Do you consider Africans from Africa, South America & the "Blacks"?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
didnt we just have this thread a week ago?

like i said in the other thread, technically you can make a case, but in reality its a stupid case, because people like farrakhan, sidney potier, kool herc are all immigrants, not to mention half of new york rappers from biggie to nikki minaj are not technically african american either

in other words you start down a slippery slop where you end up looking stupid

but either way make sure you are consistent with your logic


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
I dont consider them one of us. We dont share anything in common. Language. Culture. Food. Music. Mentality, etc. Being "Black in America" doesn't just signify anything racial. It's a shared experience. Blacks were cut off from our history, we didn't have a country to call our own like immigrants from other countries did, so we formed our own here. In result, being "Black in America" is almost, by proxy a nationality.

I don't think Afrikans are Black. Blumenbach may have put us all in one box 1,000 years ago :manny: but the way we define Black in the US, them nikkas couldn't be anymore different than us. Those same dudes would be calling me "Akata" to my face if I was in Lagos & be talking about how ignorant, lazy & ghetto African Americans are. So fukk em.

Like wise; I’ve seen brothers like you insult African immigrants with words like “booty scratcher”.e.t.c, some of you don’t even want to acknowledge your African heritage, the fact that you call African people "them" is proof that your heart doesn't identify with our home land, which is disgusting and c00nish, so fukk ya’ll too then based on your bullshyt logic.

In fact, we can say brothers like you ain’t “black”. Your quick to call yourself “African American“, but you want to ignore the “Africa” part, without “Africa” your struggle wouldn’t have even existed, in fact, without “Africa” damn near everything about you currently would cease to exist, you're quick to forget that though.

Africa gave birth to ya'll, hence every single part of the African American community is as much "ours" (I use that loosely because there is only us) as it is yours, ya’ll are like a subsidiary organisation, Africa is the parent.

T'Kuvma Da Unforgettable

My Wallabies attract bowlegged b1tches
Jun 23, 2012
Originally Posted by YBE
I dont consider them one of us. We dont share anything in common. Culture. Food. Music. Mentality, etc.

Is this nikka serious?


this has got to be the dumbest shyt i read this year


May 2, 2012
Originally Posted by YBE
I dont consider them one of us. We dont share anything in common. Culture. Food. Music. Mentality, etc.

Is this nikka serious?


this has got to be the dumbest shyt i read this year

he's right though, what's so hard to admit :wtf:

the african american experience is singular to that of descendants of african slaves in america. it's not negative, so why is everyone pissed off? first gens come from a different culture,family structure, language,mentality,goals, etc.

it's not even an insult, africans are outpacing whites and asians in terms of success in america. but make no mistake about it, we are not the same.
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Harry Sax

Formally mr 321
May 1, 2012
I understand what your tryna say OP but this thread is dumb as fukk, but I hear this type of idiocy from HU alums all the time. You must fukk wit the grooves & swings or some shyt. :snoop:

Ok, where to start. If you want to use "Black" to simply define the descendants of slavery in America then that's fine but you make it seem as though other Africans weren't suffering under the oppression of the white man. Just as you say we don't and never will understand yalls plight, you'll never get the plight of caribbean Africans or Africans from Latin America or even from the continent itself. Our one common thread aside from racially being products of the motherland is being oppressed and fukked with by cacs for hundreds of years. So how exactly can "Other blacks" not relate to Blacks in America? Africans were enslaved, exploited, and oppressed on their own land breh, you don't think somebody from Congo can't understand the struggle of Black Americans?

Yall better off embracing "African American" since yall our fam and we're your fam too. Black is just a way for this society to classify us, we all nikkaz on this soil even if your a blind sambo. You think a cac will see the difference between a black Cuban and a black Virginian? Your point of view is divisive and pretty much the desired effect of the conservative counterrevolution that keeps telling all the different sides of Africans that they hate each other and they ain't shyt. Lets clear up the clusterfukk rather than contribute to it.

