Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
so how do young black men get put in the system? Are you saying there are forced to commit petty crimes? they are forced out of the institutions of education and centers of social awareness (chuch, community centers, etc etc)?

No one is denying the effects of a racist system. It's perpetual, several posters have asked you what the solution is and you keep saying the same thing , like a parrot. We get it , there's a racist system. There's a system built against impoverished people. What's your SOLUTION. Stop repeating the same thing.

there's a lion in the do you avoid the lion????

Terrible analogy. You cannot avoid a lion if you are in the cage with it.


Mufukkaz keep dancing around the issue.

Denzel is right. It's fukkin common sense.

You people don't even care to research the data, you just sit there going with your "common sense" and "gut feelings".

You're too lazy to do any form of research on the issue which is bad, and what makes it worse is that you feel entitled to thrust your ignorant point of view on people as if it were fact.

We have so far to go before we are collectively stable in the financial sense. However, there is no reason why we cannot create children within a loving & normal, non dysfunctional home. If we gotta be broke, can we at least strive to the James & Florida Evans? Family structure & emotional stability is what I personally am most concerned about.

You cannot create a non-dysfunctional family if you are in a dysfunctional environment. The environment and reality Black people face everyday is dysfunctional.


A lot of people aren't objective on this topic and are using a bunch of silly arguments to try and validate their points of view. My life's history is not a barometer for how other Black people should live or thrive in this system. My life is just an outlier when comparing it to the realities other Black people face everyday.

And, saying "it starts at the home" is one of the dumbest talking points I've ever heard. If the home is built in a caustic environment then that environment will negatively impact the home. The people that built the home in that environment are dysfunctional because they are in a dysfunctional environment.

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
it means black men are targeted. And many of these black fathers are removed from the home for this very reason. How are yall not figuring this out? :gucci:

Do you not understand that a black man and his sister can grow up in the same household, under the same circumstances with the same set of values, and black men are going to be targeted by law enforcement. Why aren't black women going to prison at the same exact rate as black men? :what: Yall really don't understand how much these motherfukkers target black men. Some of yall claim to be smart too. THEY ARE REMOVING FATHERS FROM THE HOME, DUMBASSES. THEN YALL IDIOTS ARE SITTING HERE LIKE...YEAH nikkaS NEED FATHERS...IT STARTS WITH US. My goodness. Who's been in charge of every single aspect of american life? Who's been socially engineering black people since we landed here? Who kept resources and wealth away from black people? Who made it more enticing for black women to rely on government checks? Who's made sure black men go to prison more and longer than any other group? THAT IS THE ISSUE. blaming black people for our conditions easy shyt. If you scared to say who's really been fukking us up for centuries then just say so.

so we not responsible for our own conditions? :sas1:

we cant do nothing cause the white man got his foot on our necks? :sas2:

White man CANT hold me back in no shape form or fashion:martin:


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
so we not responsible for our own conditions? :sas1:

we cant do nothing cause the white man got his foot on our necks? :sas2:

White man CANT hold me back in no shape form or fashion:martin:

He does everyday. Your people do not control a damn thing in this country. You are allowed certain liberties though.

And, yes we are responsible for our condition. Black people have grown accustomed to living under White authority, thus I have to also live under the same authority. And Black dysfunction is on full display when some of us claim we are equal to Whites. Such delusions will only hold us back further. Acknowledge your reality and prepare accordingly.


Aug 9, 2014
The people who see it the way that I see it, are the one's who get it. They're already part of the solution.

Stop being a bytch and come out and directly state your position. Do you deny that systematic racism is the root cause of the issues facing the black community? You cats like to tap dance around shyt too much. A lot of you don't even believe in systematic white supremacy you're just too p*ssy to come out and directly say it.
You don't get it tho. You spent the first parapgraph asking stupid questions that prove you don't believe that systematic racism is oppressing blacks. The problem with these discussions is that people on your side of the issue are completely dishonest. You say that you aren't denying the effects of systematic racism but that's exactly what you're doing.

