expecting a woman to approach youCold approaching is for lames. You gonna come up to a woman you don't know like that and chat her up? Why? She gotta make a move at me for me to even try. Why exert that much effort over hoes? Talking to a stranger you don't know. Now it's different if a girl obviously likes you. You go to the grocery store and "accidentally" keep bumping into her when she's obviously following you. That's when you talk a woman up. But actively chasing a woman? Nah.
If you're truly good looking to a woman she will come up to you point blank and say hi. So why exert effort chasing hoes?
Cold approaches do not work and put a woman on guard and just puts you on the "He's Thirsty" list with women.

thats the definition of lame
approaching a woman is not even chasing if an attractive woman is somewhere you already are how is that chasing
spark a convo if she not interested keep it moving
if you approach most woman properly, a polite decline is the worst that happens