Did slave breeding actually exist?


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013

That was my point..so we agree?

Nope. In the paragraph I originally replied, you implied that breeding did happen. I am saying it probably didn't due to a lack of Darwinian knowledge and a lack of widespread slavemaster coordination.

FALSE. See graph (link) below showing blacks as a % of the population...It was almost 20% during the height of slavery and dropped to 13% after, and is only about 14% today. Unless you're trying to say the reproduction practices for AA were "normal" during slavery as opposed to after.

The chart doesn't prove your point. It actually implies another one. In 1970,when blacks were almost 20% of the population, there were only about 4 million people in the USA proper:

In the First Census, the population of the United States was enumerated to be 3,929,214. Congress assigned responsibility for the 1790 census to the marshals of United States judicial districts under an act which, with minor modifications and extensions, governed census taking through 1840."

1790 United States Census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the reason blacks made up such a high percentage wasn't slave breeding - but because there were so few white people. By 1870, when blacks were at 12% of the poplation, the US population had skyrocketed to 38.5 million. Black population has since remained at about 12-14% ever since. The graph implies this change in black population share wasn't "slave breeding" practices, but rather an increase (or lack thereof) of white population in the USA.

Your own source refutes the notion of slavebreeding:

"Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman dismiss the idea of systematic slave breeding in their 1995 book Time on the Cross.[12] They argue that there is very meager evidence for the systematic breeding of slaves for sale in the market in the Upper South during the 19th century. They distinguish systematic breeding—the interference in normal sexual patterns by masters with an aim to increase fertility or encourage desirable characteristics—from pro-natalist policies—the generalized encouragement of large families through a combination of rewards, improved living and working conditions for fertile women and their children, and other policy changes by masters. They point out that the demographic evidence is subject to a number of interpretations. The reports from witnesses are apocryphal in that they never specify any particular place in which breeding practices were alleged to have taken place. No surviving plantation records detail any such attempt."[/quote]
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Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
In what way? Explain how I've been bodied (if you can't, you should be ignored).

My nikka. I have seen slave documents linked to my family lineage that have spoke on breeding practices to producer bigger, stronger slaves. So you denying it really holds no weight. When I've seen the shyt with my own eyes.
Jul 26, 2012
"Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman dismiss the idea of systematic slave breeding in their 1995 book Time on the Cross.[12] They argue that there is very meager evidence for the systematic breeding of slaves for sale in the market in the Upper South during the 19th century. They distinguish systematic breeding—the interference in normal sexual patterns by masters with an aim to increase fertility or encourage desirable characteristics—from pro-natalist policies—the generalized encouragement of large families through a combination of rewards, improved living and working conditions for fertile women and their children, and other policy changes by masters. They point out that the demographic evidence is subject to a number of interpretations. The reports from witnesses are apocryphal in that they never specify any particular place in which breeding practices were alleged to have taken place. No surviving plantation records detail any such attempt



Jul 12, 2012

Nope. In the paragraph I originally replied, you implied that breeding did happen. I am saying it probably didn't due to a lack of Darwinian knowledge and a lack of widespread slavemaster coordination.

The chart doesn't prove your point. It actually implies another one. In 1970,when blacks were almost 20% of the population, there were only about 4 million people in the USA proper:

In the First Census, the population of the United States was enumerated to be 3,929,214. Congress assigned responsibility for the 1790 census to the marshals of United States judicial districts under an act which, with minor modifications and extensions, governed census taking through 1840."

1790 United States Census - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is the reason blacks made up such a high percentage wasn't slave breeding - but because there were so few white people. By 1870, when blacks were at 12% of the poplation, the US population had skyrocketed to 38.5 million. Black population has since remained at about 12-14% ever since. The graph implies this change in black population share wasn't "slave breeding" practices, but rather an increase (or lack thereof) of white population in the USA.

