Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
it's great that you took a philosophy 101 class and can spout of fallacies (erroneously might i add). Here's one, everything you've posted as been a red herring, you're asking for evidence of what? YOu don't even know, what your'e asking for , you're a conspiracy theorist for goodness sake.

Still throwing out straw men arguments I see. You brought up the Japanese and concentration camps, I didn't. You made up a rather dumb analogy, I didn't. Then you got emotional and began throwing around basic, banal insults, I didn't.

And my previous post detailing how White people gave them their liberties in this country is backed by historical evidence. White people control the government and the banking system, and your only shot in the wind to argue against that is to call me a conspiracy theorist.

Suleiman Bey

Nov 2, 2015
Ur confusing individualism with cultural hegemony.

Cultural hegemony attacks individualism b/c it puts in place tiers of traps to ensure many fall by the wayside. Some will muddle thru. But some will fail no matter what they do. It's like making one group walk across a field of landmines blindfolded, and making another group walk through with sight.

Sure some on both side might be blown up b/c of their individual choices, but the handicap of the second group damn sure ensures that more will fall in that group than in the other.

The cowardice is that we are always giving directions to the people with the blindfolds. "Oh just walk carefully." "Ur going too fast." "Stay on the right." "Hold hands."

But really we're too fukking afraid to say..."wait a minute", why are we made to wear blindfolds ANYWAY?

We address the smallest part of the equation w/o addressing the unfairness of the game in the first place AND THE fact that it keeps getting more and more unfair.

While we were blindfolded we didn't even notice people making shyt even easier for the other groups.
Plain individualism won't work. I need for people to take off the blindfolds and say "I'm not playing this game until it's fair." And then find their own path to the other side.
WHat blindfold. If anything the better analogy is elephants being chained to a fence or dogs not jumping over a 3 foot fence. It's nothing stopping them from geting away but their own mind.


Aug 9, 2014
Still throwing out straw men arguments I see. You brought up the Japanese and concentration camps, I didn't. You made up a rather dumb analogy, I didn't. Then you got emotional and began throwing around basic, banal insults, I didn't.

And my previous post detailing how White people gave them their liberties in this country is backed by historical evidence. White people control the government and the banking system, and your only shot in the wind to argue against that is to call me a conspiracy theorist.

because you have no evidence of what you're saying. White people is what, an organization , are all white people members of this organization? When the black president was in office was he privy to this secret white people organization and didn't put a stop to it or use it to benefit others. What about the white people that live in poverty? Is there some sort of ritual to be part of this white you get jumped in?

You're a tin foil hat guy.

I brought up Jews and Japanese as examples of communities coming together to create , innovate, and grow economically and socially and that they both came from basically nothing in this country. I never tried to get into a pissing match of who struggled more or worse, I'm solutions and results oriented - meanwhile you wanna play with your tin foil and bemoan about strawmens and ad hominems , every single post. So basically you're whining, bytching, and crying...and not coming up with any evidence of what your'e saying or solutions . which is basically the entire argument Denzel is making. You guys are all crying about the system but can't seem to put any actually actionable solutions together....stop crying!


Feb 12, 2015
WHat blindfold. If anything the better analogy is elephants being chained to a fence or dogs not jumping over a 3 foot fence. It's nothing stopping them from geting away but their own mind.
White supremacy is the blindfold.

I don't even have the time to outline the ways our communities have been attacked in every single arena. There are legitimate reasons why we are behind (IF we are even THAT behind b/c of misinformation spread about us) other than just us not believing in ourselves.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
because you have no evidence of what you're saying. White people is what, an organization , are all white people members of this organization? When the black president was in office was he privy to this secret white people organization and didn't put a stop to it or use it to benefit others. What about the white people that live in poverty? Is there some sort of ritual to be part of this white you get jumped in?

You're a tin foil hat guy.

