Did Barack Obama Fail the NBA Players That Looked to Him for Advice?


You Don't Have The Answers...
Nov 12, 2012
Elm City
All this talk of not wasting your opportunity is ironic coming from a guy who was President for eight years and all he had to show for it was a mediocre health care bill :manny:
For someone to only did a "mediocre health bill", Trump sure did overturn a bunch of things that some how wasn't done in 8 years
Following are some examples of Obama-era policies reversed by Trump. A more comprehensive list of various Obama era directives can be found on the Washington Post website.

  • Sept. 5: Trump rescinds the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
  • Aug. 29: Trump reversed a rule requiring large companies to report worker pay by race and gender in order to decrease the wage gap through greater pay transparency. (Chicago Tribune)
  • Aug. 28: Trump reversed an order banning the transfer of some surplus military equipment to police departments.
  • Aug. 25: Trump signed an order banning transgender troops to serve in the US military, reversing Obama-era reforms.
  • Aug. 15: Trump rescinded a flood-risk rule in response to climate change. The rule was intended to insure safer placement of roads, bridges and other infrastructure out of new areas prone to flooding because of sea level rise and increased precipitation. Trump reversed the rule to speed up the approval process for projects.
  • July 3: The Trump administration contested a Obama administration rule qualifying more people to get overtime pay by doubling the minimum salary a worker must make to qualify for a management exemption to $47,000. (Los Angeles Times)
  • June 16: Trump outlined a hard-line policy on Cuba, in direct opposition to Obama’s efforts to foster friendlier relations with the communist government of President Raul Castro. (Washington Post)
  • June 1: Trump ‘quits’ the Paris Climate Treaty, adopted by Obama in an executive order last year. (New York Times)
  • May 14: Senate voted to repeal Obama-era regulation that restricted drug-testing for job seekers receiving unemployment benefits. (Politico)
  • April 28: Trump signed an executive order aimed at expanding offshore oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, Atlantic, and possibly Pacific Ocean, scrapping another facet of Obama’s environmental legacy. (Washington Post)
  • April 27: Trump directed the Interior Department to reconsider safety regulations for offshore drilling put in place after the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The executive order was intended to roll back Obama administration attempts to ban drilling off the southeastern Atlantic and Alaskan coasts. (New York Times)
  • April 26: Trump signed an executive order giving the Interior Department the power to whittle down or abolish some national monuments, which would effectively reverse Obama’s creation and expansion of national monuments during his term of office.(NPR)
  • April 13: Trump revokes an Obama administration rule protecting funding for Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide legal abortions. (NPR)
  • March 28: Trump rescinded Obama’s clean energy plans, which put a cap on greenhouse gas emissions by power plants. (New York Times)
  • March 27: Trump rescinded Obama’s 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces meant to apply 14 labor and civil rights laws to federal contractors, who now will no longer have to provide documentation of their workplace practices. (Forbes)
  • March 27: Trump signed bills overturning two Obama-era education regulations, including required programs training new teachers and the Every Student Succeeds Act intended to hold schools accountable for student performance.(Washington Post)
  • Feb. 28: Trump rolled back Obama’s Clean Water Rule, intended to increase the scope of waterways regulated for pollutants.(Washington Post)
  • Feb. 23: The Trump administration withdrew protection for transgender students to use the bathrooms and facilities corresponding to their gender identity. (CNN)
  • Jan. 23: Trump withdrew from the trans-pacific Partnership, a trade deal between the US and countries on the Pacific Rim. (Washington Post)
  • Jan. 20: Trump signed his first executive order seeking prompt repeal of the Affordable Care Act – which to date has not happened. (New York Times)

:sas2:But yeah he did nothing in 8 years :mjpls:


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
For someone to only did a "mediocre health bill", Trump sure did overturn a bunch of things that some how wasn't done in 8 years

:sas2:But yeah he did nothing in 8 years :mjpls:
Yea I left out the part where he did minor things that trump immediately overturned. Obama administrations biggest pillars were bailing out Wall Street and healthcare.

"Cmon gpbear, give the man credit for all those monumental policy reforms he made that lasted a total of like 36 months! :obama: "
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Apr 30, 2012
People wouldn't be saying the same thing if it were teachers, transportation agents or government employees going on strike.

All of these groups go on strike yearly to affect change in their pay or working conditions. They don't go back until an agreement is made to amend their wishes.

Somehow it's different when black men take a stand to stop the killing of people that look like them. They already set up polling exercises to get people to vote. They are asking more of their team's ownership to speak and influence their political parties to get something done.

This is bigger than ball. Obama telling them to get back on the court is trying to maintain the status quo. The same one that has us watching on the news another black man dying. We feel it, im not certain on him.
Can't compare a strike from people that are directly affected by the delay/outcome of a protest to those who are protesting to "bring attention to" a cause/situation

Regardless of how you feel about Obama's suggestion to the players, sports' protest doesn't directly bring about the "change" they claiming to want

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
People wouldn't be saying the same thing if it were teachers, transportation agents or government employees going on strike.

