Dr Claud Anderson -State of Black America [2014] (this is what yall dont want to hear)

Apr 30, 2012
Did you even watch the video, he pointed that out.

What is education? It's foreigners in this country who barely speak English that live better than blacks, because their community controls their own economics.

How can blacks control and build their own school system if we can't control our own economics, it is impossible.

I didn't watch the video yet, I'm just replying to what bruh said. Also, I'm applying the conclusion made from other similar discussions, to connect the dots and not blindly replace previous info with new info. I'm not saying economics is not important, it runs the world. However, there are many black folks making alot of money at the expense of the majority, why would they need to change that. That is where education come in to play

-Also education is being able to prepare the next generation to take advantage of emerging markets and improve existing markets. Many of the foreign youths have a strong STEM education when they get US student visa. It's pretty much review of material by the time they enter the US education system. With education and experience, you are able to be rational about any plight that is affecting folks in similar conditions

-Government construction contracts require 10% woman/minority business involvement. Until recently, it was common that general contractors would hire woman/minority firms to satisfy the requirement. The woman/minority firms makes a killing, by not having to do anything. But it hurts woman/minority firms in the long run cause you cannot expand. They are not able to build resources and gain experience to compete with white general contracting firms that has been around for years, during a time when blacks were not allowed to join unions

-With entertainers, it is easy to see how they sacrifice the majority for their pockets

-Black politicians, focus on their longevity, similar to their white counterparts, but unlike their white counter parts, any negligence on the part of the black politician to counter any legislation or redistricting that will hurt the community, will allow other communities to benefit at our expense

Economics is the foundation of shifting the wealth and power, but like integration, it is not the sole solution.We must ensure that progress in other areas won't undermine the progress made in economics, vice versa


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Did you even watch the video, he pointed that out.

What is education? It's foreigners in this country who barely speak English that live better than blacks, because their community controls their own economics.

How can blacks control and build their own school system if we can't control our own economics, it is impossible.

Exactly, south Asians in Sugar Land are trying to get a public high school built for them by zoning neighborhoods where they make up the majority to the future high school. There is a new neighborhood called Telfair in which it was said that those that live their would have a high school zoned to them. Indians started pouring in and practically bought the majority of the new houses being built in the neighborhood. Other surrounding neighborhoods also have high south Asian populations and will be feeders for the school whenever it is built. These people have a strong economic base and have their own independent education for all school age children where they learn their native language, history, and other education. They utilize the public school system to play the American education system to their advantage, getting their kids into top notch colleges around the country. But make no mistake it all started with an economic base and sharing the same vision of what they want for the next generation. One day, they will create a private university to serve their people, similar to the Jewish Yeshiva University. Once they do that its a wrap. HBCUs were built by white people and that is why many are inherently flawed. If Black Wall Street in Tulsa had never been destroyed, they probably would have build their own college by now and blacks from all over the country would dream of going there :to:
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Apr 30, 2012
Exactly, south Asians in Sugar Land are trying to get a public high school built for them by zoning neighborhoods where they make up the majority to the future high school. There is a new neighborhood called Telfair in which it was said that those that live their would have a high school zoned to them. Indians started pouring in and practically bought the majority of the new houses being built in the neighborhood. Other surrounding neighborhoods also have high south Asian populations and will be feeders for the school whenever it is built. These people have a strong economic base and have their own independent education for all school age children where they learn their native language, history, and other education. They utilize the public school system to play the American education system to their advantage, getting their kids into top notch colleges around the country. But make no mistake it all started with an economic base and sharing the same vision of what they want for the next generation. One day, they will create a private university to serve their people, similar to the Jewish Yeshiva University. Once they do that its a wrap. HBCUs were built by white people and that is why many are inherently flawed. If Black Wall Street in Tulsa had never been destroyed, they probably would have build their own college by now and blacks from all over the country would dream of going there :to:

Is it that they have their own school system OR are they using the public school system?
Did they create an outside education system to complement the public education?
Which came first, education or economics? Doesn't it take the education and belief that I should support my community financially in order to gain resources
If you gave every black person one million dollars, does that automatically mean improvement in education, political clout, better "resources" for the black community, and media control? I highly doubt that