Yes, the system forces blacks to commit crimes by keeping blacks economically disenfranchised and locked out of the legal economic structure.

Yes, blacks are sabotaged and Discriminates against in both private and public education.

Stop being a bytch and just admit that you don't really believe in systematic racism against blacks.

See fellow posters this is an enslaved mind...he can't think outsjde of the white man. This is whats holding our communities back. It's this enslaved mind and the oblivious or lack of awareness to it that is creating havoc and why everything a black person speaks out on it, they get rebuked.
Terrible analogy. You cannot avoid a lion if you are in the cage with it.

You people don't even care to research the data, you just sit there going with your "common sense" and "gut feelings".

You're too lazy to do any form of research on the issue which is bad, and what makes it worse is that you feel entitled to thrust your ignorant point of view on people as if it were fact.

You cannot create a non-dysfunctional family if you are in a dysfunctional environment. The environment and reality Black people face everyday is dysfunctional.


A lot of people aren't objective on this topic and are using a bunch of silly arguments to try and validate their points of view. My life's history is not a barometer for how other Black people should live or thrive in this system. My life is just an outlier when comparing it to the realities other Black people face everyday.

And, saying "it starts at the home" is one of the dumbest talking points I've ever heard. If the home is built in a caustic environment then that environment will negatively impact the home. The people that built the home in that environment are dysfunctional because they are in a dysfunctional environment.

Read the entire analogy next time before responding . It was one post prior , which was someone walking into a lions cage... how do you avoid this scenario

And regarding your quote about creating a functional family in a dysfunctional "environment" there's several families and communities have done this. Black families rise outside the confines of the "hood" all the time. Japanese people lived in us concentration camps . Jewish people have done it. You choose to ignore because you're angry and it doesn't fit your reason for being. Ad


Mar 11, 2015
Study your history my man. Hate and fear against certain groups CAN BE MANUFACTURED.

Study how Hitler used "Media propaganda" against the Jews. Study how the 1915 film "The Birth Of A Nation" revitalized the KKK movement and also increased lynchings against blacks after its release.

You sounding hella ignorant of history right now breh. Open a book my man.

Media propaganda is the #1 tool used to control and manipulate the feelings and ultimately the ACTIONS of the masses.

Again, fear and hatred CAN BE MANUFACTURED

Where did I say it couldn't be:dahell:?I'm suggesting in this case before it was manufactured,there is a born hatred within them just waiting to be triggered by the smallest thing. Your arguing the egg came before the chicken,I'm arguing the chicken came beffore the egg. Only difference is I laid out evidence your theory can't be exactly right. I think its YOU who need to study history,as I just showed a much kinder,gentle,docile,humble negroe got it much worse from these devils. Yet here you are saying suggesting "if only they showed them better images of us:mjcry:"

I know the power of propaganda,you need to understand the power of a natural inbred sickness,coded into their dna.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
See fellow posters this is an enslaved mind...he can't think outsjde of the white man. This is whats holding our communities back. It's this enslaved mind and the oblivious or lack of awareness to it that is creating havoc and why everything a black person speaks out on it, they get rebuked.

Read the entire analogy next time before responding . It was one post prior , which was someone walking into a lions cage... how do you avoid this scenario

And regarding your quote about creating a functional family in a dysfunctional "environment" there's several families and communities have done this. Black families rise outside the confines of the "hood" all the time. Japanese people lived in us concentration camps . Jewish people have done it. You choose to ignore because you're angry and it doesn't fit your reason for being. Ad

#1 The scenario makes no sense because we are in the cage at birth.

#2 You shouldn't assume my state of mind.

#3 All of those people have foundations that came before them. Not only that, during the 1960s - as detailed in a few studies - Whites became less racist to Asians, and then the model minority term sprang into the American lexicon. I wonder why?


