Denzel Washington: Don't blame the prison system, 'It starts at the home'


Jun 22, 2014
A whole lot of editorializing off the assumption he ignores the above. I don’t see where he does that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with reinforcing resilience in your kids and encouraging stronger parenting.

Are black parents ever allowed to talk about raising their kids in any fashion, without listing the above?
If it’s not mentioned, it’s ignored.
I don’t think you understand how public phrasing works, while you assume he is also including the above, the majority won’t. If not explicitly stated, then it simply isn’t included.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
the thing is, I’ve been understood figures and how blacks are disproportionately jailed. But, that isn’t the only way people end up tied in the system, and it doesn’t always come down to jailing either. So saying “it starts at home” isn’t bad. education. maybe if we thought of telling our sons and daughters more about systems, they’d learn how to avoid them. Just a thought. Because just like he said, you and I BOTH know things already but, as you illustrated so clearly, it’s been the same for 100+ years.

It doesn't matter what Black people tell their children, those children will still be targeted by those that control the system.

Some of us won't ever be jailed, some of us will get rich, but most of us will be poor and destitute, and a lot of us will be in-prisoned. This is the nature of the system we live in. Doesn't matter if all of us were able to instill the doctrine of avoiding being in-prisoned, White people want us in prison so we shall be in-prisoned whether we are committing crimes or not.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
Denzel is human and has made a mistake here but he's far from a c00n. His history speaks for itself.

Denzel does mean well, but I am tired of old folks giving the same ol' tired "solutions". Black people are just a reflection of their environment. Their environment is controlled by those that denigrate them, impoverish them, and ruin them. So you expect us to rise up and be made equals to those that control such a system? Ha! Only a foolish person would think something like that.


Nov 18, 2016
It doesn't matter what Black people tell their children, those children will still be targeted by those that control the system.

Some of us won't ever be jailed, some of us will get rich, but most of us will be poor and destitute, and a lot of us will be in-prisoned. This is the nature of the system we live in. Doesn't matter if all of us were able to instill the doctrine of avoiding being in-prisoned, White people want us in prison so we shall be in-prisoned whether we are committing crimes or not.
Facts. If we took all the loose firearms out of every hood in America, police would absolutely continue to find ways to criminalise Black people's lives.
They'd arrest you for smoking dope or drinking on your own front porch. (like they do now)
They'd arrest you for playing music too loud. (like they do now)
They'd arrest you for jaywalking. (like they do now)
They'd pull you over for a bullshyt reason, then charge you with "resisting arrest" if you so much as raised the decibel of your voice at them. (like they do now)
They'd pull you over and detain you for driving with a cigarette in your mouth.
They'd arrest you for biking on the wrong side of the road (like they do now)
They'd ticket you over the most minor infractions then charge you with a crime if you couldnt pay the fines.
They'd pull you over and question you for driving a nice car, then arrest your ass if you "talked back"

And if you aint doing even the slightest thing wrong, they'll plant drugs on you or...
They'll arrest you for being 50 feet in the vicinity of a fight or a felony taking place, then charge you for being part of a gang.


The Culture
Aug 24, 2012
I got a bunch of personal stories but I will just list two here.

One of my nephews was riding wit some homies and he was drunk. He passed out in the back seat. The other guys broke in and burglarized the home of a white guy. They shot the white guy who later died from wound infections thus making this murder. My nephew didnt know where he was or what had happened...but he was there. He couldnt afford an attorney and was locked up for 8 months on a murder charge facing LIFE because he was at the scene of a crime and could not give any testimony. I know he made a mistake, but I know the kid is a good kid and he had never been in any trouble before. The main guy ended up pleading guilty and caught 2 Life sentences to avoid the DP. My nephew had to stand trial for that but was easily exonerated because he was able to get an good attorney. That story actually didnt have a bad ending, but without that atty, he couldve been locked up for a lot longer. His record is clean basically but he was lucky that he stuck with his story and didnt have to face as much coercion as others have.

My cousin got caught with crack. I cant remember how much, but it was a relatively small amount considering the consequences. I think this was maybe in 08. Because he wouldnt snitch, they sent him out to Cali and gave him 15 year minimum. His release date was 2025. I mean they gave him 15 years for a few grams of crack. Fast-forward to 2017. After getting a new attorney, it was determined that he was unlawfully given too much time and he was released immediately. Dirty DA took his case Federal when it was only state level offense because they were pissed at they taught him a lesson. Lesson learned tho. He says he doesnt want to get as much as a parking ticket again because he spent over 8 years locked up for a charge that only carried a 5 year min term. Needless to say, he his working on a nice lawsuit right now.

these are just mild examples of things that can potentially go wrong, luckily justice prevailed in these cases, but these are exceptions to the rules.