In one discussion, I hear folks claiming that blacks are a spending power, but yet that hasn't fostered any leverage for us as consumers, business owners, and workers in any industry that we financially support. Again, let us learn from past mistakes, no one solution will solve all our problems, especially those problems that are unique to our community


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Is it that they have their own school system OR are they using the public school system?
Did they create an outside education system to complement the public education?
Which came first, education or economics? Doesn't it take the education and belief that I should support my community financially in order to gain resources
If you gave every black person one million dollars, does that automatically mean improvement in education, political clout, better "resources" for the black community, and media control? I highly doubt that

In one discussion, I hear folks claiming that blacks are a spending power, but yet that hasn't fostered any leverage for us as consumers, business owners, and workers in any industry that we financially support. Again, let us learn from past mistakes, no one solution will solve all our problems, especially those problems that are unique to our community

They use both breh. The most important education that any racial/ethnic group can get is knowledge of self. They are taught their own history, language, customs, etc by their own people at a young age. That way when they go into the white supremacist school system, they don't get destroyed by it like many black children and end up losing their dignity in the process. Jews teach knowledge of self just as much as their learn outside education. American education without knowledge of self is a big reason why blacks have huge self hate issues.

You can have a black kid and a white kid in the same classroom but the information is processed differently. The white kid gets knowledge of self within in the American education system. He gets everything white washed which makes him have pride in himself, knowledge of self, entitlement and a superiority complex all of which ensures that he sustains white supremacy. The black kid gets the same information and he learns shame, hatred of self, dependency, and inferiority complex all of which ensures that he continues to be a victim of white supremacy.

Giving every black person a million dollars is not an example of an economic base breh.

An economy or economic system consists of the production, distribution or trade, and consumption of limited goods and services by different agents in a given geographical location. The economic agents can be individuals, businesses, organizations, or governments.

If you give every black person a million dollars the vast majority would go to the first non-black businesses to spend it and make everybody else wealthy rather than coming together and investing it and trying to aggregate it within an economic base created by us. Knowledge of self teaches you to look after the interests that best serves your people and this includes economic interests. Once you have identified the interests of your people then you can effectively use education to sustain these interests. Black businesses will need black CPAs and black CPA firms. Same can be applied to having black corporate lawyers. Black schools will need black teachers that are aware of the BS in the American system and find a way to teach information that does not foster self hate. Black communities will need black doctors that can serve black people more effectively. Currently most highly educated black people are serving other communities, this is in part has to do with a lack of an economic base that today's black communities. There are spots around the country that are better than others but not enough.

An example of the Jewish American economy. A non-Jewish person goes to a Jewish doctor for a physical. The doctor finds out that the person has low energy and believes it my be related to his hormone levels. He later refers him to a Jewish endocrinologist who diagnoses him with thyroid issues and later sends him to a pharmacy a few miles away operated by a Jewish pharmacist. This is how Jews look out for their economic interests and that is because they have knowledge of self which makes you want to help your own people shine.

When you lack knowledge of self you desire to see people like you underneath you and not on your level. Its the reason why in Houston a white dude can be driving a Lambo and nikkas will not hate on him, but if they see a black man with a Lambo nikkas are hatin. Nikkas don't enjoy seeing other nikkas shine. That is why black people hating on each other is at an all-time high. And I not talking about hating a person's craft such as music or sports. I'm talking just hating because another black person is doing well. You know who is also on the black man in a Lambo, the white man. This is learned behavior that comes from the education system and when I mean education school, media, print, internet, etc. All those are ways in which education is channeled.
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Apr 30, 2012
They use both breh. The most important education that any racial/ethnic group can get is knowledge of self. They are taught their own history, language, customs, etc by their own people at a young age. That way when they go into the white supremacist school system, they don't get destroyed by it like many black children and end up losing their dignity in the process. Jews teach knowledge of self just as much as their learn outside education. American education without knowledge of self is a big reason why blacks have huge self hate issues.

