Drunk OG goes on rant. Says a real man should pay ALL the bills! EDIT- brehs family is in shambles

Sep 17, 2014
#RIP Kobe
Payed all of the bills and worked my ass off for her to cheat and look me in my face and tell me money isn't everything and I didn't have time for her.


You brothas have been warned, make these h0es go half on those bills. If she even acts like that is a problem, send her ass back where she came from.

found that out with my very 1st relationship . she didnt cheat on me but she would stay home and not do shyt but smoke and watch Netflix and ask me to order her some food .

I wholeheartedly accept my L , made me a much better person cuz I was to blame for moving like a goofy . Never again , we gone go half or imma be happy single


Dec 19, 2017
Are you still married? How is your life different right now
We're finalizing the divorce and I'm about to get long winded....

Financially, although I'm on child support, I'm actually saving more money than I did when she was around. Things as simple as the utility bills are 75% lower. Things like dish detergent, tissue, paper towel, and other household items last alot longer... You probably think, well that's obvious because it's just you... Nope! Until you actually live with a woman, you will see that they are fukking wasteful. My grocery bill went down dramatically because I don't have to buy all of my food from Whole Foods...
I was paying the household bills and all of her sh1t too. I had her car note, her student loan, car insurance, she was on my health insurance, phone bill, yearly vacations, random gifts, and buying the normal Christmas, Valentine's, and Mother's Day sh1t.

When she started working, I told her to hold on to her money and WE would work on getting her an investment property because I have one and I wanted her to have something of her own as well. The b1tch didn't save like she should've, she spent the money of clothes and a personal trainer.

When you have a leech at home, you're miserable and it showed in every facet of life. After the initial shock of betrayal and depression wore off, I could see clearly again. I got a promotion at work in the middle of a pandemic and I have seen alot of success with women in general.. When I go out, people are pleasant to me because I'm pleasant. I have had my drinks comped while I'm out on a date, free desert, and all types of cool sh1t.

I could go on and on but my life is alot better. I used to be severely depressed... I would go outside in the middle of the afternoon and this may sound dramatic but it literally looked dark. I lowkey think I was headed towards a mental break.

I'm not saying don't get married but make certain you properly vet these broads and make certain she practices reciprocity. If she shows any sign of selfishness, no matter how much you love her, or how fine she is, LEAVE HER because it will come back to haunt you.
May 7, 2012
I’ll never understand this kind of mentality from people who aren’t making a ton of money. For the lower and middle classes it seems silly to me to willingly accept a lower standard of living. Defeats the whole purpose of marriage: combining incomes to support a family. If my wife and I both command 100k why would I want to live in a 100k household when I could be living in a 200k household? If I commanded 700k I could see not being concerned with her working cuz the difference between a 700k and 800k household isn’t nearly as noticeable.


Oct 15, 2015
I was unhappily married when I posted this, what a difference a year makes lol....

Payed all of the bills and worked my ass off for her to cheat and look me in my face and tell me money isn't everything and I didn't have time for her.


You brothas have been warned, make these h0es go half on those bills. If she even acts like that is a problem, send her ass back where she came from.

Glad you were able to cut ties and hopefully you find a better woman going forward

Do not let women use machismo and ego to turn you into a fool

Ask your fathers and grandfathers and uncles how much stress it was having to be the sole breadwinner
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92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
Payed all of the bills and worked my ass off for her to cheat and look me in my face and tell me money isn't everything and I didn't have time for her.


You brothas have been warned, make these h0es go half on those bills. If she even acts like that is a problem, send her ass back where she came from.



Oct 9, 2012
We're finalizing the divorce and I'm about to get long winded....

Financially, although I'm on child support, I'm actually saving more money than I did when she was around. Things as simple as the utility bills are 75% lower. Things like dish detergent, tissue, paper towel, and other household items last alot longer... You probably think, well that's obvious because it's just you... Nope! Until you actually live with a woman, you will see that they are fukking wasteful. My grocery bill went down dramatically because I don't have to buy all of my food from Whole Foods...
I was paying the household bills and all of her sh1t too. I had her car note, her student loan, car insurance, she was on my health insurance, phone bill, yearly vacations, random gifts, and buying the normal Christmas, Valentine's, and Mother's Day sh1t.