May 1, 2012
I don't have a position since i'm not black (Asian). Just following the discussion :yeshrug:

I see on one side brehs saying people gotta make better decisions under the fukked up conditions. Then i see you on the other side calling those people c00ns and shyt. So i asked what your solutions are. Just curious to be honest:yeshrug:
Youre not being honest though. I'm not calling anyone a c00n/cracker for saying blacks need to do better despite the racism against us, I'm saying the c00ns/crackers are those saying that racism against us can't be blamed for our circumstances. Denzel said that the system can't be blamed and that's an anti-black talking point.

Being Asian is no excuse either. Asian can see that that there's a system in place to ensure white supremacy primarily targeting blacks.


May 23, 2012
This is literally what white racists say so what makes you any different? :heh: c00ns in here giving white supremacy "yea it's fukked up but....." pass.

Its not about you as an individual, c00n. You're not the only successful individual black person here. It's about the collective dummy. Black people that have achieved individual success does not negate the system that aims to oppress blacks as a whole. The only thing you're a testament of is how little it takes for blacks to sell and be used against their own.
Sooooo, basically your position is everything is the fault of white supremacy? Black people bear NO responsibility in anything they do? Ok.


Nov 12, 2016
He's right. Careless ass mothers and good for nothing ass pappys


Feb 12, 2015
Sooooo, basically your position is everything is the fault of white supremacy? Black people bear NO responsibility in anything they do? Ok.
It's not that blacks don't bear responsibility. It's that this whole fukking conversation is hypocritical b/c people ALWAYS...ALWAYS fail to hold whites accountable. And the deafening silence when asked legitimate questions about white supremacy is yet another tool they use to continue fukking us over. It's that culture of cowardice I keep talking about.

It's that type of bytch ass mentality that makes people focus on the victims of rape instead of addressing an entire shadow paradigm in our society that wants to make it easy for sexual assault.

It's the type of sorry ass shook mentality that makes people focus on the poor while tax breaks and corporate welfare for the elite affects the bulk of our economy but dummies still outchea talm bout "dey stealin food stamps".

It's that cowardice that keeps people focusing on the small shyt because we are too fukking scared to address the white hegemonic hypocritical ass elephant in the room that has fukked us (and the world btw) over in every fukking department.

Don't talk about blks, or the poor, or those victimized. Keep that shyt behind ur teeth until you have the balls to take on the real evils. Like the fact that clean drinking water tastes funny these days out the tap, but millions of gallons are wasted in Las Vegas so the elite can watch fountains before they go play 21.

This culture of cowardice is how they get us to do their work for them. Basically it's how they get a poor ass populace to blame themselves for not having enuff despite the resources never being distributed easily. Despite them literally making more laws to help their kind get richer and continue to disenfranchise us. People have the fukking nerve to say we make excuses but are too damn afraid to address what the fukk we're complaining about.

The shyt is goofy on an existential level. Just be real and say I believe we shouldn't talk about the white supremacist machine b/c it's too powerful, so we might as well be overly critical of the little guy in this equation.

I don't ascribe to that bullshyt.


Aug 9, 2014
#1 The scenario makes no sense because we are in the cage at birth.

#2 You shouldn't assume my state of mind.

#3 All of those people have foundations that came before them. Not only that, during the 1960s - as detailed in a few studies - Whites became less racist to Asians, and then the model minority term sprang into the American lexicon. I wonder why?

1) you are just circumventing the context of the analogy by inserting your own criteria to invalidate it. Im asking for a solution to a problem and you're reply is that the problem is emboldened in why seek a solution. It's that slave mentality and defeatist attitude that makes you another crab in the barrel

3). Because Japanese people didn't let the cage become ubiquitous for their children


Aug 9, 2014
Youre not being honest though. I'm not calling anyone a c00n/cracker for saying blacks need to do better despite the racism against us, I'm saying the c00ns/crackers are those saying that racism against us can't be blamed for our circumstances. Denzel said that the system can't be blamed and that's an anti-black talking point.

Being Asian is no excuse either. Asian can see that that there's a system in place to ensure white supremacy primarily targeting blacks.