Your own source refutes the notion of slavebreeding:

"Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman dismiss the idea of systematic slave breeding in their 1995 book Time on the Cross.[12] They argue that there is very meager evidence for the systematic breeding of slaves for sale in the market in the Upper South during the 19th century. They distinguish systematic breeding—the interference in normal sexual patterns by masters with an aim to increase fertility or encourage desirable characteristics—from pro-natalist policies—the generalized encouragement of large families through a combination of rewards, improved living and working conditions for fertile women and their children, and other policy changes by masters. They point out that the demographic evidence is subject to a number of interpretations. The reports from witnesses are apocryphal in that they never specify any particular place in which breeding practices were alleged to have taken place. No surviving plantation records detail any such attempt."

Where's your proof that the decrease is due to an increase in white population as opposed to a decrease in black reproduction rates? Should be easy to link it right?

As for your 2nd point, all I can say is you can't be that dense, or maybe you have a certain...agenda.
So you gon take the word of 2 white economists as fact even tho they qualify their claims by saying "meager evidence", only focusing on the Upper South, and oh yea, even further splitting the variable (systemic breeding vs "pro-natalistic policies") to reach the desired conclusion.
They dismiss witness reports as apocryphal and use the argument that there is no surviving record as proof it never happened? How were slaves (remember it was illegal for a slave to be literate for the most part) supposed to keep a written account for it to be fact? Or you expect the plantation owners to keep (and preserve after the war) these records?
So you gon dismiss all the evidence from the other headings and jump straight down to the TWO guys that disagree, who wrote ONE book on the subject and still didn't reach a definitive conclusion despite all the goal-post moving they to arrive at their conclusion? Their word is better than the accounts from former slaves themselves? Or all (the majority) of other scholars on the subject that disagree with them?

Couple quotes from the same article:
"Many recounted that at least a portion of slave owners continuously interfered in the sexual lives of their slaves (usually the women). The slave narratives also testified that slave women were subjected to arranged marriages, forced matings, sexual violation by masters, their sons or overseers, and other forms of abuse."

"The historian E. Franklin Frazier, in his book The Negro Family, stated that "there were masters who, without any regard for the preferences of their slaves, mated their human chattel as they did their stock." Ex-slave Maggie Stenhouse remarked, "Durin' slavery there were stockmen. They was weighed and tested. A man would rent the stockman and put him in a room with some young women he wanted to raise children from."[9]"

It's common knowledge that slavemasters controlled which slaves mated with whom, bringing in "stockmen", etc. So how's that NOT selective breeding? The effects of it on the gene pool is up for debate, but you're saying selective breeding of slaves didn't happen at all, which is false.


Dec 21, 2014
It's common knowledge that slavemasters controlled which slaves mated with whom, bringing in "stockmen", etc. So how's that NOT selective breeding? The effects of it on the gene pool is up for debate, but you're saying selective breeding of slaves didn't happen at all, which is false.

My nikka. I have seen slave documents linked to my family lineage that have spoke on breeding practices to producer bigger, stronger slaves. So you denying it really holds no weight. When I've seen the shyt with my own eyes.

BUT BUT TWO White men say it isn't true!

Your own source refutes the notion of slavebreeding:

"Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman dismiss the idea of systematic slave breeding in their 1995 book Time on the Cross.[12] They argue that there is very meager evidence for the systematic breeding of slaves for sale in the market in the Upper South during the 19th century.

while TWO historians were quoted arguing against it. Not exactly a case for some advanced, long-term selective breeding program.

Cant believe what im reading. That "meager evidence" they're dismissing is the words directly from the mouths slaves that experienced the slave breeding

once again

On Slaveholders' Sexual Abuse of Slaves, Selections for 19th and 20th century Slave Narratives

On Slaveholders’ Sexual Abuse of Slaves ∎

Selections from 19th- & 20th-century Slave Narrative

Dey uster [used to] take women away fum dere husbands an’ put
wid some other man to breed jes’ like dey would do cattle. Dey always kept a man penned up an’ dey
used ’im like a stud hoss.

WILLIAM WARD, enslaved in Georgia, interviewed 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

Durin’ slavery if one marster had a big boy en ’nuther had a big gal de marsters made dem libe
tergedder. Ef’n de ’oman didn’t hab any chilluns, she wuz put on de block en sold en ’nuther ’oman
bought. You see dey raised de chilluns ter mek money on jes lak we raise pigs ter sell.

