Dump a nikka for being broke not realizing he's actually rich Brehettes


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
She lost because she is regretting. Her relationship wasn't bad, and she should have spoken to him about her concerns. 10 months isn't that long to make indictments on how people should live. She was just bored. Move on. Homeboy probably ain't thought about her since. People can do whatever they want to with their life, because it's theirs. He stayed true to himself as a guy who enjoys the simple life. He put money in it's rightful place, as a tool, not as means of definition or happiness. She didn't like that life, comparative to her facebook friends, so she stepped. Now she should find the type of man she feels will make her happy. What's the problem?

People are not balls of clay. Your perceptions of how people should be or act or what they should do is worthless to somebody comfortable in their own skin. Life philosophies ain't nothing but opinions. We all value different things. Respect it or step.

The bolded is why so many women have cursed me out over the years :wow:. I tell them up front who I am and that I'm not gonna change. They agree, attempt to change me, then get upset that I kept my word.

The most frustrating thing to the average woman is a dude who's actually comfortable being himself.

I don't need expensive clothes, I buy my shyt on the clearance rack.
I don't need an expensive car, I don't want the attention.
I don't need a lot of people around me, I enjoy kicking it by myself.

I like to drink hennessy, play video games, and watch movies on my free time. If you got issues with me doing me, you're more than welcome to find someone who'll treat you better :manny:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I am saying that I would never contact you under any user name under any circumstances and that we have had no interaction whatsoever outside of a random discussion such as this one. Furthermore, I have never asked you for a damn thing under any user name. If you have evidence to the contrary then prove me wrong (which of course you don't). Otherwise buzz off.

so what was your last username?

art barr


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Moms always told me to find someone in college because after that most would be after what I bring financially instead of myself as a person :heh:

I agree with what he did to an extent, but he went too far with the whole frugality of his situation especially 10 months in. I like the whole idea of the small dates, but I think she deserves a little bit more after all that time. If she only saw you for a paycheck she would have bounced much sooner than that especially since you made no hint that you were making anything above average.

No brag, but I'm doing better than a lot of cats my same age and knowing this when it comes to seriously dating, I'd make sure to disclose as little as possible about my earnings while still showing that I make a livable income (decent car, decent apartment, etc.) That vetting is necessary to know whether or not she really down for you, but I think he took it a little far. :ld:

That's just me though.:ld:

He wasn't being frugal just to piss her off though. That's just him. He has millions of dollars and don't even spend it on himself. Money isn't something he uses to show off.

Again, this is why she said she broke up with him:

I have Facebook and am on it every day, usually when work is slow. Lately my newsfeed has been filled with my peers getting married, buying houses, having babies, and other various accolades. I can't help but feel jealous by this; it seems like everyone but me is making significant gains in their lives and relationships. Three weeks ago, after seeing a girl I knew fromhigh school buy her 3rd property with her husband, it felt like my relationship with Will was juvenile and had no future.

That was the problem. She went on facebook, got jealous, then broke up with the dude. Her ego got in the way because he didn't run after her on some "baby i need you :mjcry:" type shyt. Then she got upset when she found it he was rich.

The idea that dude was being cheap just to be cheap or to "test her" doesn't make sense based on what's in the OP.

That's literally how he lives his life. He lived that way before he met her, lived that way when they were together, and lived that way after she broke up with him. The ONLY reason she wanted him back is because she found out he was rich. She was the one being deceptive, not the other way around.


May 11, 2012
white people are scrubs like this though. even ones with money.

most i know in they're 20s don't like nice things or have the need to 'stunt' like minorities and most i know don't even have cable. (just netflix)

you gotta give women SOME excitement though

dude sounds like a complete scrub..of course this subforum full of single relationship experts that live with their parents gonna side with him though :sas2:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I just want to know if any of the dudes in here would be a with a woman who works on a few websites, watches love and hip hop all day, and makes u potato soup for dinner?

Simple yes or no question:leostare:

My ex-gf won a lawsuit and was receiving 15k/mo for her settlement. She literally did nothing all day but chill and watch TV. I didn't have a problem with it because I didn't want shyt from her. I even lost my job and was struggling to pay my bills. nikkas tried to repo the saturn breh :damn:

Still didn't ask her for a penny. When I met her she was a cute girl who was funny and had a fat ass. As long as that stayed the same, I was cool :ehh:

Come to find out she was a damn demon though :beli:


African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014
nikkas change, period.

a 27 year old man with no kids will one day turn into a 35 year old man with kids and a family that he'll want to see happy, and he'll spend it. She lost.
who's said she wants to wait until 35 to have a kid?

