Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


May 23, 2012
Stop it. There are plenty of people wuth father's and mother's caught in the legal system unjustly. While the state of the black community made it easy for blacks to fall victim to the racist and demonic judicial system, to simply put all the blame on "bad parenting" as if that is the reason for the disproportionate incarceration of blacks is simply c00n talk.

Instead of making dumb posts like this one, log off and go read "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander. Because everything you and that moron Denzel are spitting reeks of opinions based on ignorance.
From someone who has read The New Jim Crow, I can say YOU sound like the moron. While the system is bullshyt, you must notice that almost every example of injustice described in her book is prefaced by a young black man making a STUPID decision. Of course the system went way overboard on you for that kilo of cocaine you got caught with, but MOTHERFUKKER WHY DO YOU HAVE A KILO OF COCAINE??? If you know the system is fukked up, especially for people of color and poor people, why take the bait???


Jan 24, 2017
When you stop worrying about things you can't control and focus all your energy on things you can, you will see success . I am a living testament that a black man can susceed in a "white supremacy" world. It is the economics stupid, we must focus on attaining economic freedom. Live debt free and invest businesses. No excuse for failure and a life of crime.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
What do you think are the origins that bought that propaganda into effect?The propaganda originated from an innate fear and hatred these people have of us. For you to show me a picture of propaganda from a time where black men were at are most humble,approaching with hat in hand,and head bowed,dressing just the same as whites is crazy. Considering that back in that time,blacks were liable to be killed due to white irrational fears all the same.

Its dangerous for you to pretend these fears are manufactured and not innate,because it gives blacks the idea that these people can be reasoned with and reached. If only we were on our best behavior those whites would change their tune. Blacks back then were on there best behavior and still getting lynched left and right:martin:?Being lied on so those white people could confirm their irrational fears. They had a irrational fear black men would try to rape their wives and kill their family,so being that no black men were on that,they would make up a story to confirm their irrationality. These are people who are mentally ill and obsessed with us.

We see it in reverse alot on this site to,which is why I tell black people you have to be careful that whites don't become an obsession for you. In 2017 whites are simply doing the same thing they did during the Reconstruction Era. They SEEK OUT the propaganda that confirms what they already fear innately ,or what they fear based on what could be one experience,that triggers whats inborn inside of them.

They are not victims in this at all,if there is a bias recuse yourself like you would jurors that you believe are bias. They are not equipped for the job,and the fact the system doesn't do enough to find out who's bias,or make it so one persons bias doesn't have as great of an effect on a community they are not apart of,is a failure of the system. I expect a judge,cop and prosecutor to be someone whos a little more wordly who cant be brainwashed by propaganda:mjlol:

The fact they aren't,failure of the system.
Study your history my man. Hate and fear against certain groups CAN BE MANUFACTURED.

Study how Hitler used "Media propaganda" against the Jews. Study how the 1915 film "The Birth Of A Nation" revitalized the KKK movement and also increased lynchings against blacks after its release.

You sounding hella ignorant of history right now breh. Open a book my man.

Media propaganda is the #1 tool used to control and manipulate the feelings and ultimately the ACTIONS of the masses.

Again, fear and hatred CAN BE MANUFACTURED


May 1, 2012
From someone who has read The New Jim Crow, I can say YOU sound like the moron. While the system is bullshyt, you must notice that almost every example of injustice described in her book is prefaced by a young black man making a STUPID decision. Of course the system went way overboard on you for that kilo of cocaine you got caught with, but MOTHERFUKKER WHY DO YOU HAVE A KILO OF COCAINE??? If you know the system is fukked up, especially for people of color and poor people, why take the bait???
This is literally what white racists say so what makes you any different? :heh: c00ns in here giving white supremacy "yea it's fukked up but....." pass.
When you stop worrying about things you can't control and focus all your energy on things you can, you will see success . I am a living testament that a black man can susceed in a "white supremacy" world. It is the economics stupid, we must focus on attaining economic freedom. Live debt free and invest businesses. No excuse for failure and a life of crime.
Its not about you as an individual, c00n. You're not the only successful individual black person here. It's about the collective dummy. Black people that have achieved individual success does not negate the system that aims to oppress blacks as a whole. The only thing you're a testament of is how little it takes for blacks to sell and be used against their own.


Jan 24, 2017
This is literally what white racists say so what makes you any different? :heh: c00ns in here giving white supremacy "yea it's fukked up but....." pass.

Its not about you as an individual, c00n. You're not the only successful individual black person here. It's about the collective dummy. Black people that have achieved individual success does not negate the system that aims to oppress blacks as a whole. The only thing you're a testament of is how little it takes for blacks to sell and be used against their own.

Im a sellout because I believe and practice personal responsibility? Is it that hard to stop commiting petty crimes and not being at the mercy of the "corrupt" justice system?
Dec 26, 2016
and nikkas are so stupid that they don't realize their response proves the point they're in disagreement with. :pachaha:

things aren't perfect here, the system needs fixing, but please by all means through your smart phone or laptop there - explain what you've experienced in your life that rivals what's happening in Libya right now?

What's happening in Libya is Libya's problem. It has no effect on my life, and the things that black Americans face here in this country. The whole "somebody has it worse" argument is nothing more than a deflection, and just a lame attempt to try and climb upon the pyramid of moral superiority. Each of our struggles are different, however one group is suffering due to actual oppression enacted by another force, and the other is destroying itself from the inside out. I'll let you figure out which is which.

If you're going to deflect, at least try to make it relevant to the direct topic. You can't even do that properly.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
really proves the point that black boys need father figures now doesnt it :ufdup:
it means black men are targeted. And many of these black fathers are removed from the home for this very reason. How are yall not figuring this out? :gucci:

Do you not understand that a black man and his sister can grow up in the same household, under the same circumstances with the same set of values, and black men are going to be targeted by law enforcement. Why aren't black women going to prison at the same exact rate as black men? :what: Yall really don't understand how much these motherfukkers target black men. Some of yall claim to be smart too. THEY ARE REMOVING FATHERS FROM THE HOME, DUMBASSES. THEN YALL IDIOTS ARE SITTING HERE LIKE...YEAH nikkaS NEED FATHERS...IT STARTS WITH US. My goodness. Who's been in charge of every single aspect of american life? Who's been socially engineering black people since we landed here? Who kept resources and wealth away from black people? Who made it more enticing for black women to rely on government checks? Who's made sure black men go to prison more and longer than any other group? THAT IS THE ISSUE. blaming black people for our conditions easy shyt. If you scared to say who's really been fukking us up for centuries then just say so.