SYLVIA WATKINS, enslaved in Tennessee, interviewed ca. 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

[Interviewer’s summary] On this plantation were more than 100 slaves who were mated indiscrimi-
nately and without any regard for family unions. If their master thought that a certain man and woman
might have strong, healthy offspring, he forced them to have sexual relation, even though they were
married to other slaves. If there seemed to be any slight reluctance on the part of either of the unfortunate
ones, “Big Jim” would make them consummate this relationship in his presence. He used the same
procedure if he thought a certain couple was not producing children fast enough. He enjoyed these orgies
very much and often entertained his friends in this manner; quite often he and his guests would engage in
these debaucheries, choosing for themselves the prettiest of the young women. Sometimes they forced the
unhappy husbands and lovers of their victims to look on.
Louisa and Sam were married in a very revolting manner. To quote [Louisa]:
“Marse Jim called me and Sam ter him and ordered Sam to pull off his shirt - that was all the
McClain ******s wore - and he said to me: Nor, ‘do you think you can stand this big ******?’ He had
that old bull whip flung acrost his shoulder, and Lawd, that man could hit so hard! So I jes said ‘yassur, I
guess so,’ and tried to hide my face so I couldn’t see Sam’s nakedness, but he made me look at him
“Well, he told us what we must git busy and do in his presence, and we had to do it. After that we
were considered man and wife. Me and Sam was a healthy pair and had fine, big babies, so I never had
another man forced on me, thank God. Sam was kind to me and I learnt to love him.”

SAM & LOUISA EVERETT, enslaved in Virginia, interviewed 1936 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

If a hand were noted for raising up strong black bucks, bucks that would never “let the monkey get
them” while in the high-noon hoeing, he would be sent out as a species of circuit-rider to the other
plantations - to plantations where there was over-plus of “worthless young ****** gals.” There he would
be “married off” again - time and again. This was thrifty and saved any actual purchase of new stock.

JOHN COLE, enslaved in Georgia, interviewed 1937, as paraphrased by the interviewer [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

He had so many slaves he did not know all their names. His fortune was his slaves. He did not sell
slaves and he did not buy many, the last ten years preceding the war. He resorted to raising his own
slaves. . . .
. . . A slave girl was expected to have children as soon as she became a woman. Some of them had
children at the age of twelve and thirteen years old. . . .
Mother said there were cases where these young girls loved someone else and would have to receive
the attentions of men of the master’s choice. This was a general custom. . . The masters called themselves
Christians, went to church worship regularly and yet allowed this condition to exist.

HILLIARD YELLERDAY, enslaved in North Carolina, interviewed ca. 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

and though you dont believe her
Ex-slave Maggie Stenhouse remarked, "Durin' slavery there were stockmen. They was weighed and tested. A man would rent the stockman and put him in a room with some young women he wanted to raise children from.


Jan 22, 2015
Couple things about the sports argument...

1. Africa is a continent. One of the largest in the world and THE most genetically diverse in the world. You can't compare a country to an entire continent that big when it comes to all sports. There is no such thing as the basic original standard negroid. Black people in all different parts of Africa are known for different physical traits based on which part.

2. One could argue that the U.S dominantes the sports we take seriously because we have the most money and have the best doctors, trainers, coaches, nutritionists, and the best facilities. The same cannot be said for many poorer African nations who can't afford to make heavy investments in sports like that. Not everyone is on the same playing field.

3. African nations whip everyone's ass every year in the marathon and basically any long distance running event. By your logic black Americans should have the highest endurance on earth and should win endurance events every single time with ease because they were bred to work longer without stopping.

4. Slavery in Jamaica lasted nearly just as long as it did in the states. Jamaicans have absolutely demolished AAs in track (sprinting) over the past 10 years. Do you think it's a coincidence that Jamaica also just so happened to upgrade their training facilities and youth programs 15-20 years ago? Was Jamaica not playing in the Gold Cup final for soccer last month after finally affording a world class coach?