When she started working, I told her to hold on to her money and WE would work on getting her an investment property because I have one and I wanted her to have something of her own as well. The b1tch didn't save like she should've, she spent the money of clothes and a personal trainer.

When you have a leech at home, you're miserable and it showed in every facet of life. After the initial shock of betrayal and depression wore off, I could see clearly again. I got a promotion at work in the middle of a pandemic and I have seen alot of success with women in general.. When I go out, people are pleasant to me because I'm pleasant. I have had my drinks comped while I'm out on a date, free desert, and all types of cool sh1t.

I could go on and on but my life is alot better. I used to be severely depressed... I would go outside in the middle of the afternoon and this may sound dramatic but it literally looked dark. I lowkey think I was headed towards a mental break.

I'm not saying don't get married but make certain you properly vet these broads and make certain she practices reciprocity. If she shows any sign of selfishness, no matter how much you love her, or how fine she is, LEAVE HER because it will come back to haunt you.
I went through something similar , so I definitely understand what you are going through
Never move in, knock up, or marry a broke, lazy woman

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
We're finalizing the divorce and I'm about to get long winded....

Financially, although I'm on child support, I'm actually saving more money than I did when she was around. Things as simple as the utility bills are 75% lower. Things like dish detergent, tissue, paper towel, and other household items last alot longer... You probably think, well that's obvious because it's just you... Nope! Until you actually live with a woman, you will see that they are fukking wasteful. My grocery bill went down dramatically because I don't have to buy all of my food from Whole Foods...
I was paying the household bills and all of her sh1t too. I had her car note, her student loan, car insurance, she was on my health insurance, phone bill, yearly vacations, random gifts, and buying the normal Christmas, Valentine's, and Mother's Day sh1t.

When she started working, I told her to hold on to her money and WE would work on getting her an investment property because I have one and I wanted her to have something of her own as well. The b1tch didn't save like she should've, she spent the money of clothes and a personal trainer.

When you have a leech at home, you're miserable and it showed in every facet of life. After the initial shock of betrayal and depression wore off, I could see clearly again. I got a promotion at work in the middle of a pandemic and I have seen alot of success with women in general.. When I go out, people are pleasant to me because I'm pleasant. I have had my drinks comped while I'm out on a date, free desert, and all types of cool sh1t.

I could go on and on but my life is alot better. I used to be severely depressed... I would go outside in the middle of the afternoon and this may sound dramatic but it literally looked dark. I lowkey think I was headed towards a mental break.

I'm not saying don't get married but make certain you properly vet these broads and make certain she practices reciprocity. If she shows any sign of selfishness, no matter how much you love her, or how fine she is, LEAVE HER because it will come back to haunt you.

Yeah one thing i will say os if a man is going to pay all the bills he needs to get a woman with no debt and ifnshe does have debt she needs to pay it off before you have children (i.e yall get married and use dual income to eliminate ALL preexisting debt you both have)

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Glad you were able to cut ties and hopefully you find a better woman going forward

Do not let women use machismo and ego to turn you into a fool

Ask your fathers and grandfathers and uncles how much stress it was having to be the sole breadwinner

So many of our elder men worked themselves to death only for everything they built to be squandered away after they died


May 29, 2012
If you got it like that then great. However, the reality is that there aren't a lot of jobs in this day and age that would allow the average man to do this and maintain a decent standard of living for himself, his wife, and a couple of kids let alone 8. If that same man was 18 now, I doubt he'd be able to pull that off. In most big cities, you couldn't pull that off with $50,000 a year. And you generally aren't even making that without a degree (in certain fields), working wild OT, or having your own business.

Black Sinatra

Raised Glass to the Squandered Potentials..
May 14, 2013
A wife. A person that now carries your namesake, possibly co-creates your legacy. Traditionally, your property.....but contemporarily your primary responsibility. Does this mean you finance the entire structure? No. It kind of does too tho. Especially if you bended knee and proposed to a woman. Reminding yall that nobody goes into a marriage with the intent to divorce...not a man that knows the risk anyway. Modern premarriage relationships ideally, would utilize social media to appraise potential wives. Her words are right, but what does her aggregate social profile/history say? If you know what you want in a modern financially teamed marriage, then she would agree to that. Children change this however. p*ssy is still...more powerful now, and despite all this redpilling, nikkas still try to lock a low value woman down to have access. When you know better you do better, but dikks are dumb...and we only human I guess.