Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


Nov 18, 2016
What comes first? The chicken or the egg? We have to start somewhere. Simply limiting our procreation until we have a thriving and sustainable community is nonsensical and self defeating.

We have so far to go before we are collectively stable in the financial sense. However, there is no reason why we cannot create children within a loving & normal, non dysfunctional home. If we gotta be broke, can we at least strive to the James & Florida Evans? Family structure & emotional stability is what I personally am most concerned about.
Oct 22, 2017
We have so far to go before we are collectively stable in the financial sense. However, there is no reason why we cannot create children within a loving & normal, non dysfunctional home. If we gotta be broke, can we at least strive to the James & Florida Evans? Family structure & emotional stability is what I personally am most concerned about.

I can rock with this. However, it needs to be stressed - as so many examples among our imprisoned show - that children of two oarent homes in our community are just as vulnerable to the system as those raises by single mothers.


May 20, 2015
:snoop: But Uncle many black fathers have been removed from the home by the same prison system?:ld:
The lead reason men are in jail are child support. Put in place but the white goverment further practice by the black women the extract resources while abandoning the father....

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
What about the ones who did back breaking work, were denied opportunities, stayed clean, And made it?

You would have the same response.

If they give the formula and tell you it IS NOT EASY and the SYSTEM is Set up to Ffukk US, Why are so many still not paying attention and letting the system ffukk em?

Some people see other groups fukk up in public intentionally and they want the "no accountability" policy to carry through everyday life. Some brehs and brehettes in here are legit :sadbron: that they dont have the same privilege of fukking around like Timmy and Julie.

There are people that want to fukk around and act reckless for life. :manny: Denzel getting in their behinds just makes them upset


The Culture
Aug 24, 2012
If you want to think the system is unbeatable thru education, you go ahead. I don’t see what’s wrong by saying “you should educate your children about the system” and “systems” in general, which is what Denzel is saying.

If you don’t want to think it increases your chances, you can believe that too. I’d say you’re incorrect based on my own life experiences. Having parents involved in your life, ones bent on helping you understand racism in America, can help when you’re younger. I’ve interacted with the judicial system but I’ve never been punished or pursued or tied into it. I wouldn’t say I’ve done anything special either other than listen to my own father’s advice about interacting with the police. That’s why I can say Denzel’s advice is good advice. Because my own father had plenty of conversations about things of that nature. At home.

Any other point you’re making doesn’t take away from his.

what education? are you speaking beyond grade school? how many blacks in America can actually afford to further their education? that is definitely not as easy as it sounds. most end up getting themselves in debt and end up owing more money in loans than they can ever repay. maybe I missed part of the thread. elaborate.
Dec 26, 2016
You fail to realized that every other race grew up with the father in their home. Collectively, their fathers (1) married their mothers (2) took care of the home (3) witnessed a hopefully healthy relationship between their parents and (4) built the child's self esteem through active parenting b/c they had the free time and money to do so.

So when you say that it all starts with the women, I need you to understand that it also starts with men cherishing a family structure.

And I say this as a person that loathes the baby mama/baby daddy epidemic that black people are so desperately trying to normalize.

Overall, Denzel definitely has a good point, but its only half the story. Systemic racism is the other half.

And once again, it all goes back to the WOMAN. The woman picks and chooses the mate, and whether life comes through her or not. Women, especially black women need to do a better job at picking good mates, quality men that actually WANT to be fathers in their children's lives. Black women will open their legs to every nikka in the community, then get mad when the man who turns out to be her child's father doesn't turn out to be the loving father she dreamed of. Often times, these immature men who have no value for anything are products of SINGLE MOTHERHOOD ENVIRONMENTS THEMSELVES. The only way a young man or woman can have a positive view, and value marriage is IF he first witnessed it in the home, with his PARENTS as the first main influencers. So once again, it all goes back to the women, and the men that they choose.

Denzel never once stated that the system isnt racist, or has anything to do with our communities issues. This is a failure in reading comprehension on the behalf of yours and the other offended posters in this thread. If you know that a system is against people of your skin color, why would you set them up, directly on the path to end up in it? It all starts in the home first.
Dec 26, 2016
The only thing those offended by Denzels post have proven is that they all failed reading comprehension in school, and in college. Denzel never once says that the system isn't racist. But why set your child up to become a victim of it's trap through bad child rearing?
Dec 26, 2016
Denzel is human and has made a mistake here but he's far from a c00n. His history speaks for itself.