Look, I believe selective breeding did happen... but to what extent and what impact? I dont buy into the idea that all AA are just genetically engineered super-beings due to selective breeding. Theres levels to this ish and its way more complicated than you make it.
Don't worry about bytch ass fukkboys like @ODOT META according to him the average African-American doesn't even resemble an African and it's all based on his supposed "fact" that where he lives(Ohio) every black person he sees is apparently light skinned and on top of that he's not even black let alone African-American he's a Hawaiian bi-racial sissy boy, yet here he is making up stories about black people and passing it out like it's some kind of scientifically proven fact.

Any black person who argues we're we're physically gifted because of slavery is one two things 1. A c00n 2. Mentally ill. The fact you're fighting with all your heart to prove that we are who we are because of some honky lab experiment on our ancestors is too weird for me too even begin to understand, why cant you just accept it's because you're a West African in the worlds most powerful nation, with the worlds best sports facilities along with some of the most comprehensive scouting programs solely aimed at bringing the nations best athletes to the fore? You really think a country like Nigeria wouldn't smash shyt if they had just half what we have?

It's sad that some people have to be reminded they have a brain, learn how to use it.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
You act as if the black man was winning in any these senarios.
That's not what she's saying at all. But I have an inkling why the idea of being forced to need is distasteful to the male descendants on both sides.

Maybe too many city bred folks around here. Wasn't too long ago where selective breeding was the norm in normal society.... Why societies used to caste systems would suddenly extend free love and choice to slaves is applying modern norms to old societies.

Slaves needed permission to marry anyway... Is it unthinkable that selective encouragement or discouragement existed, and existed for a reason?

Selective breeding was real. Deal with it.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
BUT BUT TWO White men say it isn't true!

Cant believe what im reading. That "meager evidence" they're dismissing is the words directly from the mouths slaves that experienced the slave breeding

once again

On Slaveholders' Sexual Abuse of Slaves, Selections for 19th and 20th century Slave Narratives

On Slaveholders’ Sexual Abuse of Slaves ∎

Selections from 19th- & 20th-century Slave Narrative

Dey uster [used to] take women away fum dere husbands an’ put
wid some other man to breed jes’ like dey would do cattle. Dey always kept a man penned up an’ dey
used ’im like a stud hoss.

WILLIAM WARD, enslaved in Georgia, interviewed 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

Durin’ slavery if one marster had a big boy en ’nuther had a big gal de marsters made dem libe
tergedder. Ef’n de ’oman didn’t hab any chilluns, she wuz put on de block en sold en ’nuther ’oman
bought. You see dey raised de chilluns ter mek money on jes lak we raise pigs ter sell.

SYLVIA WATKINS, enslaved in Tennessee, interviewed ca. 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

[Interviewer’s summary] On this plantation were more than 100 slaves who were mated indiscrimi-
nately and without any regard for family unions. If their master thought that a certain man and woman
might have strong, healthy offspring, he forced them to have sexual relation, even though they were
married to other slaves. If there seemed to be any slight reluctance on the part of either of the unfortunate
ones, “Big Jim” would make them consummate this relationship in his presence. He used the same
procedure if he thought a certain couple was not producing children fast enough. He enjoyed these orgies
very much and often entertained his friends in this manner; quite often he and his guests would engage in
these debaucheries, choosing for themselves the prettiest of the young women. Sometimes they forced the
unhappy husbands and lovers of their victims to look on.
Louisa and Sam were married in a very revolting manner. To quote [Louisa]:
“Marse Jim called me and Sam ter him and ordered Sam to pull off his shirt - that was all the
McClain ******s wore - and he said to me: Nor, ‘do you think you can stand this big ******?’ He had
that old bull whip flung acrost his shoulder, and Lawd, that man could hit so hard! So I jes said ‘yassur, I
guess so,’ and tried to hide my face so I couldn’t see Sam’s nakedness, but he made me look at him
“Well, he told us what we must git busy and do in his presence, and we had to do it. After that we
were considered man and wife. Me and Sam was a healthy pair and had fine, big babies, so I never had
another man forced on me, thank God. Sam was kind to me and I learnt to love him.”