:russ: he said virgin


T'Kuvma Da Unforgettable

My Wallabies attract bowlegged b1tches
Jun 23, 2012
he's right though, what's so hard to admit :wtf:

the african american experience is singular to that of descendants of african slaves in america. it's not negative, so why is everyone pissed off? first gens come from a different culture,family structure, language,mentality,goals, etc.

it's not even an insult, africans are outpacing whites and asians in terms of success in america. but make no mistake about it, we are not the same.

You're also an idiot..
May 7, 2012
I If I went to Nigeria tomorrow acting like I was Afrikan, cats over there would :beli: and quickly correct me but, I'm in the wrong for saying those dudes are not Black, atleast not in the way we define the term over here?

I just want one person to respond to this & I'll leave it alone.

We? :usure:

It's taken over 6 pages for you to realize that only you ignorant mofos take Black to mean African American (or Black American)?

Being mad that you wouldn't be considered an Afrikan in Lagos is just as dumb as a dude born and raised in Cleveland being mad that when he goes to Bankhead, they don't consider him an ATLien. What's so hard to understand about that?

Family Man

May 5, 2012
How the fukk can a bunch of nikkas who has never visited anywhere or lived outside of the US talk about who is black and who aint? You nikkas are so fukking stupid. Y'all wanna have a pissing contest about who got fukked over the worse by crackkkas? Do nikkas like the dumb ass that started this thread measure blackness by the degree to which you were fukked over by white people? Get the fukk outta here with that "never understanding our plight" bullshyt. The experience that nikkas have in America isn't unique to nikkas in America. Only an ignorant fukk that have never left their State would think that.

P.S..Suck my muthaphucking dikk bytch.


All Star
May 22, 2012
Ehhh... A lot of stupid comments in this thread. But here's where the situation gets a bit more complicated. Of course we generally define black, not African American, by simply the color of one's skin.

But what about light skinned people? Because all people with a light brown complexion aren't black. They could be hispanic, right? And as a society we don't consider hispanics black do we?

Ok, well then when we see a person with that light complexion, how determine if they're black or not? By what their ancestry is? Well then we're stepping out of the simple definition of black. So then some if these other statements about nationality/ethnicity come into play. Well then we have to ask, well then what really is black? Don't racist white people always tell blacks to back to Africa?

Honestly society's definition if black and African American don't really make any sense. Connotation, stereotypes, and subtext have all b*stardized the meanings of these terms.


May 10, 2012
Like I said, I've met and argued with people like you on this shyt before so I already understand your position. Just keep in mind that it hasn't even been 100 years since the Civil Rights movement so there are probably many profound issues that have yet to be solved in the community. But I think Dr. Amos Wilson describes shyt best, yall are a nation like any other ethnic group (white, Asian, latino, etc) and all the tools to build a nation are here since this is America. Spanish people got a bunch of different channels and continue to make themselves a stronger and more unified community while black folks stuck in a malaise.

So cuz of this, maybe a lot of ignorant foreign blacks look down and talk down on AA's which to me is wrong as fukk cuz we can't comprehend yall plight. I can trace my nation, and all the tribes in my blood, and have an African name while a black man here don't got that ability, and I'll never understand how that feels. So when you say "Black" is yall way of defining yallselves in this society I can empathize completely.

Thing is, when there's understanding on both sides and mutual cooperation and support then why wouldn't you want Africans, West Indians, Afro-Latinos, and Afro-Asians to be a part of that umbrella. This "nation" I speak of would only benefit if it included its family from other parts of the world. We all acknowledge the fact that we ain't American Africans and respect that, but that doesn't mean that we ain't black under the racial caste of this society. Just remember like I said, pretty much all black people on this planet has had to deal with some bullshyt from the European just like yall did. If anything, West Indians and Afro-Latinos should be gettin big love from yall since they're descendants of the Trans Atlantic slave trade as well. But it's all good, I know in my heart that things gon get better.

:wow: great post