I brought up Jews and Japanese as examples of communities coming together to create , innovate, and grow economically and socially and that they both came from basically nothing in this country. I never tried to get into a pissing match of who struggled more or worse, I'm solutions and results oriented - meanwhile you wanna play with your tin foil and bemoan about strawmens and ad hominems , every single post. So basically you're whining, bytching, and crying...and not coming up with any evidence of what your'e saying or solutions . which is basically the entire argument Denzel is making. You guys are all crying about the system but can't seem to put any actually actionable solutions together....stop crying!

You can't even educate yourself on the situation so you do NOT have any solutions that would work.

Asian success in the U.S.:

The real secret to Asian American success was not education

Blacks and redlining:

Blacks and arrests in early 1900s (Black families are said to have been the strongest yet Blacks were disproportionately represented in the prison population):

Race, Segregation, and Incarceration in the States, 1920-2010 | History 90.01: Topics in Digital History

How many Blacks are imprisoned for minor drug offenses?

How the War on Drugs Damages Black Social Mobility

Whites make up most of the leaders in all areas in the U.S. (including the Fed and military might I add):

The Faces of American Power, Nearly as White as the Oscar Nominees

I'm pretty much done with you at this point.


Aug 9, 2014
You can't even educate yourself on the situation so you do NOT have any solutions that would work.

Asian success in the U.S.:

The real secret to Asian American success was not education

Blacks and redlining:

Blacks and arrests in early 1900s (Black families are said to have been the strongest yet Blacks were disproportionately represented in the prison population):

Race, Segregation, and Incarceration in the States, 1920-2010 | History 90.01: Topics in Digital History

How many Blacks are imprisoned for minor drug offenses?

How the War on Drugs Damages Black Social Mobility

Whites make up most of the leaders in all areas in the U.S. (including the Fed and military might I add):

The Faces of American Power, Nearly as White as the Oscar Nominees

I'm pretty much done with you at this point.

of course you're done. You posted a bunch of links that aren't even relevant to the solution , just more echoing of the problem. SO you post a bunch of links saying the same ole shyt and then run off like a little kid cuz you "sway you don't have the answers".

Nothing you posted is untrue nor is anyone arguing against it, how many times have myself and others have said that. Yet you're too dumb to understand that. YOu can get all bent out of shape but you and others seriously have some slave mentalities and can't see past your nose. This is why some of yall are soldiers and not leaders, you got some regurgitated information and hold on dearly to it and if someone tells you different you can't compute cuz cuz you've been ingrained to think one way.

"what's the solution?????" thats the topic of Denzels post and what everyone is discussing here.

by the way here's agood comment from the asian success in the us article (which isn't about Japanese btw)

He's right. ^^^^And there are so many things left out of this article. It is common sociological knowledge that the Asian population has doubled since the 1980s-- and certain things come with that. . They come from communist countries AND have a nonAmerican for a generation or two.. Multple familieswill live in a house, buying one house at a time until they all have houses. Language barrier created by a lot of newbieS means their culture is more self contained--> they have their own communities selling their own goods to one another -- stuff you cannot get cheaper at Walmart. They even create their own banks. In L.A. They have their own businesses where very few people speak English-- except the management . It's normal for multiple generations to live in one house until marriage if they don't get married until 25 or 30. /// Non-white values plus Non -American values saves tons of money. //// White people did not suddenly get LESS RACIST AND Asians did not simply do better at blending in and assimilating-- in fact Asians did the opposite of assimilat in a lot of ways. This research paper is so lazy it's ridiculous. This paper is another regurgitation of the beloved white "model minority myth"

^^^ you posted an article to try to combat me and within the same article are concepts or solutions that someone highlighted why Asians were able to become successful in America....this is what I'm talking about...stop crying about the system.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
of course you're done. You posted a bunch of links that aren't even relevant to the solution , just more echoing of the problem. SO you post a bunch of links saying the same ole shyt and then run off like a little kid cuz you "sway you don't have the answers".

