"Dexter" was doomed after season 4 because the show runner left. They changed show runners a couple times after that, which is why the show was a mess.
This is a good comparison but everything "Dexter" did "Breaking Bad" did better. Or hell, not even better....just
right in general.
Skyler found out about Walt in the first episode of season 3....the whole world found out by the end of the series. Deb found out about Dexter in season 6....and the world at large never finds out.
That alone is enough to sink "Dexter". shyt man....I remember the threads back on SOHH, it was a foregone conclusion that Dexter would get caught. It was never "if", it was just discussing the circumstances. "Breaking Bad" was far from realistic but the plot gymnastics "Dexter" had to pull just to keep him from getting caught were
If a character found out about Dexter you
knew they were either dying, or being written off the show. I know cats like to sit there like

"I never felt Walt/Jesse/whatever was in any danger"....bullshyt. I was in the threads, people were sitting there every week

"who is gonna die, will he get caught?" People need to cut the bullshyt out. It didn't end long enough ago that you can rewrite history.
To put it into perspective the best episode of "BB" is "Ozymandias", and the show ended 2 episodes later. The best episode of "Dexter" is
probably something from season 4, take your pick....then the show went on for 4 more seasons. I don't understand saying "well, 'Dexter' at it's best is better than 'Breaking Bad'" when "Dexter" had a solid 3, maybe even 4 seasons where it wasn't as good as the initial 4.