SAM & LOUISA EVERETT, enslaved in Virginia, interviewed 1936 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

If a hand were noted for raising up strong black bucks, bucks that would never “let the monkey get
them” while in the high-noon hoeing, he would be sent out as a species of circuit-rider to the other
plantations - to plantations where there was over-plus of “worthless young ****** gals.” There he would
be “married off” again - time and again. This was thrifty and saved any actual purchase of new stock.

JOHN COLE, enslaved in Georgia, interviewed 1937, as paraphrased by the interviewer [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

He had so many slaves he did not know all their names. His fortune was his slaves. He did not sell
slaves and he did not buy many, the last ten years preceding the war. He resorted to raising his own
slaves. . . .
. . . A slave girl was expected to have children as soon as she became a woman. Some of them had
children at the age of twelve and thirteen years old. . . .
Mother said there were cases where these young girls loved someone else and would have to receive
the attentions of men of the master’s choice. This was a general custom. . . The masters called themselves
Christians, went to church worship regularly and yet allowed this condition to exist.

HILLIARD YELLERDAY, enslaved in North Carolina, interviewed ca. 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

and though you dont believe her
Ex-slave Maggie Stenhouse remarked, "Durin' slavery there were stockmen. They was weighed and tested. A man would rent the stockman and put him in a room with some young women he wanted to raise children from.

And I repeat:

Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman dismiss the idea of systematic slave breeding in their 1995 book Time on the Cross.[12] They argue that there is very meager evidence for the systematic breeding of slaves for sale in the market in the Upper South during the 19th century:

"The reports from witnesses are apocryphal in that they never specify any particular place in which breeding practices were alleged to have taken place. No surviving plantation records detail any such attempt.

Aprocryphal means "of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated". There is no actual evidence from slaveowners or in slaves that the former bred slaves for the purposes of encouraging traits. If any breeding practices were widespread and had a profound (and this is what it would take to affect the whole AA population) effect, you'd think there would be more than a few supposed accounts and other hearsay from over a hundred years of supposed slave breeding. The fact such evidence does not exist is astounding and points to the notion slave breeding was not widespread or common.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
That's not what she's saying at all. But I have an inkling why the idea of being forced to need is distasteful to the male descendants on both sides.

Maybe too many city bred folks around here. Wasn't too long ago where selective breeding was the norm in normal society.... Why societies used to caste systems would suddenly extend free love and choice to slaves is applying modern norms to old societies.

Slaves needed permission to marry anyway... Is it unthinkable that selective encouragement or discouragement existed, and existed for a reason?

Selective breeding was real. Deal with it.

If there was slave breeding, you haven't prove it. Blacks from the Carribean are as athletic as AAs, and there is no evidence of systematic selective breeding there either, just like in the USA. To assume that every single inident of Western Black slavery somehow selectively bred blacks with no evidence to prove that notion is to assume the absurd.

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
BUT BUT TWO White men say it isn't true!

Cant believe what im reading. That "meager evidence" they're dismissing is the words directly from the mouths slaves that experienced the slave breeding

once again

On Slaveholders' Sexual Abuse of Slaves, Selections for 19th and 20th century Slave Narratives

On Slaveholders’ Sexual Abuse of Slaves ∎

Selections from 19th- & 20th-century Slave Narrative

Dey uster [used to] take women away fum dere husbands an’ put
wid some other man to breed jes’ like dey would do cattle. Dey always kept a man penned up an’ dey
used ’im like a stud hoss.

WILLIAM WARD, enslaved in Georgia, interviewed 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

Durin’ slavery if one marster had a big boy en ’nuther had a big gal de marsters made dem libe
tergedder. Ef’n de ’oman didn’t hab any chilluns, she wuz put on de block en sold en ’nuther ’oman
bought. You see dey raised de chilluns ter mek money on jes lak we raise pigs ter sell.

