Dexter ? the gay dude from Six feet Under ?
Two different people

The guy on the left gets people ready for funerals… the guy on the right gets people ready for funerals
Dexter ? the gay dude from Six feet Under ?
Sopranos DID fall off, contrary to popular beliefseinfeld
Sopranos DID fall off, contrary to popular belief
4,5,6A all had their moments but were subpar seasons for th e most part.
4,5,6A all had their moments but were subpar seasons for th e most part.
The one thing Sopranos has over other shows is rewatchability. Show is the GOAT at that and standalone eps.
But to act like every episode and every arc and every plot device was dope is foolish. I wont lie to myself about that
6B was dope for the most part but the finale was a copout that gets too much praise. The creator isn't even man enough to say what really ahappened until James Gandolfini died. fukk Sopranos
I love every season.
piff from beginning to end.
agree to disagree
dexter is the only show that had me screaming at the television, specifically certain moments during season 2.People never want to admit it but
First 2 seasons of Dexter>First 2 seasons of Breaking bad #FactsNoPrinter
As a overall series obviously BB wins. But people really act like BB was GOAT status from the gate. Season 2 of Dexter is hands down some of the best television ever created.
dexter is the only show that had me screaming at the television, specifically certain moments during season 2.
breaking bad was thrilling edge of your seat excitement, but you really haven't felt TENSION or SUSPENSE until you've seen dexter.
Dexter had the potential to be something real special, but like Showtime always does, it fukked up. 3 Classic seasons IMO. BB was fun binge watching but can never watch again.