Dump a nikka for being broke not realizing he's actually rich Brehettes

May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
Of course basic morality and honesty escapes you. More often than not religion and treating people decently dont have any tangible relationship. He manipulated her by giving off a clear impression that he was financially unambitious and disinterested in mobility and treating his well. If hes insecure about how people will respond to him based on his wealth thats his own issue, he doesnt need to drag innocent people into his lil dumb ass social experiments in order to waste their time and fukk with their mind.

Sure, not disclosing your financial standing when you initially meet someone is reasonable, but toying with someone for close to a year is immoral and cruel. People want to mock this girl, but the flipside is he probably lost out on a good girl by being a maladaptive dishonest fukkboi.
nikka get the whole fukk outta here with this non sense you just wrote :mjlol:


Apr 18, 2013
He was not toying with her, this is the life he lives, this is how he was before he met her, his close friends know he is financially well off and if he doesnt want to disclose this because trust me if she did she would have stayed, its his business. He knows what he is doing and has a right to do it, look at it this way, if she knew he had money should would put up with the frugal ways of this man, why? because not only does she have hope that he will change, but she has security. Now who is the cruel person in this situation? The woman, and it is usually the way it goes in life in relationships.

I do not think he is toying with her, he is just living the way he lives naturally and he has a right to do so, and if she doesnt like it she has a right to leave just like she did. I am not going to sit here and clown you like others and say you are caping, but the way I see it I honestly act frugal in general and the same way all the time especially around girls so I see nothing wrong with what he is doing. At the end of the day a man is entitled to act and deal with his financial anyway he wants if a woman doesnt appreciate it she can leave, and how do you know he is toying with her? He may well be naturally like this, I know of people that have 8 digit accounts and live frugal, as a matter of fact the amount of millionaires who live in a house valued at under 300k is astronomical, also the car that was purchased most by millionaires was the new Hyundia genesis, look at billionaire Zuckerburgs little modest home, its all up to personal choices and preferences.

Yeah @No_bammer_weed not going with all the namecalling and typical back and forth bullshyt, but I don't think he was dishonest with her due to him essentially being the same person at the end of the relationship that she chose at the beginning of the relationship. As many others have said, if she communicated on a thorough level with him regarding what issues manifested internally with her and he lied regarding his financial health then I'd understand where you are coming from. Maybe you're perspective of relationship is to essentially disclose things about yourself voluntarily, which is your right but most people feel as though certain things about themselves requires trust and that's something hard to come by these days.


Jun 22, 2012
Yeah @No_bammer_weed not going with all the namecalling and typical back and forth bullshyt, but I don't think he was dishonest with her due to him essentially being the same person at the end of the relationship that she chose at the beginning of the relationship. As many others have said, if she communicated on a thorough level with him regarding what issues manifested internally with her and he lied regarding his financial health then I'd understand where you are coming from. Maybe you're perspective of relationship is to essentially disclose things about yourself voluntarily, which is your right but most people feel as though certain things about themselves requires trust and that's something hard to come by these days.

I am about to get married and my spouse has never asked me how much money I bring in on average a year, I have never asked her either. We just both know how we feel about each other, even if poor we would have that trust and love for each other. I never disclose how much I make but lets put it this way, every chick that I have ever went out with in the past has stuck on me like white on rice, when I was in college with a honda accord I got women, but they werent this persistent, when they come over they see a single black man living in a gated community that not even there mom can afford...trust me I know the deal,and how these women think..They think eligible young bachelors.. and I knew my girl for almost 10 years and we were always good friends and she has her own $$$ and her own shyt together so at the end of the day this is the type of woman someone needs, one who is complete themselves and not looking for a meal ticket.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Who said he doesn't love money?

Hell I still love my kraft dinner and pbnj sandwiches, and Mr noodles 29 cent bowls

Its all perception, because he doesn't have Audi, and roast beef and polo that his life Is unfulfilled.

Warren buffet lives in the same house he bought for 35k in the 60s and drives a old Cadillac not comparing the situations.

But some people are happy with their lifestyle

She's crying on the internet worrying about her security while dude is sitting on Arab money he doesn't even want. He won. People change everyday. People don't get rich everyday. He can learn to love money faster than she can learn how to be rich. He won.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Because there's a difference between being frugal/non-flashy/non-materialistic, and then there's that straight grungey and scrub lifestyle.

Key Differences:

The frugal man:

-2009 or newer nice used car

*sidenote* why does this matter? Because anybody that knows anything about business knows that appearance and presentation is half the battle. It's important to be mindful of your appearance for credibility---doesnt mean you have to be vain tho.

