But thats not self sabotage as you put it. That's her being picky, like she said.
And nah lets not compare her to Cuba seeing as how she's been doing successful stuff for the past 20. Cuba would still be thought of as straight to video guy if not for the OJ mini and even that was Courtney B Vance's show.
We don't know her situation, we don't know how many scripts come her way or don't. You're assuming that no one's throwing anything at her when in reality, it could be like she said, she's selective. Not everyone wants to be nick cage or chevy chase in the 80s status, just taking every script that comes their way just because
From 2009- present, she's been in Notorious, had a recurring role on ER for almost two years, jumping the broom, green lantern, olympus has fallen/london has fallen, Chi-Raq, a lot of voice work, including Bojack Horseman, and has been hand in hand with Ryan Murphy for the past four years. I listened to a podcast she was on last year where the nerdist hosts really wanted her to be in the new star trek show and she said she'd like to do it if offered but she's really busy doing american horror story and doesn't know how she'd do both. It seems like she's good working in that realm so it doesn't seem like "sabotage" to me
1) first off i was asking a question - It appears she sabotaged her career, maybe she didn't go back to the initial post
2) you said she was working for the past 2 decades, so has cuba gooding. I didn't say what types of movies, the man has been working.
3) I know what movies she's done I have access to IMDB like you, but doing voice over work is not the same as doing The Help, Hidden Figures, and Fences - that comment will make you feel some type of way but I'm just having honest non-emotional discussion. sure that work PAYS, but it's not the same level of work and you know it.
Youre looking at it like what you think she should be doing not taking into account her pattern of work whixh has been consistent and variant.
This is more about you wanting angela to play a certain type of role more then it is taking notice to a speedbump in her career, that doesnt exist.
Why dont you call her agent and ask him to find her more crackhead roles
not sure where any of this came from nor what it has to do with the thread topic...
I simply asked a question. and what's wrong with playing a crackhead? halle has played a crackhead multiple times, she's also played corporate women
that's what being an actor/actress is about, playing different ranges of characters

and you're trying to be funny saying I should call her agent, when i just posted her saying that she herself admits to being selective and turning down those types of roles