engaged. Not casually dating :what: Hell yeah that's intrusive. Some women don't even get their own drawers in someones crib, let alone asking them all these interrogating ass questions. She was thinking like a wife, instead of like a GF. :rudy:

3. She left after she couldnt get an answer to her questions. No man or woman over 25 should waste time in an unsure relationship. He a grown man that should be able to articulate what he wants out of life instead of keep saying " I wanna be witchu" as a response every time.

No, she left after she got JEALOUS of a STRANGER. Period. "Waste Time", since when is being in love and enjoying someone's company and living in the moment a "waste of time" :skip:

4. IDK what she thought, but she has a right to know whether or not its in the cards. She's 26 not 16.
Nah, i think she is ready to start a family or at least prepare for one. Thats what adults do, plan. Kids arent cheap so its good to plan ahead and be on the same page.
They were in love, but love dont pay the bills. you need to be on the same page and have similar life trajectory to maintain a successful relationship.
She simply wanted to know if he wanted the same life/lifestyle that she wanted and he clearly didnt.
yeah, women with $$$ to freeze their eggs.
what person with a 9-5 wants to wait until the are damn near retirement age to have kids?
i would want to be damn near done with raising my kid/s at that point.
you right if she wouldve stayed with him with no future in site, it wouldve been on her that her eggs dried up.

Cool, do that with a nikka that you've established that with. Don't think a nikka that's known you've existed for just over 10 months automatically wants to start a family with you. Not every nikka wants to put a ring on it just like that. They were in love, but love don't pay bills. No shyt, he pays his bills. She ain't once mentioned she had a crib of her own either. She didn't want "more" until she saw other people with more. She ain't leave because she wasnt happy, and she aint mad right now because of the failed relationship. Shes mad she left security without knowing. Shes one of those caught up in status women clearly. Shes worrying about kids and and mortgages with a niigga shes known for 10 months. Not even married. Not even engaged. The fukk is 10 months?

5. Yeah HE would be alright either way because he is rich and a man. he doesnt have to worry about fertility issues because he can always find someone to have a kid/ relationship with him.
that's your Male privilege talking.

That's not my male privilege talking, thats my common sense. She left. But not for the reasons you say. She didnt leave because she was worried about kids, she left because she was embaraased about where she wasn't, that strangers she knew in HIGH SCHOOL are. And shes mad at him, not because the relationship is over, but because he didnt tell her he was rich. It ain't like his morals changed overnight. Why is she mad? and why doe sshe waant him back now?
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Demonic eyebrows & animal print
Apr 14, 2014
That's the point....The OP is straight fiction written by some dude from reddit......and yall are the ones that's making these baseless assumptions off a story that not only leaves out painstaking details, but is only presented by one half of the parties involved............:pachaha:

So yeah.....in my experiences its nothing for a 26 year old to figure out what he wants out of life and realize his potential by the time he's 30\early 30s...matter of fact, its not that uncommon.........I'm just trying to add "real life" factors to this as opposed to thoughts and beliefs that are powered by Disney..............

I'm sorry to tell you, but you did not add anything of substance to the conversation (at least not for me).

He is a bum and that has nothing to do with Disney. Wanting to know that you aren't wasting your time on a bum has nothing to with Disney. It's reality.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
There's nothing twisted about wanting be with a guy with drive.

I just can't agree with the notion that he misled her. He truly is a guy with no drive; he's in cruise control. If she was ok with that, she should've never left. If she isn't ok with that, she shouldn't want him back. :yeshrug:

Exactly. She broke up with him. She only got upset once she found out he was rich.
Jul 26, 2012
He is a bum

How is he a bum tho....? I haven't read all 50 plus pages but I doubt there is a legit answer......Now..just because he doesn't fit the template that YOU have created for your "ideal" mate does not make him a bum

His bills are paid.

He has his own transportation

He has his own shelter

He is not a drain on the taxpayers...:laugh:

He never asked the young lady for one red cent according to the OP

So again...How is the young man a bum in your eyes..........?:sas1:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
People in this thread are saying he had no drive, no ambition etc

But seriously if I'm already wealthy why am I going to work hard? Why do you need to work hard if you already have money?

I always laugh when nikkas say "I don't respect you, you inherited your money :ufdup:"

Like anyone gives two fukks what your middle class ass thinks. You think every month when he goes to pay his bills the bull collector is like "I'm not accepting that payment, you didn't earn that money yourself :scust:"

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
she talks about what her friends have to much. she seems like she would do anything just to compete and fit in with surrounding social norms to me. shyt sounds like its straight out of a god damn romantic comedy n shyt.

people don't understand cause that have never lived that rich lifestyle. only saw shyt on tv and music videos like that. you can't go around openly with too much money and expect to find people who will be 100% honest with you.

people in general change on how they act when they find out you have money cause that's the way American culture is built.

rich men have to be careful with the way divorce court is set up for you lose all your shyt, :yeshrug:
Jul 26, 2012
people don't understand cause that have never lived that rich lifestyle. only saw shyt on tv and music videos like that. you can't go around openly with too much money and expect to find people who will be 100% honest with you.

people in general change on how they act when they find out you have money cause that's the way American culture is built



I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Are you asking me if I would stay with a chick who wasn't a dumb bird obssessed with superficial shyt, attractive, managed websites, played the piano, and was great to be with? The fukk kind of question is this?:ohhh:

I have my own career breh.

Some of these nikkas responses got me laughing my ass off man. I don't really ask shyt from broads I'm with other than be faithful and don't annoy the fukk outta me. If you taking care of yourself and don't need me for shyt but some dikk, a good documentary and a good convo, why the fukk would I not be with you.

shyt I torrent movies/tv shows all the damn time and watch em with my girl. That's one of the things both of us love doing.


Aug 7, 2014
Every time I hear bold I just feel them cats can't be that rich outside the few outliers. Every person I know that has big money spends their money on some type of material shyt and ain't driving no fukking rust bucket. I'm not saying it doesn't happen at all but online you'd really think the majority of cats with money are just living like they make 10k a year and that ain't the case at all.

My father in law has 3 houses, just retired from AT&T after 35 years. He's mom and dad help start one off the biggest phone companies in Florida, he's easily a 7 figure man. He drives a red ford pick up truck, uses coupons when he goes out. He told me after I married his daughter the secret to being rich is not wasting your money on worthless things. :salute:

That chick was worthless.


In Broad Daylight
May 1, 2012
My brother's keeper
My father in law has 3 houses, just retired from AT&T after 35 years. He's mom and dad help start one off the biggest phone companies in Florida, he's easily a 7 figure man. He drives a red ford pick up truck, uses coupons when he goes out. He told me after I married his daughter the secret to being rich is not wasting your money on worthless things. :salute:

That chick was worthless.
Ask your mother in law if he got her with the potato soup.

nikkas can never see middle ground. It's either "frugal" or popping bottles


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
You know I don't find this funny at all or have any sympathy. This is an example of how low society is. Females will skip over a dude that is less financially, but more than likely is a great catch and hitch with a dude that is well off, but probably think of her as a side piece. This one realizes a so called mistake and goes on a tantrum.

Really ashame.