That's not what you're doing, youre trying to soften your stance now because you look ignorant as fukk, everyone you thought would stand by you, said you're on your own on this one. Wake up


Feb 12, 2015
Just the sheer fukkin arrogance. How the hell people gon tell us what the fukk WE need to do, but not a fukkin peep about whites literally raping the entire fukkin planet for the last gazillion yrs?

shyt is laughable. Fukkin cowards.
We could be on our best fukkin behavior and it still won't change the men behind the curtain.

Those whose names we too afraid to speak. Whose policies railroad over entire communities.

Hell they create the statistics. Ya'll want us to fix the black community, but hell we don't know where to start b/c the information produced about us is lies.

How many fukking "oops my bad" bullshyt statistics I gotta post b/c dummies start noticing a fukking pattern and get that maybe...the shyt produced about our community ain't true.

Ya know what. That's where we can start. Blks need to research and start producing more accurate statistics and information about our own community. We need our own peer reviewed studies. So that std rates and obesity rates and baby mama rates and deadbeat dad studies aren't conflated and pushed onto our community in a white racist attempt to lie on us until the bullshyt they spout about us is true.

Oh but we don't talk about that. Nah "blks need to..."


May 23, 2012
It's not that blacks don't bear responsibility. It's that this whole fukking conversation is hypocritical b/c people ALWAYS...ALWAYS fail to hold whites accountable. And the deafening silence when asked legitimate questions about white supremacy is yet another tool they use to continue fukking us over. It's that culture of cowardice I keep talking about.

It's that type of bytch ass mentality that makes people focus on the victims of rape instead of addressing an entire shadow paradigm in our society that wants to make it easy for sexual assault.

It's the type of sorry ass shook mentality that makes people focus on the poor while tax breaks and corporate welfare for the elite affects the bulk of our economy but dummies still outchea talm bout "dey stealin food stamps".

It's that cowardice that keeps people focusing on the small shyt because we are too fukking scared to address the white hegemonic hypocritical ass elephant in the room that has fukked us (and the world btw) over in every fukking department.

Don't talk about blks, or the poor, or those victimized. Keep that shyt behind ur teeth until you have the balls to take on the real evils. Like the fact that clean drinking water tastes funny these days out the tap, but millions of gallons are wasted in Las Vegas so the elite can watch fountains before they go play 21.

This culture of cowardice is how they get us to do their work for them. Basically it's how they get a poor ass populace to blame themselves for not having enuff despite the resources never being distributed easily. Despite them literally making more laws to help their kind get richer and continue to disenfranchise us. People have the fukking nerve to say we make excuses but are too damn afraid to address what the fukk we're complaining about.

The shyt is goofy on an existential level. Just be real and say I believe we shouldn't talk about the white supremacist machine b/c it's too powerful, so we might as well be overly critical of the little guy in this equation.

I don't ascribe to that bullshyt.
My mentality is more like I'm not weak enough to blame white supremacy for my decisions. And I wouldn't put your other examples in the same category as making a decision to commit crimes, getting caught and going to jail. Making those decisions and then blaming whitey is some weak niqqa shyt. And how you're comparing that to a rape victim or those who don't have clean drinking water is some bullshyt. Does white supremacy exist? Absolutely. But am I gonna act like it controls me and my decisions as a grown azz man? Fukk no.


May 1, 2012
Sooooo, basically your position is everything is the fault of white supremacy? Black people bear NO responsibility in anything they do? Ok.
You have to create this fake ass straw man argument and project it on me because you can't counter what I said. Why is it so hard to just acknowledge that there's a system in place to oppress blacks but it's on us to overcome anyway? Yes systematic racism is the root cause of our problems. Yes we have responsibility for what we do. As it is, blacks are the only people being held accountable. If a black person is caught even commuting the most petty of crimes he's punished by the system and often times overly punished due to being black. The people responsible for the corruption that blacks are subjected to are the one's who aren't held responsible thanks to whites AND blacks like Denzel/Cosby/you. What part of that don't you get?