The Culture
Aug 24, 2012
Facts. If we took all the loose firearms out of every hood in America, police would absolutely continue to find ways to criminalise Black people's lives.
They'd arrest you for smoking dope or drinking on your own front porch. (like they do now)
They'd arrest you for playing music too loud. (like they do now)
They'd arrest you for jaywalking. (like they do now)
They'd pull you over for a bullshyt reason, then charge you with "resisting arrest" if you so much as raised the decibel of your voice at them. (like they do now)
They'd pull you over and detain you for driving with a cigarette in your mouth.
They'd arrest you for biking on the wrong side of the road (like they do now)
They'd ticket you over the most minor infractions then charge you with a crime if you couldnt pay the fines.
They'd pull you over and question you for driving a nice car, then arrest your ass if you "talked back"

And if you aint doing even the slightest thing wrong, they'll plant drugs on you or...
They'll arrest you for being 50 feet in the vicinity of a fight or a felony taking place, then charge you for being part of a gang.

you forgot about standing on the corner/outside loudtalkin and/or talkin shyt. isnt that like a new part of terrorist act or something?


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
It doesn't matter what Black people tell their children, those children will still be targeted by those that control the system.

Some of us won't ever be jailed, some of us will get rich, but most of us will be poor and destitute, and a lot of us will be in-prisoned. This is the nature of the system we live in. Doesn't matter if all of us were able to instill the doctrine of avoiding being in-prisoned, White people want us in prison so we shall be in-prisoned whether we are committing crimes or not.
If you want to think the system is unbeatable thru education, you go ahead. I don’t see what’s wrong by saying “you should educate your children about the system” and “systems” in general, which is what Denzel is saying.

If you don’t want to think it increases your chances, you can believe that too. I’d say you’re incorrect based on my own life experiences. Having parents involved in your life, ones bent on helping you understand racism in America, can help when you’re younger. I’ve interacted with the judicial system but I’ve never been punished or pursued or tied into it. I wouldn’t say I’ve done anything special either other than listen to my own father’s advice about interacting with the police. That’s why I can say Denzel’s advice is good advice. Because my own father had plenty of conversations about things of that nature. At home.

Any other point you’re making doesn’t take away from his.

Tanahashi Coates

Apr 14, 2015
Haven't read through the thread as I know there's a bunch of "He's a c00n!" posts but as someone who grew up "fatherless" in 90s Chicago, having some sort of positive male influence is important. I couldn't understand why my uncle was so hard on me growing up but he would always say "The decisions you make today will have an effect later on". Of course, I used to be like ":mjlol:Yeah ok" but going back to the block and seeing the same motherfukkers still on the same shyt as 15-20 years ago now with a record, I'm like :ohhh: I had to thank him a few years back because dude helped save my life:yeshrug:


aka bx_representer
Apr 30, 2012
My Pops Forever RIP
Only race of people that publicly air out our dirty laundry for all to see. While Denzel has some points his words are damaging because they gloss over a lot of shyt and will be eaten up by you know who?
This really isn't true. Other races of people can hide behind a language that white people otherwise won't understand.


Jul 5, 2012
Like it or not, Denzel influences more people than you do and probably ever will. As far as serious black person, yes he is a role model to serious black people. Black actors aren’t serious black people? Practically any black actor will mention Denzel as a source of inspiration. Even the fact we’re talking about an interview he did shows he has more influence over our conversation than we to his.

The words that come out of you guys in this forum is ridiculous. You’re debating on the premise he isn’t your role model but it’s obvious his voice stretches longer and influences more people than anyone in this forum criticizing his words. Just because you don’t care for him doesn’t mean “serious” Black people don’t.

And when I say system, I’m talking about judicial system. Realize what he and we’re talking about. Not white supremacy
. I’ve never had interactions with the judicial system and I’m 33. So, you can bypass interacting with and getting caught up in it. I’m proof. And I would say it came from parents and upbringing, not because I was some smart kid.

the "judicial system" can not be separated from white kap said the origins of the modern police force is slave patrols...why you think some people call cops race soldiers?...the laws of this country are there to maintain and preserve white supremacy...