You can a black kid and a white kid in the same classroom but the information is processed differently. The white kid gets knowledge of self within in the American education system. He gets everything white washed which makes him have pride in himself, knowledge of self, entitlement and a superiority complex all of which ensures that he sustains white supremacy. The black kid gets the same information and he learns shame, hatred of self, dependency, and inferiority complex all of which ensures that he continues to be a victim of white supremacy.

Giving every black person a million dollars is not an example of an economic base breh.

An economy or economic system consists of the production, distribution or trade, and consumption of limited goods and services by different agents in a given geographical location. The economic agents can be individuals, businesses, organizations, or governments.

If you give every black person a million dollars the vast majority would go to the first non-black businesses to spend it and make everybody else wealthy rather than coming together and investing it and trying to aggregate it within an economic base created by us. Knowledge of self teaches you to look after the interests that best serves your people and this includes economic interests. Once you have identified the interests of your people then you can effectively use education to sustain these interests. Black businesses will need black CPAs and black CPA firms. Same can be applied to having black corporate lawyers. Black schools will need black teachers that are aware of the BS in the American system and find a way to teach information that does not foster self hate. Black communities will need black doctors that can serve black people more effectively. Currently most highly educated black people are serving other communities, this is in part has to do with a lack of an economic base that today's black communities. There are spots around the country that are better than others but not enough.

An example of the Jewish American economy. A non-Jewish person goes to a Jewish doctor for a physical. The doctor finds out that the person has low energy and believes it my be related to his hormone levels. He later refers him to a Jewish endocrinologist who diagnoses him with thyroid issues and later sends him to a pharmacy a few miles away operated by a Jewish pharmacist. This is how Jews look out for their economic interests and that is because they have knowledge of self which makes you want to help your own people shine.

When you lack knowledge of self you desire to see people like you underneath you and not on your level. Its the reason why in Houston a white dude can be driving a Lambo and nikkas will not hate on him, but if they see a black man with a Lambo nikkas are hatin. Nikkas don't enjoy seeing other nikkas shine. That is why black people hating on each other is at an all-time high. And I not talking about hating a person's craft such as music or sports. I'm talking just hating because another black person is doing well. You know who is also on the black man in a Lambo, the white man. This is learned behavior that comes from the education system and when I mean education school, media, print, internet, etc. All those are ways in which education is channeled.

Spot on. I agree 100%
That is why I was stating earlier that economics alone will not solve our problem without also addressing the problems of self hate, lack of trust between black folks, and lack of professional/industry respect. This is where knowledge of self, knowledge of current plight, and the desire to seek higher education, will directly address these problems

You need better school curriculum, even if it means community after school programs to establish a strong STEM foundation. That will complement and/or seal the gaps in the public and the private education

Again, we must learn from past mistakes, no one solution for all problems


May 2, 2012
"social integration is the worse thing to happen to black america" :whew:

edit: man, im glad he focused on the money over all else, cus blacks just don't get it. wish the lecture was longer than 45 minutes, bout to youtube more vids. :wow:
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May 23, 2013
3 step program to black success.
1. Build a community of righteousness, integrity, and trustworthiness. Without honesty and a good work ethic nothing is going to change
2. Entrepreneurship. Helping each other create businesses and supporting those businesses.
3. Use the money to get political power.


Jun 23, 2012
That's why black capitalism can never work. Until the political economy changes, a majority of our people will continue to populate the poor class. Racial oppression is systemic and therefore the system is broken and has to be gradually or immediately changed or the same cycle will continue...
You need money in order to build a political platform. It's a chicken and egg situation.


Jun 13, 2012
#LurkSet #LurkLife
Now how do you get black people to do this? how do you change the cannibalizing mentality passed down to blacks from slavery time?

If we can see actual black community as described working successfully, I think it would provide proof that the idea works. We already know that it works because of the other ethic groups of communities, asian, arab, etc. that are able to provide well for the people of those groups. I think it would have a greater effect we can see the Community idea working with black people.

I think people will not do it because they are afraid of the risks involved.


Mar 2, 2013
-You need to control how the media portrays black folks cause it will not only foster steeotypes, but more importantly, it will condition us not to trust each other. And to be please with having more than the folks who look like you, while being comfortable with not coming close to having as much as non-blacks

very under-rated point