All of these groups go on strike yearly to affect change in their pay or working conditions. They don't go back until an agreement is made to amend their wishes.

Somehow it's different when black men take a stand to stop the killing of people that look like them. They already set up polling exercises to get people to vote. They are asking more of their team's ownership to speak and influence their political parties to get something done.

This is bigger than ball. Obama telling them to get back on the court is trying to maintain the status quo. The same one that has us watching on the news another black man dying. We feel it, im not certain on him.

If they really wanted change they would put money behind the changes they want. Rich people don’t boycott they pay off politicians use money for influence

Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
Can't compare a strike from people that are directly affected by the delay/outcome of a protest to those who are protesting to "bring attention to" a cause/situation

Regardless of how you feel about Obama's suggestion to the players, sports' protest doesn't directly bring about the "change" they claiming to want

But can it get the conversation started? Add heft? Help any at all?

Like damn nikka, a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step.

And as public and popular as many of these guys are, that initial step could cause tremors elsewhere.

We can't move in the right direction, even if we can't see the desired conclusion from this point?!

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
Why would he advise them to go back to dribbling when the patterns of the Civil Rights movement say them striking could've made more of a difference?

More voting centers is nice but when the devil dictates both parties agendas, now what?

The money up there is real close, and them doing this wholeheartedly would've sent waves through the peak.

Eff Obama for using his cultural cache to kneecap what could've been the start to something nationally disruptive.

He's being weaponized against progress and he's alright with it.
Nothing would have happened, breh :francis:. A lot of Cacs saw the looting that agents were doing so they think that BLM = looters. Their hate for BLM overrirdes their contempt for losing profits due to the NBA boycott. Seems like a lot of them don't care tbh. How do I know? Just look at how they supporting that Ritterhouse kid. I honestly think that BLM made a mistake by not actively denouncing the looters early on. It gave a reason for Cacs to invalidate the movement. A lot of Cacs that didn't pick a side are now on the conservative side. You had goofy emotional nikkas such as @I Really Mean It on their emotianal tip talking about "we're at war out here who cares if people loot". BLM should have bodied the looters on sight:yeshrug:. It gave Cacs a reason to deflect the movement, now we're here :francis:
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Nov 18, 2016
Can't compare a strike from people that are directly affected by the delay/outcome of a protest to those who are protesting to "bring attention to" a cause/situation

Regardless of how you feel about Obama's suggestion to the players, sports' protest doesn't directly bring about the "change" they claiming to want

You missed my other point. The owners' pockets will be hit with a protest, we'll go back once these politicians in your pocket are swayed towards what we want.

I know how politics is a pay for play game. The billionaires they have direct access to and can affect directly would be moving different once they see there aren't any breaks in the strike.


Nov 18, 2016
If they really wanted change they would put money behind the changes they want. Rich people don’t boycott they pay off politicians use money for influence

Again, they have access to billionaires as the team owner. The workers aren't working and your money isn't being put in your pocket something is going to change. You can't replace a LeBron James with anybody in college or the like.

They don't have the draw or base to entice people to watch. Continue the strike and some of these old stubborn owners will be moving out of their seats to put money in politicians pockets for change.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Again, they have access to billionaires as the team owner. The workers aren't working and your money isn't being put in your pocket something is going to change. You can't replace a LeBron James with anybody in college or the like.

They don't have the draw or base to entice people to watch. Continue the strike and some of these old stubborn owners will be moving out of their seats to put money in politicians pockets for change.

They don’t have to wait for the owners they are millionaires.


Jan 12, 2017
Going to Obama for what to do about rich cacs is like going to HR when you have an issue with your company. Obama used to work for these rich cacs in the same way that HR works for your company. Even if they seem like your friend they will do what is best for the people who hired them.


Mar 29, 2013
Brooklyn Bed-Stuy
Again, they have access to billionaires as the team owner. The workers aren't working and your money isn't being put in your pocket something is going to change. You can't replace a LeBron James with anybody in college or the like.

They don't have the draw or base to entice people to watch. Continue the strike and some of these old stubborn owners will be moving out of their seats to put money in politicians pockets for change.
These billionaire owners didnt become such because of their teams, they were that before that. It's instant profit to many of them. Quite a few arenas were paid by the city/states they are in to even further the point, which is precisely why they arent so bothered about no fan attendance. The owners would hardly cave. they dont have a reason to, which is why players strikes don't last that long. Who's money gonna get dry first? The owners or players? Every NBA player doesnt have anywhere close to LeBron type income, but every owner has billion dollars access outside of basketball. I get the notion of sitting out. i do.

If it were so simple, players would have done so already.