Did Season 8 of Game of Thrones ruin the series for you?

Did Season 8 of Game of Thrones ruin the series for you?

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Shaken, not stirred.
May 7, 2018
Aight since the season is over I can firmly answer this question with a big fat yes. I'm one of those guys that thinks an ending can make or break a show. I always thought this show was decent but felt like a chore to watch at times. I kept pushing thru with the hope that it'll all be worth it in the end. After that finale I'm kinda salty that I even bothered with the show. This show has some of the most frustrating payoffs to storylines ever. Its the same problem I had with Walking Dead. They pull you in with something that seems promising and they fumble the execution horribly. Not to mention how horribly inconsistent they are when it comes to writing the characters.

And Idc what anyone says, this shyt will never be in my top 10 TV shows list. I've watched waaay too many good shows that have had amazing endings for me to put this one up on a pedestal.


May 2, 2012
St. Louis
1. "Breaking Bad"
2. "The Wire"
3. "The Sopranos"

1 and 2 are interchangeable really....so I only have a top 2.

I have a very strict rule set for any show that would be 1-5.

Can't be less than 4 seasons, can't have any bad seasons. Some shows like "X-Files" are GOAT status....until the later seasons. Other shows like "Hannibal" are incredible....but only 3 seasons.

I'd say the best contender for a top 5 spot, out of the current generation of TV shows, is "Mr. Robot". No bad seasons, and it'll end after season 4.

"GOT" would've been a lock for a top 5 spot....might've even knocked out something 1-3 and replaced it....but that shyt is over with now. I wouldn't put it anywhere near those shows after season 8.


I have

1. The Shield
2. Breaking Bad
3. The Wire

So we aren't far off

If you asked me before season 8 where GOT ranks... you would've probably top 2 for me depending on the ending...

The ending is THE MOST IMPORTANT part of a show or movie... it's what everyone remembers and bases their opinions on when someone asks if they should watch the show, if an ending is trash then you'll tell people... you know seasons 1-7 were amazing but they really blew the ending... like Dexter... seasons 1-4 were amazing and #1 on my list at the time... then Cylde Phillips leaves and the show went to utter shyt... giving you glimpses of hope only to have another garbage ending. It's also about the time investment into will fans want to go back and rewatch the series if you know the ultimate payoff at the end is garbage.... most will say no... some people like to torture themselves though.

GRRM is gonna come out condemning this ending and throwing D&D to the wolves... literally!! And with D&D moving onto Star Wars they can expect petitions out the ass to get them removed and outrage that they are gonna ruin another franchise.