Nothing you posted is untrue nor is anyone arguing against it, how many times have myself and others have said that. Yet you're too dumb to understand that. YOu can get all bent out of shape but you and others seriously have some slave mentalities and can't see past your nose. This is why some of yall are soldiers and not leaders, you got some regurgitated information and hold on dearly to it and if someone tells you different you can't compute cuz cuz you've been ingrained to think one way.

"what's the solution?????" thats the topic of Denzels post and what everyone is discussing here.

by the way here's agood comment from the asian success in the us article (which isn't about Japanese btw)

^^^ you posted an article to try to combat me and within the same article are concepts or solutions that someone highlighted why Asians were able to become successful in America....this is what I'm talking about...stop crying about the system.

The actual paper discusses Japanese people:

Upward Mobility and Discrimination: The Case of Asian Americans

But, you are quoting a comment that lacks any form of credible research and just like you, goes based on "gut feelings"? Hahaha. Like I am going to take that seriously.

And, you've been arguing against my points this whole time not offering one solution.

Hold this neg and don't quote me again.



May 23, 2012
Ur confusing individualism with cultural hegemony.

Cultural hegemony attacks individualism b/c it puts in place tiers of traps to ensure many fall by the wayside. Some will muddle thru. But some will fail no matter what they do. It's like making one group walk across a field of landmines blindfolded, and making another group walk through with sight.

Sure some on both side might be blown up b/c of their individual choices, but the handicap of the second group damn sure ensures that more will fall in that group than in the other.

The cowardice is that we are always giving directions to the people with the blindfolds. "Oh just walk carefully." "Ur going too fast." "Stay on the right." "Hold hands."

But really we're too fukking afraid to say..."wait a minute", why are we made to wear blindfolds ANYWAY?

We address the smallest part of the equation w/o addressing the unfairness of the game in the first place AND THE fact that it keeps getting more and more unfair.

While we were blindfolded we didn't even notice people making shyt even easier for the other groups.
Plain individualism won't work. I need for people to take off the blindfolds and say "I'm not playing this game until it's fair." And then find their own path to the other side.
We just disagree on the extent of the "blindfolding". Denzels point was that don't blame the prison industrial complex. Blame the individual or whomever raised them(or didn't raise them). True the prison industrial complex needs a major overhaul, starting with the prohibition of private prisons. The only directions he's talking about giving the "blindfolded", as it pertains to this issue, is don't do crime. Because as bad as the prison system is, it still needs you, at least in theory, to fukk up right?
Life is hard but too often we are making it harder. Yes a black man has to work harder in the rat race in this country, but too often, although we start behind in this race, we go ahead and shoot ourselves in the foot to make it even harder.

It just seems like asking ourselves not to commit crimes is not asking too much of ourselves, especially when you know that is what gives this awful prison system power over you. I mean, even if white supremacy didn't exist, isn't that the SAME ideaology we would want to live by?


Aug 9, 2014
The actual paper discusses Japanese people:

Upward Mobility and Discrimination: The Case of Asian Americans

But, you are quoting a comment that lacks any form of credible research and just like you, goes based on "gut feelings"? Hahaha. Like I am going to take that seriously.

And, you've been arguing against my points this whole time not offering one solution.

Hold this neg and don't quote me again.


wait, are you saying someones research papers which is full of opinions of why certain groups excelled is now the bible? You do know this is a researcher who is opining and that he states this fairly clearly in the research paper. Did you even read the research paper and it talked about several asian groups, China was also in there alot and grouped them all into Asia America, even talked about Anti China immigration laws in the 1800s. Did you read the paper???

so a comment on this is invalid but the opinion of the researcher is valid? There's no factual data that can tell you why Asian Americans excelled in America, because it's a social stuides are fluid...

quote where the factual data is that says this is the reason why they excelled in America, quote from the article...stop posting links, I've read more on this then you have and i'm not just googling shyt today like you.

by the way, in a real debate - since you fancy yourself some sort of debator - you don't get negs and comments behind peoples back. But you're just a solider ...


