This is nonsense
I don't even like Beyonce, but this is horseshyt.Pure generational divide.
Wrong. Solo work is extremely weak and you know it.
She might have music I don't rock with, but I can recognize once in a generation talent and iconism.And the fukk...classic is subjective, and there's enough people that think she is iconic to warrant her being in that catagory.And honestly, if Beyonce's music were adapted to sound like music in other decades it would still have the same impact.Now if she can or can't sing as well as Dionne Warwick, that's a whole different discussion.But don't let your personal feelings toward her music to let your bias show through.
Lol Brandy had a major record deal, network television, movies and a Barbie Doll. Let’s not pretend that she didn’t have a strong machine relative to her time period.
Now we’ve reached the point of well Beyonce is only popular because of her devoted fans. Guess what a lot of them think she classics. People don’t have to agree but it’s hilarious that you can say she’s hugely popular and totally dismiss that she could be considered to have classics based on you level of like for her.
Beyonce been a icon since like 08-09
They forgot how big 03 Bonny and Clyde was?These fools really said Beyoncé blew up and is became a diva because of social media
Well considering I didn't say that her fans don't think she has classics, I'm failing to see where we disagree? I also said I wasn't discrediting her but her music isn't for me and I think people have better discographies.
Brandy's rise was much more organic to me and she's done way more for her genre in my view; that's my opinion and it is what it is. Being popular isn't an indicator of iconism, but again, I don't see the benefit in arguing over differences in opinion.