How does he have a history of c00ning? He's raised a successful family, and hasn't fallen victim to the typical nikka shyt that most black entertainers fall into the trap of. He's dedicated a lot of his money to help out black youth as well. Now all of the sudden, he's a c00n because he says some real shyt that you know is true, but don't agree with?


Nov 18, 2016
And once again, it all goes back to the WOMAN. The woman picks and chooses the mate, and whether life comes through her or not. Women, especially black women need to do a better job at picking good mates, quality men that actually WANT to be fathers in their children's lives. Black women will open their legs to every nikka in the community, then get mad when the man who turns out to be her child's father doesn't turn out to be the loving father she dreamed of. Often times, these immature men who have no value for anything are products of SINGLE MOTHERHOOD ENVIRONMENTS THEMSELVES. The only way a young man or woman can have a positive view, and value marriage is IF he first witnessed it in the home, with his PARENTS as the first main influencers. So once again, it all goes back to the women, and the men that they choose.

Denzel never once stated that the system isnt racist, or has anything to do with our communities issues. This is a failure in reading comprehension on the behalf of yours and the other offended posters in this thread. If you know that a system is against people of your skin color, why would you set them up, directly on the path to end up in it? It all starts in the home first.

#1 - I agree with Denzel, idiot.

#2 - Black men cannot lead the community if they continue to shift blame to the other sex. I never said that women did not share a part in black family dysfunction (IMO, the blame is 60/40 at most) but you are going way overboard.

Are you one of those pawgers that want to falsely claim pro black too...because that would explain a lot.
Dec 26, 2016
If you're being serious and not being sarcastic, here is the only honest answer.

WS is about control of resources and power. Economics and institutions.

EDUCATION.EDUCATION.EDUCATION. Harness and control the resources and power that we already have in our communities. Leverage that to gain more resources and power.Build and expand our economics and institutions and then we exert more control.

If you're a student of American history, there are examples of it happening here.
There are also examples in 20th century world history.

Person who isn't talking about control of resources and power is just talking out of their ass about "fighting white supremacy".REAL TALK.

Exactly. Only way to counter white supremacy is to acquire resources, and to develop our own economic power. Every other race/nationality firmly understands this, and understands that is the only way you gain a seat at the negotiation table. Meanwhile we're out here being emotional in the streets, having marches and shyt; which have all failed anyways.
Dec 26, 2016
#2 - Black men cannot lead the community if they continue to shift blame to the other sex. I never said that women did not share a part in black family dysfunction (IMO, the blame is 60/40 at most) but you are going way overboard.

Are you one of those pawgers that want to falsely claim pro black too...because that would explain a lot

You agree with Denzel, yet argue that the system isn't fair, and that we shouldn't place blame on the right individuals. You have my friend, what is called "COGNITIVE DISSONANCE." - Look it up).

Second, yes the black woman is very much to blame. She was the one who ran right into the arms of white feminist, and took the choice of welfare over having good, capable men in the home Black women share about 90% of the blame. Without her choosing welfare over selling her man out, we never would have gotten to this point. Black women had these kids without fathers with the backing of daddy government, and 40+ years of single parent homes is finally showing it's true destructive results.

Idiot, and false pro blacks want to simp, and cape for these women because they know they were likely the result of MAMA's bad decisions, and they don't want to hold up a mirror to MAMA, or themselves and hold themselves accountable. Most black men just simply don't want to admit that their mothers were no good whores, who never amounted to be shyt, other than being some nikkas cum dumpster. It's okay though, the truth is a very bitter pill to swallow for many...

Claiming Im a pawg is nothing more than an ad hominem because you choose to deflect from the real issue.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
the "judicial system" can not be separated from white kap said the origins of the modern police force is slave patrols...why you think some people call cops race soldiers?...the laws of this country are there to maintain and preserve white supremacy...
We’re not talking about white supremacy, his movie is about a fukking lawyer that’s a public defender. It’s about the judicial system


You guys need to stop reaching so much. It’s like you read a little bit about racism, now you spew out random tidbits that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. And then you pat yourselves on the back because you think you’ve championed black issues.



Jul 5, 2012
We’re not talking about white supremacy, his movie is about a fukking lawyer that’s a public defender. It’s about the judicial system


You guys need to stop reaching so much. It’s like you read a little bit about racism, now you spew out random tidbits that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. And then you pat yourselves on the back because you think you’ve championed black issues.


white supremacy is found in the judicial system... always has been..always will be since you cant blame it for what it does...why is denzel talking about parenting if the movie is just about the judicial system?... parenting and the judicial system go together but white supremacy/white racism and the judicial system dont?...
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