Do you cold approach???

Do you cold approach?

  • Yes. My thirst level be thru the roof.

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • No. I don't chase hoes, hoes chase me.

    Votes: 34 72.3%

  • Total voters

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
I understand that but I lead my relationship and she approached me.

For me, leading has nothing to do with approaching a woman.

This girl hollered at me and tried to get to know me and I evaluated whether or not she was worth dealing with. When you got multiple women trying to get with you this allows you the grace to see who works the hardest to campaign and this allows you to pick based off of those parameters. So I’m taking things on my own terms just in a different way.

In your dynamic the woman chose you. You walked up to her and she allowed you in. In my example I chose the woman. I’m still dictating how things start because I’m trying to see if she’s worth being in my space to begin with. By being the chooser I am the one with the power and she knows it. Therefore dikk runs my relationship.

How does p*ssy run the relationship if a woman approaches you exactly? So you’re saying if a woman plays with her hair, giggles when you’re in her presence and you go for it she runs the relationship? A man only runs the relationship if he runs up on women he’s never met before?
She still chose you bro, doesn't matter who initiated she still chose you because the women has the final say so on if things get more serious or not. I just don't want a woman to think she calls the shots bro. I listen to what women say, most of them will approach a guy they find attractive but they don’t like it because women want to be chased because it is natural and it shows a man has confidence in himself. You can still run the relationship, but why even let there potentially be confusion. I cold approached my current girlfriend 11 years ago at her job. We never got serious until last year, but she said she always remembered me and respected me because as she said 'You're the only guy to ever come at me like that as bold as you did and followed through on everything you said you would do.' A cold approach leaves a lasting impression on a woman when done right.

Everyone has their methods, I just have mine you have yours. Not to mention I like approaching women because I like to hunt, it's fun to me to mack a broad out her draws. I like to feel like I went and got it, but that's my nature though I'm a go getter. If I see something I want I'm gonna go get it, regardless what it is.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I prefer the silent and mysterious strategy. I hunt in my own way. I don’t like talking to a random broad I don’t know. I rather build tension with a woman to stir her emotions rather than be thirsty and chat with women I don’t know. I like to vet slowly and choose whom I deal with. All these nikkas holla at the sister with a fat booty so cold approaching doesn’t make you unique. But a man that holds back, barely talks to her, he’s the one on her mind.

Some men hunt like lions.

I like to hunt like a carnivorous plant.

I kinda switch between both but lowkey prefer this method. I think like a leopard or a jaguar more so. Just camouflage myself with a chill, nonchalant demeanor to make her curious. Then slowly shift the vibe to create the tension. Timing is everything tho but a slow cook makes for a really nice experience with a woman for me.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
if i am attracted to a girl and the situation permits, i will approach
who cares if she rejects you - she wont even remember you a week later

there are women who have rejected me, only to give me the number at a later date and let me hit.

I am not even lying. A year ago I approached a girl, she said shes engaged. 6 months ago I approached a girl, she told me her name was ____. I said wait, I have met you before...arent you married? Said they split before the marriage. I hit it like 3 weeks later. Mind you, this girl is a legit 9/10

fukk a choosing signal

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
I kinda switch between both but lowkey prefer this method. I think like a leopard or a jaguar more so. Just camouflage myself with a chill, nonchalant demeanor to make her curious. Then slowly shift the vibe to create the tension. Timing is everything tho but a slow cook makes for a really nice experience with a woman for me.
Women like layers to a man. If you cold approach you’re going to probably get specific type of women. It will be a limited pool that likes specific type of men. But the laid back method draws the majority of women.

You have layers and most women won’t get enough of you.

You start kind but unsure of her. Like,”why should I entertain you?” Like a well fed lion or tiger or king or lord. Then she proves why she is worth entertaining and let the seduction process happen over weeks or days. Then you flip it and be daring and say something off the cuff that shows how sexual you are. First you were chill but then you’re sexual and you show a different side to you. It makes her want you more. But you’re laid back and show that although you’d like her you don’t need her. Women love it. It becomes this chemistry until you decide to choose her over other women. Then she knows she won and earned something.

