LOL, you need to do a little more research. The number one reason why natives weren't as useful is because they were....NATIVES!!! They knew the land, they knew where to go, and where not to go. They could escape because they knew where to go. Also, nobody stuck out as much as africans with their unique features. That aided in slave masters keeping track of them.
Not only that, but Native Americans were by and large not farmers. They were hunter gatherers mostly.
Africans were by and large farmers. They were use to working the soil and they had other skills like blacksmithing, wood working, leather working, pottery and iron working. White people knew about Black peoples agricultural skills, because they had traded with Africans for a very long time. So once the Whites learned which Africans were warring against each other; the White man paid for the war captives and made them slaves.
This stuff is pretty straight forward, but there are some crazy notions in this thread.
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