There's too many gaps in this story to make a full summary on how their relationship got to the point it did. She had a right to leave him if she saw over a period of 10 months that this dude wasn't gonna change who he was. She saw what he was about from the gate and in being with him for 10 months, she was fine with that.She wants back in when she finds out he has money. Here's the thing... What would have changed if they would've gotten back together? Would he start opening his wallet? Or would he have done the same thing he was doing that caused the breakup? I don't think anything would have changed and she would've been left feeling even more frustrated with him than she was the first time she broke up with him. That relationship was over the minute she realized she wanted more than what he was offering and the perceived happiness of her friends on facebook. Nothing would have kept that relationship together.
exactly, both of them won in the end because they arent compatible in the long run.

1) She's low maintenance? How so? What caused her to leave her man was a friend buying her THIRD property. Not her first. Her third. She's defined by $$.

2) Why should he have to fake shyt? They were in a relationship for 10 months. Not even a year and you down his throat about his pockets. I mean?

3) No, any woman who will leave a man after 10 months of perceiving that he's broke and then regretting it and wanting to go back is a gold digger. There are women who stick it out with broke nikkas until they make it, she ain't even have to do that.

4) They were dating 10 MONTHS. The fukk? what she thought they were getting married after a year or someting? And there you women go talkng about nikkas like they're pets and objects and shyt. Just a vessel to transport you to wherever you think you need to be in life to appease your friends and family. You aint mention love once. First thing you said What the fukk is wrong with some of you women? First job is to meet a nikka you like and fall in love, not "give me babies and money" y'all all got the game fukked up, all the way upp. This is 2014, not 1950. Women well into their 40s are having kids no problem. Stop looking for excuses B'ette. You don't decide when you have kids, a couple decides when they have kids.

5) If her eggs dry up, thats on her. Because she fukked up in thinking that you're entitled to certain shyt after 10 months. He'll find someone worth being with. Plenty of women will be into him. No one wants a woman who's main focus is $$
1. she wants to own her own home = defined by money?:stopitslime:
2. she wasnt down his pockets, she wanted to know if he was on track to be financially stable.
asking someone you're in a serious relationship with their future plans is intrusive now?:skip:

3. She left after she couldnt get an answer to her questions. No man or woman over 25 should waste time in an unsure relationship. He a grown man that should be able to articulate what he wants out of life instead of keep saying " I wanna be witchu" as a response every time.

4. IDK what she thought, but she has a right to know whether or not its in the cards. She's 26 not 16.
Nah, i think she is ready to start a family or at least prepare for one. Thats what adults do, plan. Kids arent cheap so its good to plan ahead and be on the same page.
They were in love, but love dont pay the bills. you need to be on the same page and have similar life trajectory to maintain a successful relationship.
She simply wanted to know if he wanted the same life/lifestyle that she wanted and he clearly didnt.
yeah, women with $$$ to freeze their eggs.
what person with a 9-5 wants to wait until the are damn near retirement age to have kids?
i would want to be damn near done with raising my kid/s at that point.
you right if she wouldve stayed with him with no future in site, it wouldve been on her that her eggs dried up.
5. Yeah HE would be alright either way because he is rich and a man. he doesnt have to worry about fertility issues because he can always find someone to have a kid/ relationship with him.
that's your Male privilege talking.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The bolded is why so many women have cursed me out over the years :wow:. I tell them up front who I am and that I'm not gonna change. They agree, attempt to change me, then get upset that I kept my word.

The most frustrating thing to the average woman is a dude who's actually comfortable being himself.

I don't need expensive clothes, I buy my shyt on the clearance rack.
I don't need an expensive car, I don't want the attention.
I don't need a lot of people around me, I enjoy kicking it by myself.

I like to drink hennessy, play video games, and watch movies on my free time. If you got issues with me doing me, you're more than welcome to find someone who'll treat you better :manny:

my nikka :leon:

I'm the same as you though just not as rich.

As long as a car starts and gets me from point a to be then :obama:

I'll buy a cheap t-shirt here and there or a pair of jeans but that's about it

I spend my money on travelling and photography.

Andt hat is the thing people want to change you, women especially. I've had chicks mad at me because I'd rather watch auburn v alabama than go to some family bbq that ain't my damn family, im not changing or sacrificing for someone who probably won't even be in my life in 6 months


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
If someone has their own home and your with them for ten months and you haven't seen a repo truck or collectors calling

I'm pretty sure they are Financial stable.