Shifting the vibe shows you have depth of character and is mysterious. Women get addicted to it.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I prefer the silent and mysterious strategy. I hunt in my own way. I don’t like talking to a random broad I don’t know. I rather build tension with a woman to stir her emotions rather than be thirsty and chat with women I don’t know. I like to vet slowly and choose whom I deal with. All these nikkas holla at the sister with a fat booty so cold approaching doesn’t make you unique. But a man that holds back, barely talks to her, he’s the one on her mind.

Some men hunt like lions.

I like to hunt like a carnivorous plant.
thats cool and all but 99% of the time you not gonna see the chick again. Those are the scenarios OP is talking about.
if its an environment like a house party, work ...etc...then it aint even really count as an approach


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Cold approaching is for lames. You gonna come up to a woman you don't know like that and chat her up? Why? She gotta make a move at me for me to even try. Why exert that much effort over hoes? Talking to a stranger you don't know. Now it's different if a girl obviously likes you. You go to the grocery store and "accidentally" keep bumping into her when she's obviously following you. That's when you talk a woman up. But actively chasing a woman? Nah.

If you're truly good looking to a woman she will come up to you point blank and say hi. So why exert effort chasing hoes?

Cold approaches do not work and put a woman on guard and just puts you on the "He's Thirsty" list with women.

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
Yawnthats cool and all but 99% of the time you not gonna see the chick again. Those are the scenarios OP is talking about.
if its an environment like a house party, work ...etc...then it aint even really count as an approach
Well a woman has to fascinate me with more than her body for me to approach anyways which makes most of my approaches not cold by design. Though I did approach many women on the subway in NY if they were reading an interesting book and we would talk about what we were reading. A good looking woman is a dime in a dozen. :yawn: Well else she got going for her?


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Well a woman has to fascinate me with more than her body for me to approach anyways which makes most of my approaches not cold by design. Though I did approach many women on the subway in NY if they were reading an interesting book and we would talk about what we were reading. A good looking woman is a dime in a dozen. :yawn: Well else she got going for her?
I agree. Truth of the matter is that most attractive women arent approaching a dude unless he is an tyson beckford lookin ass nikka or some kinda celebrity.
To act like its common is just downright false. Even if they find you attractive they not approaching.

The girl in the story I mentioned above literally told me she was crushing on me for months before I stepped to her as we live in the same neighborhood. I hadnt even noticed her around since it was the winter and women tend to be covered up. Like I said I didnt realize I had hollaed before until she told me her first (relatively unique) name.

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
I agree. Truth of the matter is that most attractive women arent approaching a dude unless he is an tyson beckford lookin ass nikka or some kinda celebrity.
To act like its common is just downright false. Even if they find you attractive they not approaching.

The girl in the story I mentioned above literally told me she was crushing on me for months before I stepped to her as we live in the same neighborhood. I hadnt even noticed her around since it was the winter and women tend to be covered up. Like I said I didnt realize I had hollaed before until she told me her first (relatively unique) name.
But her crushing for months means she knew of you and therefore the approach wasn’t cold.

For me a cold approach is with a woman you will never meet again whom you’ve never met or seen before.


Jun 26, 2013
I'm handsome gang so yeah I'll cold approach.
Yes. I'm a man so I love to hunt.

I trust no man that talks against it.

The amount of 😺 I've gotten from simply walking up to a random broad and saying "hey, how you doing, you kinda cute, I had to come over here and say something to you" is crazy.

Most men are terrified of doing it so it's literally a cheat code for the rest of us with the balls and the mouthpiece.

I do acknowledge that Its always been easier for me since I'm on the handsome side so I can understand men who aren't as confident in their looks not being able to do it.
Hit the nail on the head

Cold approach is my bread and butter

Like 90% of chicks I’ve smashed is via cold approach. Prob why my numbers so crazy

I don’t love em I don’t chase em I duck em :beli:

Real playa shyt . Wiz laid the blueprint with that one

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
@Marco Zen btw...youre wrong. the element of surprise >>> them seeing you approach

That's a damn lie. You don't sneak up and scare the bytch in the process of meeting her

The wild shyt being spewed in this thread is phenomenal. nikkaz legit in here claiming they never have to initiate meeting a woman because usually women charge and tackle them every room they walk in :snoop:

One nikka in here said women gain respect for you of you ask "Aye, wanna fukk?" In front of her dad

:snoop: Jesus