Is DLC bad for gamers or is it bad for first adopters?
As some posters stated, those who've been patient and purchased a game when all the DLC was available and discounted are eating heavily.
As a first adopter, I do think DLC is a bad thing.
There are exceptions...such as Rainbow Six Siege. The developers deserve a fukking reward for the support and content that they provide.
Except developers are now switching to a micro-transaction style with randomized loot boxes, doesn't matter when you buy the game then.
Back in the day you could directly buy the DLC you wanted. Now they wanna put that DLC in random loot boxes and have customers make multiple purchases in a hope of getting the item they want. They're taking stuff out of the game that was a feature in game 1 and suddenly in game 2 it's a purchasable item with fake money you have to overspend real money on to get preset amounts that's sure to leave you with some of the fake money left over after the transaction but not enough that you don't have to buy more for your next transaction.
Buy 200 silver for $20.00 and that gun you want cost 105 silver. In fact the lowest price of any gun is 105 silver so when you buy 1 gun you're left with 95 silver 10 short of what you need for another one and opps 200 silver is the lowest amount we sell.
It sucks but at the end of the day it's probably what's best for console gaming. Developing these games aren't cheap, and they're getting harder and harder to make which means needing more and more of the best talent in the industry.
With all the time and money invested into these giant projects if they don't make a strong profit then these studios won't be able to make these AAA games and probably be forced to make stupid mobile games or other low risk low investment games. Just be happy the games are still $60 after all these years, and for most of us, $48.
Gaming in weird in that its one of the only industries where the companies involved engage in dirtbag practices and their consumers will defend and rationalize it blaming other consumers instead of calling out the companies.
If it's hard to make profits off the goods you're selling there's something wrong with the goods and the price not the consumer. I supported the developer when I paid them $60 for a game. If $60 isn't enough then charge more. Don't charge me $60 upfront and try to bake in all these small transactions and shady things that take advantage of people with gambling addictions so you can nickle and dime people for far more.
Nobody makes them creep the development cost up to such ridiculous levels but them. The industry decides what the industry makes then it complains it can't make enough money. That's like you deliberately cooking a meal that can feed a family of 3 and you have a family of 4. Obviously there isn't gonna be enough food so you scale to fit.