Facebook is all fake anyways, someone with 3 homes has 3 mortgages for the most part. I rememebr when I had facebook I'd see couples post smily family gathering photos but I knew the man was cheating on his wife, or how the husband beats his wife every night :manny:

No ones posting that collector notice on facebook, or that hydro bill, or the text messages they found on their spouse phone its all fake brehs and brehettes

Facebook is just like a movie trailer to more times than not a shttty movie, all you see is the good parts, teh exciting parts the director (facebook owner) wants you to see, the trips, the smiley photos, the photos of the kids, the new car, the birthday cake


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
my nikka :leon:

I'm the same as you though just not as rich.

As long as a car starts and gets me from point a to be then :obama:

I'll buy a cheap t-shirt here and there or a pair of jeans but that's about it

I spend my money on travelling and photography.

Andt hat is the thing people want to change you, women especially. I've had chicks mad at me because I'd rather watch auburn v alabama than go to some family bbq that ain't my damn family, im not changing or sacrificing for someone who probably won't even be in my life in 6 months

Breh, if I was a millionaire I'd be living the exact same lifestyle as I am now. Only difference is I'd travel WAY more and have way more extra curricular activities (MMA lessons, cooking classes, and doing community/organizing shyt).

I'd still push the saturn (maybe upgrade to a Volvo :ehh:) still buy my clothes at target/wal mart/macy's clearance rack, and still drink hennesy and play video games and watch movies all day :manny:


Demonic eyebrows & animal print
Apr 14, 2014
How did you come up with this logic? He's still young, and his folks made the sacrifice to where he won't be stuck in a job doing something he doesn't want to do.....So 3 years from now when he's 29/30 and he decides to get a degree in economics and flip his stacked guap 8 times while in route to becoming a future hedge fund manager......then what?

Again, this story is straight fiction, but you guys are making absolutes about this fictional character with no solid basis whatsoever.......all these assumptions are coming from a place of emotion where people can choose their fantasy narrative.....:smh:

If a man aint a saved made millionaire then some how his millions are worth less than someone who was? :dead: :whew: only on the internet

No, his millions are worth the same amount, but he get no kudos from me from having them. His grandad would get my kudos. I ABSOLUTELY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY respect self-made people (millionaires or not) and I don't give a damn who dislikes it.

So you know his life plan and that he's earning a degree three years from now, because according to the "fictional" OP, he is fine and complacent where he is (and I've said that is his right). If he did happen to do something with is life then that would earn my respect (that should have been obvious from all my posts saying that I think he should still do something with his life).

Finally, my opinion and logic was based on what was stated in the OP. You're the one making up fictional degrees that he will have in three years lol


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Breh, if I was a millionaire I'd be living the exact same lifestyle as I am now. Only difference is I'd travel WAY more and have way more extra curricular activities (MMA lessons, cooking classes, and doing community/organizing shyt).

I'd still push the saturn (maybe upgrade to a Volvo :ehh:) still buy my clothes at target/wal mart/macy's clearance rack, and still drink hennesy and play video games and watch movies all day :manny:

I'd do the same. as well. I mentioned earlier in this thread I actually knew a guy that won the lotto who lived on my old street, dude didn't even move. Lived in the same house, drove the same old ford pickup, even continued going to work every single day, you would never have known dude won 8 million dollars. He just loved working and his old truck and his house and neighborhood.

Only thing that would change for me if I won the lotto is that I'd move to a warmer climate, but all that ferrari and ish nah not me
Jul 26, 2012
No, his millions are worth the same amount, but he get no kudos from me from having them. His grandad would get my kudos. I ABSOLUTELY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY respect self-made people (millionaires or not) and I don't give a damn who dislikes it.

So you know his life plan and that he's earning a degree three years from now, because according to the "fictional" OP, he is fine and complacent where he is (and I've said that is his right). If he did happen to do something with is life then that would earn my respect (that should have been obvious from all my posts saying that I think he should still do something with his life).

Finally, my opinion and logic was based on what was stated in the OP. You're the one making up fictional degrees that he will have in three years lol

That's the point....The OP is straight fiction written by some dude from reddit......and yall are the ones that's making these baseless assumptions off a story that not only leaves out painstaking details, but is only presented by one half of the parties involved............:pachaha:

So yeah.....in my experiences its nothing for a 26 year old to figure out what he wants out of life and realize his potential by the time he's 30\early 30s...matter of fact, its not that uncommon.........I'm just trying to add "real life" factors to this as opposed to thoughts and beliefs that are powered by Disney..............