Disabled Black Man Shot Dead by Police While Reading in the Car


Jun 18, 2012
I've stated this on here before when folks say "blacks should get out and vote"

I'll sum it up to this and let it sink in.

It's hard to vote when most of black ppl are felons..

Felons can't vote, nor sit on jurors

Blacks get charged with more, and a lot of blacks (majority) can't afford proper legal representation so they take a plea deal, thus admitting to a crime that they may have not even done (this happens a lot) So now they are labeled as a felon. A simple ounce of weed, can make a black male at the age of 14 become a felon..but white male get counseling and get it off their record when they pass the course/class that they are sent to by a judge. The judge just gives us black males a plea deal or some type of work program while in jail, but the end result, you will become a felon.

In these majority black communities which we call "the hood" 45%-65% are felons, let's face it, there are( no majority affluent black neighborhoods) So now Let's breakdown the population in these areas (the hood), you have blacks kids under the age of 18, makes up about 17%-21%, you have the elderly who and mentally ill which prolly makes another 13% - 17% to vote (The mentally/disable are not voting). Now you're left with 20%-26% of blacks in these majority that don't are what you consider your working class, clean record in a sense, but still struggling pay check to pay check..outta that percentile, most hate the gov't, don't trust cops, the ppl that's on the ballot (representative/senator) are not from their neighborhood and are not trying to help improve their conditions and really don't even need their vote thus you don't see them in these parts or the hood, When was the last time you seen a white senator that is running or representative speak/address the hood? I'll wait...Also let me just throw this out there..(well why someone from the "hood" run) well again, take those numbers I gave you, how many "young men" in the hood are growing up with a clean record/ that has went to a good school (because let's be honest, schools in these areas are not the best) are going to run for representative,/senator seat???

What black boy or girl from the Iberville Projects (Projects in New Orleans) or the Treme (7th Ward) is running for a seat at the white house? not that many, so how can we vote for our own, who will appeal to us?

Again, In these areas to try and out vote the whites in that jurisdiction with a 8%-20% of the ppl voting because that's they are truly the only ones that are eligible to vote is asking a lot. You can't do anything with 8% of the pop to vote...

So saying blacks need to vote without knowing the game is silly...

Also, prisons are built in counties with populations that are roughly seeing 2,000-6,000 ppl, and we all know there are no county's where 2,000-6,000 blacks are living (not called the hood), these are your red-necks/white folks for the most part living in these parts of town, but guess what they count the prisoners that are in these prisons towards the county's population, so now that 2,000-6,000 has jumped to 17,000-34,000 given on the size of the prison/detention center. Now you have more ppl which will count for more seats to come out of this jurisdiction. Thus you have more seats on the council ballot etc.

you have no clue wtf you are talking about
May 1, 2012
Oakland CA
Then your grandfather should piss on you for your naïve homo ass bullshyt. FOH. "Check my resume" I want to be President too one day, how dare you talk about Obama, he is a black god" :martin:.

Obama is the first black President. Ask yourself, how did that help black people? Around the world or in the country you live in? Nobody said he had to be pro militant negro number 1. But how did his presidency affect your race as a whole? And be truthful. Stop with the safe talk and keep it all the way real.

You are a moron, go learn policy & government before you speak.. Typical pseudo-intellectual militant fishing for daps with no rhyme or reasoning & understanding


Sep 11, 2015
First of all, most black people are not felons. I have no idea where you got that from.

Secondly, not all states take away the right to vote forever. In most states voting rights are restricted while incarcerated and are then automatically restored upon full completion of sentence (including parole and/or probation periods). There are only 9 states where voting rights are not automatically restored and an ex-c0n would have to go to court to try and get those rights re-instated.

It is the same for serving on a jury. There is no blanket rule that ex-cons are not allowed to serve on a jury.

Great information,

Could you provide me those states, and also do those states that you're speaking on, do they grant the felon (ex-felon) those voting rights if they fail any type of drug test, miss their PO visits or have any tardiness because of lack of transportation, don't get employment within a certain time frame, etc.
Do those states remove the felon tag if these violations occur because that is a stat out there, that states most felons that are released out of prison or those who are labeled felons, will return to jail/prison for the very reasons I've mentioned and more.