-decent sized house that retains value well
-doesn't splurge on frivolous items, however knows when it's appropriate to spend.
-Never runs out of ambition and when asked, would gladly talk about it. Tell Jay-Z and Jordan they didn't need to be ambitious anymore, because they were already wealthy.
-Knows at least on an elementary level what it is he is being frugal about and probably allocates his resources in some sort of investment (low or high yield)
-Doesn't divulge about his finances, but would have the self-awareness to say, "babe, I get your concerns, but just trust me on this one--we're fine".

The Scrub:

-Drives a 1997 Toyota Camry
-Says things are fine just the way they are
-Lives in an old ass house that probably needs an update to properly capitalize on any sort of value.
-Spends his life in front of a T.V. (poor or not...why the fukk would you do this anyways?)...he's clearly lazy as fukk and has no vision
-Doesn't offer an explanation when he has his back to the wall...

People disputing this:

Imagine if you had a daughter: Would you allow such a poor excuse to be with your daughter? If I had a daughter, the guy she ended up marrying doesn't have to be a bajillionaire or anything---but for fukks sakes, just take care of her and let her know it'll be alright. And don't fukkin subject her to watching Netflix and make her listen to you play your fakkity guitar, all while trying to imply she's a gold digger if she's not motivated to be a couch potato...

fukk that.....kid hit a lottery ticket, and it didn't save him for being an unmotivated drain.

that's the impression that 'she' painted of him. Who knows how accurate it is, and if it is accurate, why does she want back in? He's still the same grungy loser. If she didn't decide to go back, and it was a sort of matter the fact story... like hey yall, I was actually dating a millionaire and didn't know it! and just moved on, nobody would be getting on her. It's more like she'd be cool with all of his supposed loserish and grungy ways if he would have disclosed the money he was making up front.

She's not wrong in wanting to leave, but I don't see him as wrong in not wanting to take her back. He's a loser to her, but now he's a winner again when she learns he has a huge inheritance?


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I think this is great because you know why?

Jobs come and go nothing is guaranteed. If someone is only with you because of how much money you make a year ehay happens if you get laid off, or on disability.

As long as there isn't like 100k of hidden debt one party is withholding from the other then :salute:

I am about to get married and my spouse has never asked me how much money I bring in on average a year, I have never asked her either. We just both know how we feel about each other, even if poor we would have that trust and love for each other. I never disclose how much I make but lets put it this way, every chick that I have ever went out with in the past has stuck on me like white on rice, when I was in college with a honda accord I got women, but they werent this persistent, when they come over they see a single black man living in a gated community that not even there mom can afford...trust me I know the deal, and I knew my girl for almost 10 years and we were always good friends and she has her own $$$ and her own shyt together so at the end of the day this is the type of woman someone needs, one who is complete themselves and not looking for a meal ticket.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Why did he have to buy her drink ?

It doesn't matter where it came from, she should be happy enough she got something to drink.

She felt entitled to money that wasn't hers.

You rather have a guy with whose money is long but time is short ?

No one said he had to buy her a drink but it seems like everything that they did was on his terms. That's not how a relationship should be...about one person. She felt entitled to money she didn't even think he had? :dwillhuh:


Jun 22, 2012
I think this is great because you know why?

Jobs come and go nothing is guaranteed. If someone is only with you because of how much money you make a year ehay happens if you get laid off, or on disability.

As long as there isn't like 100k of hidden debt one party is withholding from the other then :salute:

exactly my point brotha


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
Moms always told me to find someone in college because after that most would be after what I bring financially instead of myself as a person :heh:

I agree with what he did to an extent, but he went too far with the whole frugality of his situation especially 10 months in. I like the whole idea of the small dates, but I think she deserves a little bit more after all that time. If she only saw you for a paycheck she would have bounced much sooner than that especially since you made no hint that you were making anything above average.

No brag, but I'm doing better than a lot of cats my same age and knowing this when it comes to seriously dating, I'd make sure to disclose as little as possible about my earnings while still showing that I make a livable income (decent car, decent apartment, etc.) That vetting is necessary to know whether or not she really down for you, but I think he took it a little far. :ld:

That's just me though.:ld:

that's how I am with my gf..shes been with me for 5+ years and has no clue or access to my financial information...but can see im doing well for myself..thats how I like it

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
Date a woman who won't cook for you but tells you she "sees you in your future", break up with her b/c she won't get in the kitchen and only wants to go out. Find out from her homies that she's a world renowned chef. And don't feel so sort away about it. :sas1:


Cuz after all. She don't own you nothing but love and compassion :sas2:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
So what do you think of Alfred morris and his 1990 Nissan maxima

My point exactly

Not everyone cares about cars, I don't.

As long as it starts and is good and gas I don't care if its a 2014 or 1994

There is nothing wrong a old house, I don't know where you love but all these old bungalows and old Victorian style houses are what people want and hold their value again your warped perception

Everything you base is on perception.