SYLVIA WATKINS, enslaved in Tennessee, interviewed ca. 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

[Interviewer’s summary] On this plantation were more than 100 slaves who were mated indiscrimi-
nately and without any regard for family unions. If their master thought that a certain man and woman
might have strong, healthy offspring, he forced them to have sexual relation, even though they were
married to other slaves. If there seemed to be any slight reluctance on the part of either of the unfortunate
ones, “Big Jim” would make them consummate this relationship in his presence. He used the same
procedure if he thought a certain couple was not producing children fast enough. He enjoyed these orgies
very much and often entertained his friends in this manner; quite often he and his guests would engage in
these debaucheries, choosing for themselves the prettiest of the young women. Sometimes they forced the
unhappy husbands and lovers of their victims to look on.
Louisa and Sam were married in a very revolting manner. To quote [Louisa]:
“Marse Jim called me and Sam ter him and ordered Sam to pull off his shirt - that was all the
McClain ******s wore - and he said to me: Nor, ‘do you think you can stand this big ******?’ He had
that old bull whip flung acrost his shoulder, and Lawd, that man could hit so hard! So I jes said ‘yassur, I
guess so,’ and tried to hide my face so I couldn’t see Sam’s nakedness, but he made me look at him
“Well, he told us what we must git busy and do in his presence, and we had to do it. After that we
were considered man and wife. Me and Sam was a healthy pair and had fine, big babies, so I never had
another man forced on me, thank God. Sam was kind to me and I learnt to love him.”

SAM & LOUISA EVERETT, enslaved in Virginia, interviewed 1936 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

If a hand were noted for raising up strong black bucks, bucks that would never “let the monkey get
them” while in the high-noon hoeing, he would be sent out as a species of circuit-rider to the other
plantations - to plantations where there was over-plus of “worthless young ****** gals.” There he would
be “married off” again - time and again. This was thrifty and saved any actual purchase of new stock.

JOHN COLE, enslaved in Georgia, interviewed 1937, as paraphrased by the interviewer [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

He had so many slaves he did not know all their names. His fortune was his slaves. He did not sell
slaves and he did not buy many, the last ten years preceding the war. He resorted to raising his own
slaves. . . .
. . . A slave girl was expected to have children as soon as she became a woman. Some of them had
children at the age of twelve and thirteen years old. . . .
Mother said there were cases where these young girls loved someone else and would have to receive
the attentions of men of the master’s choice. This was a general custom. . . The masters called themselves
Christians, went to church worship regularly and yet allowed this condition to exist.

HILLIARD YELLERDAY, enslaved in North Carolina, interviewed ca. 1937 [WPA Slave Narrative Project]

and though you dont believe her
Ex-slave Maggie Stenhouse remarked, "Durin' slavery there were stockmen. They was weighed and tested. A man would rent the stockman and put him in a room with some young women he wanted to raise children from.
The words of black folk are always meagre to demons. They need not only a white co sign, but a co sign that absolves the sins of their ancestors.

The rest are just emasculated c00ns.
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
Don't worry about bytch ass fukkboys like @ODOT META according to him the average African-American doesn't even resemble an African and it's all based on his supposed "fact" that where he lives(Ohio) every black person he sees is apparently light skinned and on top of that he's not even black let alone African-American he's a Hawaiian bi-racial sissy boy, yet here he is making up stories about black people and passing it out like it's some kind of scientifically proven fact.

Any black person who argues we're we're physically gifted because of slavery is one two things 1. A c00n 2. Mentally ill. The fact you're fighting with all your heart to prove that we are who we are because of some honky lab experiment on our ancestors is too weird for me too even begin to understand, why cant you just accept it's because you're a West African in the worlds most powerful nation, with the worlds best sports facilities along with some of the most comprehensive scouting programs solely aimed at bringing the nations best athletes to the fore? You really think a country like Nigeria wouldn't smash shyt if they had just half what we have?

It's sad that some people have to be reminded they have a brain, learn how to use it.
I don't live in Ohio. I'm from there...I've lived in damn near every major city in the US and now I live in Toronto. DC, NYC, Bmore, Pg County, West Palm Beach, San Antonio, Miami, Columbus, Rochester...and even Stuttgart, germany. My life in 3 years is your lifetime. We're all mixed. Black is our ethnic group and race. We are descended from subsaharan africans...but we are not all the way them. You mad?