Please provide us the "LENGTHY" process that these ex-cons have to go through to be re-instated...I've heard about the process and most if not all state that it isn't worth going through that process...It's so much yellow tape and jumping through hoola hoops that ex-cons (felons) have to go through to get their rights back. Again all of this is broken down in the book "The NEW JIM CROW"

I know of 2-3 states in this country that allow felons to get their voting right back after serving their time, which are located up near the tip of the country,
Other countries allow felons to vote while in prisons might I add.

First of all, most black ppl that I've stated in my earlier post live in these "hood/project/ghetto" areas are felons. Would you agree? if not please explain why, and if you will explain those blacks that are locked in jail (Mass Incarceration) will they not be tagged as a felon? So you're telling me that there are low amount of felons walking around the Iberville projects in New Orleans or in the 7th Ward area in New Orleans? and other hood and ghetto areas around this country?

I'm not speaking on the Cliff and Clair Huxtables, the guys and girls that are in college, (which is a small percentile) of the worlds that you may think.. There are more impoverish black ppl living in this country than what you may think that are out here living.


Sep 11, 2015
Ain't nothing going on in Michelle Alexander's book that doesn't revolve around enforcing the LAW. No matter how racist, selective, or targeted. Laws are written and enforced at the end of the day.

You can't keep talking about LAW without talking about LAW MAKING.

Ya'll ain't telling me shyt I don't know about how fukked up the situation is....but ya'll can't keep fooling people with the lack of answers ya'll got.


Funny how her book was a best seller, It must be saying something.


May 2, 2012
We've got to do better as well lol

CBC was last weekend in DC.. our people showed up in our finest threads and drank the best wines money could be..

Partied at night clubs

Celebrated Obama like he was a messiah

At some point you see our hand in this as well... we love placing the majority of the blame on the system/condition

Looks like we love the benefits the system offers despite the perpetual issues that plague our measly 13% of the population

@ThreeLetterAgency :banderas:

We don't agree on everything but when you're on point you're on point

You got these emotional nikkas in their feelings

We need more solutions and less emotions


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
@ThreeLetterAgency :banderas:

We don't agree on everything but when you're on point you're on point

You got these emotional nikkas in their feelings

We need more solutions and less emotions
thats why they're so mad....

the CBC out here trying to fool the people...they ain't done SH!T in the streets.


Jun 18, 2012
You are a moron, go learn policy & government before you speak.. Typical pseudo-intellectual militant fishing for daps with no rhyme or reasoning & understanding

Do you agree or disagree that Obama has the political clout and recognition to affect local level elections?

If Obama comes out and says vote for my guy, Black Upstanding Man X, for attorney general, chief of police, etc, that he would in effect get people to elect that particular candidate? And were that person to get elected, would it then be truthful to say he had an influence on a local level?

Why hasn't Obama stumped for more qualified, black candidates like he did for Julianna Stratton:

Obama Makes Rare Endorsement Via Ad In Illinois House Primary

Note the title of the article:
Obama makes rare endorsement via ad in Illinois House primary

And she ended up winning that election because of it. But she got a "rare" endorsement. An Obama endorsement of good people shouldn't have been rare. It should have been a guarantee.

Obama did not put himself out there as president because he was a political pansy who didn't want to ruffle feathers. And because of it, we have a bunch of establishment people in key positions throughout the country who DO NOTHING FOR BLACK PEOPLE. It's a trickle down effect that starts with leadership at the top.


Feb 2, 2016
You are a moron, go learn policy & government before you speak.. Typical pseudo-intellectual militant fishing for daps with no rhyme or reasoning & understanding

fukk a dap...been learned this game ya damn guppie....you sucking dikk thinking you can get ahead playing the game the invented...and you wonder why you cant get pass being a pawn...cause you too scared to be a King...sit yo young ass down...you dont know shyt beloved...