I'd rather my daughter be with a guy who treats her great and drives a rust bucket living in a old bungalow that he owns

Than some nikka driving a 2014 beamer with a waterfront condo the latest fashion living paycheck to paycheck

Because there's a difference between being frugal/non-flashy/non-materialistic, and then there's that straight grungey and scrub lifestyle.

Key Differences:

The frugal man:

-2009 or newer nice used car

*sidenote* why does this matter? Because anybody that knows anything about business knows that appearance and presentation is half the battle. It's important to be mindful of your appearance for credibility---doesnt mean you have to be vain tho.

-decent sized house that retains value well
-doesn't splurge on frivolous items, however knows when it's appropriate to spend.
-Never runs out of ambition and when asked, would gladly talk about it. Tell Jay-Z and Jordan they didn't need to be ambitious anymore, because they were already wealthy.
-Knows at least on an elementary level what it is he is being frugal about and probably allocates his resources in some sort of investment (low or high yield)
-Doesn't divulge about his finances, but would have the self-awareness to say, "babe, I get your concerns, but just trust me on this one--we're fine".

The Scrub:

-Drives a 1997 Toyota Camry
-Says things are fine just the way they are
-Lives in an old ass house that probably needs an update to properly capitalize on any sort of value.
-Spends his life in front of a T.V. (poor or not...why the fukk would you do this anyways?)...he's clearly lazy as fukk and has no vision
-Doesn't offer an explanation when he has his back to the wall...

People disputing this:

Imagine if you had a daughter: Would you allow such a poor excuse to be with your daughter? If I had a daughter, the guy she ended up marrying doesn't have to be a bajillionaire or anything---but for fukks sakes, just take care of her and let her know it'll be alright. And don't fukkin subject her to watching Netflix and make her listen to you play your fakkity guitar, all while trying to imply she's a gold digger if she's not motivated to be a couch potato...

fukk that.....kid hit a lottery ticket, and it didn't save him for being an unmotivated drain.


Lord have mercy!
Apr 30, 2014
Because there's a difference between being frugal/non-flashy/non-materialistic, and then there's that straight grungey and scrub lifestyle.

Key Differences:

The frugal man:

-2009 or newer nice used car

*sidenote* why does this matter? Because anybody that knows anything about business knows that appearance and presentation is half the battle. It's important to be mindful of your appearance for credibility---doesnt mean you have to be vain tho.

-decent sized house that retains value well
-doesn't splurge on frivolous items, however knows when it's appropriate to spend.
-Never runs out of ambition and when asked, would gladly talk about it. Tell Jay-Z and Jordan they didn't need to be ambitious anymore, because they were already wealthy.
-Knows at least on an elementary level what it is he is being frugal about and probably allocates his resources in some sort of investment (low or high yield)

The Scrub:

-Drives a 1997 Toyota Camry
-Says things are fine just the way they are
-Lives in an old ass house that probably needs an update to properly capitalize on any sort of value.
-Spends his life in front of a T.V. (poor or not...why the fukk would you do this anyways?)...he's clearly lazy as fukk and has no vision

People disputing this:

Imagine if you had a daughter: Would you allow such a poor excuse to be with your daughter? If I had a daughter, the guy she ended up marrying doesn't have to be a bajillionaire or anything---but for fukks sakes, just take care of her and let her know it'll be alright. And don't fukkin subject her to watching Netflix and make her listen to you play your fakkity guitar, all while trying to imply she's a gold digger if she's not motivated to be a couch potato...

fukk that.....kid hit a lottery ticket, and it didn't save him for being an unmotivated drain.

Under frugal you mention Jay and Jordan? :dahell: Breh Jay and Jordan have never been content with just being rich, both of them always strive to be wealthier. Both of them nikkas are like Bill Gates in terms of never quitting the hustle, they're wealthy men with a constant need (fueled by their ambition) to be wealthier. And both are not frugal by any stretch of the imagination so...

The frugal man:

-Doesn't divulge about his finances, but would have the self-awareness to say, "babe, I get your concerns, but just trust me on this one--we're fine".

The Scrub:

-Says things are fine just the way they are

:patrice: we ain't really know what he told her. Except that he runs some websites and stuff for work...so just maybe he doesn't spend all day in front of the TV. Maybe besides the oil money he actually does manage some websites for some money of his own. In fact, maybe he's not even touching on the oil money at all, choosing to just live off of his websites income.

-Doesn't offer an explanation when he has his back to the wall...

She never had his back to the wall breh. We've said countless times that she clearly never had a proper talk with him, otherwise she would've broken up because he has poor communication skills and not because she was "unsure" of his situation.

And for the record, I'm gonna raise my daughter to be self-sufficient, education is really the only valuable thing I can offer her. Who she chooses to spend her life with is her business. Only reason for me to interfere in her relationship is if she's hurt or being taken advantage of...like paying for a nikka's bills.