Aug 9, 2014
The actual paper discusses Japanese people:

Upward Mobility and Discrimination: The Case of Asian Americans

But, you are quoting a comment that lacks any form of credible research and just like you, goes based on "gut feelings"? Hahaha. Like I am going to take that seriously.

And, you've been arguing against my points this whole time not offering one solution.

Hold this neg and don't quote me again.


just in the synopsis of this opinoin
Historical test score and prejudice data suggest low initial earnings for Asians, unlike blacks, reflected prejudice rather than skills.

is 180 degrees different then what you've been stating. This is how i Know you're just googling and not even reading.

So now you agree that Asians were held back due to prejudice (unlike blacks who were held back because lack of skills)? LMAO


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
We just disagree on the extent of the "blindfolding". Denzels point was that don't blame the prison industrial complex. Blame the individual or whomever raised them(or didn't raise them). True the prison industrial complex needs a major overhaul, starting with the prohibition of private prisons. The only directions he's talking about giving the "blindfolded", as it pertains to this issue, is don't do crime. Because as bad as the prison system is, it still needs you, at least in theory, to fukk up right?
Life is hard but too often we are making it harder. Yes a black man has to work harder in the rat race in this country, but too often, although we start behind in this race, we go ahead and shoot ourselves in the foot to make it even harder.

It just seems like asking ourselves not to commit crimes is not asking too much of ourselves, especially when you know that is what gives this awful prison system power over you. I mean, even if white supremacy didn't exist, isn't that the SAME ideaology we would want to live by?

I don't disagree with your statements on trying to get Black parents to steer their children away from crime, but to suggest that is the solution to end predatory policing, I think, is misguided.


Aug 9, 2014
I don't disagree with your statements on trying to get Black parents to steer their children away from crime, but to suggest that is the solution to end predatory policing, I think, is misguided.


yo - there's some real idiot people in this world.


Aug 9, 2014
We just disagree on the extent of the "blindfolding". Denzels point was that don't blame the prison industrial complex. Blame the individual or whomever raised them(or didn't raise them). True the prison industrial complex needs a major overhaul, starting with the prohibition of private prisons. The only directions he's talking about giving the "blindfolded", as it pertains to this issue, is don't do crime. Because as bad as the prison system is, it still needs you, at least in theory, to fukk up right?
Life is hard but too often we are making it harder. Yes a black man has to work harder in the rat race in this country, but too often, although we start behind in this race, we go ahead and shoot ourselves in the foot to make it even harder.

It just seems like asking ourselves not to commit crimes is not asking too much of ourselves, especially when you know that is what gives this awful prison system power over you. I mean, even if white supremacy didn't exist, isn't that the SAME ideaology we would want to live by?

i mean you keep hitting the nail on the head but theirs legit people who are too angry or brainwashed to understand what seemed to be a clear point. Not sure why there's 57 pages of people having to explain the same concept over and over and people actually arguing and point fingers at the system


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
Ur confusing individualism with cultural hegemony.

Cultural hegemony attacks individualism b/c it puts in place tiers of traps to ensure many fall by the wayside. Some will muddle thru. But some will fail no matter what they do. It's like making one group walk across a field of landmines blindfolded, and making another group walk through with sight.

Sure some on both side might be blown up b/c of their individual choices, but the handicap of the second group damn sure ensures that more will fall in that group than in the other.

The cowardice is that we are always giving directions to the people with the blindfolds. "Oh just walk carefully." "Ur going too fast." "Stay on the right." "Hold hands."

But really we're too fukking afraid to say..."wait a minute", why are we made to wear blindfolds ANYWAY?

We address the smallest part of the equation w/o addressing the unfairness of the game in the first place AND THE fact that it keeps getting more and more unfair.

While we were blindfolded we didn't even notice people making shyt even easier for the other groups.
Plain individualism won't work. I need for people to take off the blindfolds and say "I'm not playing this game until it's fair." And then find their own path to the other side.

Power is held within the group, not the individual.

Good post and good analogy.