Not you getting your jollies from imagining how the rape of a minor went. A lot of your posts have been advocating for the sexual assult and abuse of women here lately.
Glad women are starting to see how ya'll really feel about us. I can't imagine sitting across the table from a dude telling me a 17 year old "wanted it" from a group of adult men and referenced nipple play. I'd sneak out the bsck door and block the #.
You a damn fool because all I did was repeat the allegations that SHE stated.
How am I imagining anything when all I literally did was repeat the accusations she made??
And I'm sticking to what I said. Yall women want us to become empty brain fools who believe everything yall say without questioning anything and who can't think for ourselves.
I dont care how big your ass is or if you got titties. I DONT BELIEVE YOU CAUSE WOMEN BE LYING!!!
Women have lied about rape for eons. In my PERSONAL LIFE WOMEN HAVE LIED TO ME ABOUT BEING RAPED!
Yall are LIARS who are not to be believed if your story doesn't add up and that dumbass girls story does NOT add up.
I have never heard of a "rape" where the rapee was squeezing the rapists nipples and NEITHER HAVE YOU!
If you would take off your feminist victim act for one moment and think logically about this, you would admit that I'm right.
But instead whenever you hear the word "rape", all logic goes out the window and you revert to a bird brain fool who can't think for herself, and you want me to do the same.
I'm telling you that whatever happened, ole girl was obviously with it.
And I don't want to hear about "she was a 17 year old

" either, because facts are that 17 is the age of consent in New York AND Michigan.
I dont want to hear it. That fool ass girl got on a plane to go see Puff Daddy cause she wanted to sleep with Puff Daddy! She sure didn't go there for a miniature golf game!
And for the record, I don't even believe she was 17 when it happened. I think she threw that age in there for shock value. I want to see the receipts.
I don't believe a word that comes out these hoes mouths without proof. They word aint gospel.
I'm getting sick of you and all of yall telling me that I should believe some random thot without proof.
I'm not doing it.
I'm mad now. You started this conversation so let's have it.