The Omega Male
1. He Is Self-assured
Where the alpha male relies on his group for reassurance of his character and status, the omega male acts completely opposite of that with little regard for how he is seen by others. Because of this, the omega male’s sense of self-assurance allows him to avoid trivial popularity contests.
An omega male will definitely have a few close friends he trusts and respects, but his primary source of meaning and confidence comes from within. A downside to this is that an omega male often neglects to care for others, as they only know how to care for themselves.
2. He Is Driven
With so much internal power to move him forward, you are likely going to see an omega male being driven to do what he wants. He is his own best cheerleader and will give himself all the motivation he needs to take action or succeed at completing a task.
Other men are likely only going to want to get something done or take on a task if there is some extrinsic level of gratification or a reward. For the omega male, the tasks that drive him from within will be all the motivation he needs to see that something is handled.
3. He Is Intelligent
The typical “nerd” archetype is something you can see among omega males as they are very focused on intelligence and learning. An omega male is someone who can breeze through complex algorithms and formulas to crack a code that others are often far too aloof to understand.
Where many men will just talk on and on without thinking about what they are saying or listening to the other person, the omega male is going to listen with intent and can make calculated decisions on how to respond. Omega males are something like a human calculator.
4. He Has Diversified Interests
Going along with the somewhat nerdy focus of omega males, they are often going to be engaged with things like video games as well as more obscure hobbies. Things like building models and hobbies that stimulate the mind are just what an omega male would love to spend time doing.
If an omega male wants to take on a hobby that everyone else feels uncomfortable trying due to social pressure, the omega male will just do whatever he wants. The lack of care for external validation gives the omega male a sense of freedom to do whatever he wants in his own way.